will be spending it mugging mostly. zzz. philo quiz on next tues and i don't catch ball about what Montaigne talks about. zzz. him and his gall stones grr.
so i have no idea what are the plans for tomorrow because haoz and gang have not updated me. zzzz. morning 11-3pm i should be having tuition. then after that is....DOTDOTDOT fill in the blank for me.
anyway, the presents this year have been really wonderful so far. and because i gave people the theme of stars and skulls and diamontes (BLING BLING!) this year to facilitate gift purchases, i do feel like i'm celebrating national day or something wtf.
HAHA. but heyyy, the gifts rock to the max to the coreee. (: random pictures first! (((:
my camera suddenly changed its functions and automatically took pictures that are of lower resolution zzz. hence the small pictures. sorry peeps.
forever she don't want to look at me sobsob. this was taken during mus266 (:
wah lau. picture taken the day after i kicked the bus stop seat (bloody marble stone) at esplanade. pain like DOTDOT.
ok my hair is getting messy again. grrrr. HOW COMEEEE??!! i think my hair really grows as fast and in all directions like weeds.
and ya lah, water retention, damn fat everywhere BOOHOOOHOOO.
new love. need i say more? =D
GAHHHH DOUBLE CHIN!!!! -kicks myself. seee! abby chan don't like to take pictures with me. HAI.
pf seems to be adopting the geeky look recently. nice specs though! taken during philo break...
HAHAH akimi caught off guard. sorry babe. but i think cute lor this picture. =D
abby the supersonic walk so fast. HAHA.
another walk fast fast. yes yes, the office is at level 2. zzzz.
taken with nehneh at bus stop after school. met her to take bus to clementi mrt together. every friday she goes to the stupid bear's house and me....? i go home lah dots. HAHA.
was looking at my cabinet containing all the little trinkets i've received over the years from friends. this caught my eye. (:
i think my love for snow globes is never-ending and never-ceasing. their beauty is awe-struck inducing. snowglobes with wonderful handiwork and intricate figurines inside; not to mention the rare function of wound-up music(even rarer for the little melody you love). i love snow and i love snowman. (: abby got me this anyway (: not for my birthday lah. it was a gift some time ago (i don't recall any occasion zzz).
makes me wonder...if we're little people living in our own little snow globe. what's out there? when the glass breaks, will the reality be revealed? what's real and what's not?
the answers are everywhere.
the art of questioning.
i wanna live in the snow globe forever with mr. snowman.
ok, the gifts!! so far, that is. HEHE.
from the sista! a bling bling belly button earring and a star bling stud. YUMS. i loveee bling! (: the handwork is really great for this piece. i cannot spot anything wrong with it! it's made of all swarovski crystals!!!
even the "roundy" is bling!!! zzz. sis says must pay more for bling "roundy" lor. HAHAHA. wah lau cheat people money mans.
SO BLING!!! love or not??? =DDD I LOVE! diamonds are my best friendssss.
next, nehneh's present for me! (:
nopes, she didn't get me DSlite as promised lanpekkk. HAHAH. ok lah, but still nice! (:
starry boxxxxx. wheeee. bling!!! HAHA.
wahhhh. machiam 3d effect.
the contents. looks so messy hor? ok don't worry, i one by one show you what each item means zzz.
basically the messy stuff contains these things. origami roses of different colours made painstakingly by nehneh omfg. saga seeds wahhh. paper starsss. and random fake sweets and cakes and cupcakes for decoration wtf. make me hungry only.
the roses. pretty eh? (: my mama's pretty impressed with them HAHA she say nehneh so patient and fold.
eh my life better be a bed of roses lor HAHAH.
the fake desserts wtf. nehneh next time please put REAL ones thank you. i'm hungry looking at them 0.0 the fake cupcakes are the CUTEST things lorr. seriously. got rainbow rice on it some more HAHAH.
saga sweets to say "i love you and will think of you when i'm not with you" from nehneh. (:
paper stars! all folded herself also. it's disturbing to see nicely shaped LARGER stars and very retardedly shaped smaller stars. tsk tsk. LOL.
the remnants. basically it's potporri inside too.
wtf. detox drinks for me. wtf.
the yellow stick thingy from the fortune-telling bottle i blogged about before. apparently she gave me this because the yellow represents "yes, definitely" and she wants me to know that whatever happens she'll support me HAHA.
zomg this is winner hands down ok. SHE GOT THAT "ROUNDY" for me!!!!! -_-''' now my star has renewed hope. wheeee!!! ok suddenly i have too many blings how to decide which to wear????!!!! =(((
i hate deciding minor things like this because i'll develop favourites HAHA. and i don't wanna favouritise my blings because it's so unfair to the other pretty ones!
a mysterious box. what's inside? for a moment i thought nehneh wanna propose to me lor HAHAHA. and to think i opened this is coffeebean wah lau.
WEETS! skulls with bling bling. zomg and nehneh says it's custom made from the bear's family boutique WAH SEH. meh. i feel so touched ok.
plus it's all real diamonds according to nehneh. wahhh. -faints- i'll get robbed ok. HAHAHA.
dangling earrings design. bling-ed me upside down.
niceeeee i say! (: thank you my love. HAHA. i cannot be too mushy because i seriously cannot take it myself.
nowwww, for the combined present for me from MZ, ABS and YAN. wheeee. love you peeps.
and i arrived at philo class(first class for the day) and abs was there already 0.0. rare ok. HAHA. but i didn't suspect anything at all.
then she asked me to look under the table wtf. I WAS HALF EXPECTING A CACTUS TO BE STARING BACK AT ME.
i seriously thought the 3 of them gonna give me some random cactus for my present ok!!!! but no! no cactus!!! no cacti!!! i'm so happy!!! (:
the really national day box and its contents......wtf. HAHA. white tee with neon stars zomg. 0.0 and they bought me a right size too! wahhhh. i love them seriously ((((:
black and pink starry tie!!! (((: see also happy ok. HAHAH. pink and black rocks my socks to the max to the core! =D
the very pretty ribbon. i love it like mad!!! heart-shaped pattern ok!
the black and white 2-piece star dog tag. WHEEE so nice! (: just nice i need an accessory! omggg i'm uber happy ok!!!! =DDD
random badges with random animals wtf. HAHAHA. i see mz inside. and myself! beside the badges is the card written by my laopo (ex) nonetheless. HAHAHA. wah seh love note. sorry ah, i still won't buy HDB for you. =(
ok thus marks my presents so far.
i dropped by clementi to photocopy the mus266 book. WAH LAU it costs freaking $42 for that book ok!!! of cos' i cheat abit lah. i asked the photocopying shop uncle and he said photocopy only $10++ lor. wtf HELLO SAVE MONEY. especially i pay everything myself damn poor liao ok.
i think i can become that uncle's regular HAHAHA.on my way back to the interchange, saw CityChain and decided to enter and check out the watches. JUST NICE THEY CARRY THE MARC ECKO BLING SKULL WATCH ZOMG!!!
and it's only $250+ after gss discount!!! quite ok lor!! and it's SIBEI BLING cos' the salesgirl suggested i try it on and IT BLINGED ME UPSIDE DOWN. HAHAHAHA. it's all cubic zirconia diamonds. 0.0 love love love.
fits perrrrfectly. (((:
buttt, i think i should check out more automatic watches first. since it's gonna be a sentimental, valuable gift from the parents (which is rare). but automatic watches will definitely cost wayyy more than my marc ecko!
like WTF IT'S A PIECE OF ART LORRRR. -faints. ((((((((: -dies and goes to bling heaven-
anyway, for MY gift to myself this birthday, i decided to get a tattoo on my wrist. it's been damn long since i wanted to get a really nice one on the back of my wrist...so i decided...heck it, i'll do it this 21st! =D
i wanted a snowflake design with really intricate artwork designs but none appealed me and the artwork were ugly. so...i settled for a black rose which is really pretty all the same.
quite painful ok. wtf. i almost died getting it. =(
ok this is how it looks like--->
nice right? ayeee.
i think it's hot! =D
yayyyyyy!!! new accessory to my limbs! (((:
ok lah. i didn't get the tattoo. it's fake wtf. it's those kinda stick-on type i bought from the pasar malam at outram. i thought the design was rather nice so i just buy for fun lor! =D
it's true i've always wanted a tattoo at the back of my wrist and at the side of my upper neck. star and snowflake. but ok....i don't have the tolerance level to go for it. nor the guts. besides, the tattoo issue has been bugging me for ages. permanent leh =(
so get fake one make myself happy first. HAHA. it's sibei chio. (:
pity i only got one, or not can continue to fake people that it's real. HAHAHA.
ok my mama asked me which gang i am from during dinner. black rose!!!! HEI MEI GUI!!! wtf.
gene bought this for me for my birthday!!! (i'm not sure if it's a shared present by haoz and the rest...)it's on the way shipping to meeee. =DDD cannot wait to lay my hands on this. exclusively japanese mix-style brand. their designs rock to the core ok. seriously smashing good accessory even if your ipod sucks HAHA.
ok the irony. i don't have any decent player. haiii.
enough! i shall embark on the never-ending philo readings. bianggg. damn alot ok. =((((((((((( and GOT QUIZ LORRR. fucked. LL, PLEASE BLESS MEEEEEE WITH GOOODDDD LUCKKK!!!
okkk, shall blog more about my birthday soon! (:
thank you peeps for all the lovely presents. REALLY, the thought of it makes me wanna cry from being so unbelievably touched. -sniffs-
i lurbyouguystothemaxtothecoreeee.
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