not for me lah. sigh. i'm just weirdodo.
okkkkk. ULTIMATE ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THE DAY: -insert cymbals-
HAHAHAHA. i had mus266 class at 9am.
i WOKE up at 9am.
and the worst thing? my brain was so warped i actually THOUGHT that it was saturday and i was right on time for my tuition later in the morning WTFWTF. only when i rubbed my eyes and thought HARDER, then i realized omfg I'M BLOODY LATE.
i rushed to grab my clothes to bathe. then i remembered and rushed back out to take my phone and sms abs to help me sign attendance first HAHAHA. wheee. i love you ex-wife HAHAHA.
i wanted to take cab down for my ex-love's lesson, but i thought it would be a waste of money since it's mostly presentations today. tsk. so i took the bus.
it was POURING outside.
i equipped myself with my jap-jacket which i've neglected due to the sweltering heat. coupled with a bright cheery pink stripey top/dress. and shorts underneath for safety precautions HAHA. and high socks zomgggg!!!! super long never worn already! =DDDD
ohh, and yes, the pretty fairytale whites converse. i got them a little dirty cos' of the rain, but still very niceee! (((:
yar lah. it's like got my attire planned out right zzz. no leh, it's standard stuff i wear. yawns. yarr, i'm just weird. can't help it. i seldom plan my outfit unless it's for major occasions like DATES/CONCERTS/PRESENTATIONS.
i left the house at 930am lor. ZZZZZ the bus came only at 945am, and i got onto 184 finally at 955am. DAMN DOTS. WTF. it's like my house was located way back at jurong like that. take so long -_-'''
and i ended up squeezed between two guys and infront of this campus superstar wannabe-but-didn't-make-it-who-lives-near-my-estate-guy. ZZZZ. keep seeing him on 189. and he really stares like wanna be recognized like that HAHAAH hellooo. the more you wanna be recognized, the more i PRETEND i don't know you. yucks.
(thankfully the guys had no B.O. ehhhh, regarding B.O part you must understand cos' my house is VERY near many secondary schools. and i tell you!!! IN THIS SUMMER, it's NOOOOO JOKE ok! 0.0 i got so stunk-out by a gang of sec school boys before cos' they bombed the bus after their PE/soccer event wtf)
so i reached school at 10am. was outside the lecture room at 10:02am wondering if i should enter since class ends at 1030am. WTF HAHAHAH. as i was contemplating, who else comes round the corner butttttt......
he was damn shocked to see me so late HAHAHAH seee!!!!! proves i'm like a damn good student ok! HAHAHA =D (ok, the two uncles were pretty surprised also. sheesh.)
ok lah. he told me to go in. so with reassurance and seeing it was intermission between the groups' presentation, i went in cautiously. i had PREVIOUSLY checked that Dr. G was at the other extreme end from which i would be making my grand entrance and hopefully the chaos would distract him from seeing me.
so i stepped in clutching my bag and putting on the most innocent face ever.
zzzz. as i climbed up the stairs with my eyes riveted downwards..........
Dr. G came down the steps TOWARDS ME. ZOMG WTFWTFWTFFFFF!!!
sueyness. he saw me in full view. like....totally nothing to block lor. zzz. i was a good 30cm away from him. he was still as smiley and grinny and nicey and asked me "why so late!!?!" in a veryyyy kind tone.
i flashed my apologetic and this desperate wanna-be-cute-to-get-off-the-hook-but-fail-cos'-i-cant-do-cute-for-nuts-look at him. HAHAHAHA. wah sian. i know the stupid back row crew made a loud comment which i unfortunately didn't catch. but heck lah. don't like them hmpfff.
i obviously didn't answer. no.1-->didn't wanna lie. no.2-->didn't wanna look like i was finding excuses for my lateness. aiyaaa. i really didn't mean to be late one. =((((
hope you forgive me my dear HAHAHA. (((:
break before com249! beef burgers are like the new hot trend HAHAH. abs ate two today 0.0 wow. this is upgrade from orange pulps. keep up the good work abbychan! =D
bumped into nehneh coincidentally as i was walking back from the stall carts. wooo. she bought jellybeans from marks and spencer!!!
ayeee. felt damn out of place cos' i looked rather haggard from the morning rush. =((((
plus my watch was still in repairs and i keep looking at my wrist out of habit only to find myself watchless and timeless. zzzz.
BUT JOYYY!!! it's back from repairs already!!! =DDD found it sitting on my desk when i got home at night! =)))
see! haggard to the max. jelly and jellybellybeans! (:
bubble tea. lunch.
peanut pancake from the carts. nice aunty!
messy table. wooooo. can you spot what's mine? =D
abs: "the beans are very juicy!"
--> picture taken when she was saying JU- part of JUICY HAHAHAH. oops so unglam.
i have no idea how come the background lighting so surreal. but so nice! =DDDD my face is getting squarer by the day. zzz. i think i wished for too much jawline HAHAHAHA. i want pixie face please thank you!!!
my phone makes everyone's complexion look so damn good. wanna try? come come!!! take pictures with my viewty one piece 10cent HAHAHAHA.
SEE ABOVE PICTURE!!! first time in my life my face smaller than nehneh. like...WOW. HAHAHAH only cos' she blocked 3/4 of my face -_-'''' suan le.
SEE SEE!!!! like...twice her size now. ayeee. =( recessive genes lor.HAHAHAH.
small eyes. boo.
watched goodnight and goodluck finally today during class after repetively seeing the DVD during work at videzy. i must say it really got the message across to me. others said it was boring and too factual. i thought the content was engaging and intense boosted with really good camerawork.
oh and i realized i might hafta change the date of my braces removal cos' of classes. actually would clash with mus266 leh. zzz. can't mans. must change it soon. tskkk. please don't postphone. i rather bring forth HAHAHA.
P's tuition drained me. zomg. 3 fucking hours of nonstop hits. -_-
ok lahhh. new part of topic. spent more time lor. sighhh i'm so nice can. =( unpaid somemore.
talked to the mum till around 815-820pm about P and school and life. then went home. reached doorstep only at 9pm. tired like....don't know what.
attire for today!
manik says i looked striking(i confirmed it to be of a positive connotation)-good-sexy(!!!!???) today! =D wheee. so happy. one compliment a day keeps jelly happy. HAHA. HINT HINT HINT people!!!!
personally i was pissed with my skin (mini pimple outbreaks i don't know why =() and messy overgrown hair(too long never cut liao) and my bigbutt(further emphasized by the stripes).
BUT YES LAH i'm ANAL, so ignore me.last shot of the day. wheesh.
i feel immense guilt. i wanna turn that guilt into something intangible to spur me on, instead of letting it eat me up alive slowly. this ain't the kind of death i want.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!! let me redeem myself. i can't afford to do badly. it's time i be in control. and it's time you relish limitless good luck on me.
"goodnight, and good luck"
i've got my eyes on you.
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