THIS LOOK TOTALLY ROCKS SOCKS CAN!!!! ayee. how come until now i still can't find my perfect high-waist shorts/skirt. =((((( i need something structured and smart. and that blazer/cardigan over is simply chic!!!!
GODDDDD. i'm such a clotheshorse. but these are really staples. =(((( WHERE CAN I FIND THEMMMMM. people with valuable information regarding such clothes (and won't cost me bombs) please tag me okkkk. =(((
finally met D at videzy. ahhh, quite nice to work with. very focused person and very efficient. abit un-used to his work style, but as long as it didn't clash with me, i'm fine. (:
he kindly asked what i would like to drink around 7plus. i said bubbletea, but since the nearest bubbletea shop was quite far from the shop, i told him to forget it since i can always drink plain water.
BUTTTTT he bought it and treated me! LOLs. so nice can. AYE.
(((: sweet night. passed fast. human taffic was manageable. company was tolerable. customers were considerably nice.
leap years was on replay for the entire night. loved the soundtrack to bits. nice plot, romantic and all, but being the skeptic i am, i doubted the plausibility of it happening in reality.
ayeee, all the ancient greek mythology and beliefs and shakespearean quotes got me thinking.
is it really so easy to believe in love? no bounds?
HAHA and i cannot believed D exclaimed uber loud when i was mumbling that it's impossible for 3 guys to be exceedingly in love with a single girl at any one time. i'm not talking about crush or childish infatuation or lust. it's...love.
and i wistfully wondered outloud how it would feel; bliss or conflict?
D was like "don't tell me right now you don't haveany guys going after youuuu???!!!!"
i was like 0.0 "don't have what." (which is 100% true)
the theory that when one goes into university, he/she would meet many compatible partners is bullshit. LOL. at least it doesn't hold true for me.
maybe i'm too strange and atypical.
ok enough musings and ramblings and rubbish for night. kinda tired. nehneh can't study with me tml. so guess i'm alone. sigh. what's new.
i need sugar rush.
ps: OHHH! uncle 1 just told me on msn that i looked womanly on friday HAHAHAHA the two ponytails shitty thingy actually was approved by him zomgggg. i got 100/100 for being girly enough ok!!! HAHAHAHAHAAHAH. miracle happened. =DDD
does this mean i must dress more like that and resist the urge to slap myself ? HAHAHAHA.
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