studied some. still barely halfway through the book for tuesday's test. SIGH. i'm such a huge procrastinator lor.
i love montaigne!!!! rock my socks yooooo. aye wtf.
i love the new sneakers ok!!! ehhh, i just remembered must give those people who shared for my shoes some money cos' the superstition says that if not i will "Run away" or something like that. zzz. better be safe than sorry huh. don't worry peeps i won't run away from everyone because i love you all too much.
wah pig trotters say hi to the cameraHAHAHA. ROCK TO THE MAX RIGHTTT. so chio. it's like smiling at me happily.
and i realized something: after trying out KAPPA and CONVERSE sneaks, i realized that i know why i love CONVERSE. THE QUALITY IS GOOOOOD.
i wore it out today for dinner with the family and IT DID NOT EVEN BITE INTO MY POOR TOES OR HEELS. WAHAHAHAHAAH. happiness. -beams- THANK YOU PEOPLE AGAIN FOR THE GORGEOUS SHOES!!!
my papa loved it so much (although he did complain that i got one new pair of sneakers to block the doorway HAHA) that he wanted to kop it and wear ok wtf. his giant feet cannot fit lah biang.
family settled on ichiban boshi because i suggested it to them. zzz. they always ask me for recommendations to dine cos' they always think i eat at high class restaurants alot wtf. but i only eat at korean and jap places that's also not called high class lor please.
anyway now also never eat out so much already me broke broke HAHA.
waiting for fooood. took alot of pics. i'll let the pictures do the talking ya? ((((:
sisterly love. and really, i am beaten hands down. my sis is so pretty aye why am i like that??? -sulks- HAHAHAH. and ya lah i really should not smile with my eyes (very bad example) till cannot see my eyes at all.
and ya lor, both of us got big big forehead. but hers looks nicer leh. mine i think cos' my face is like pancake HAHAHA BIG AND FLAT BIANG.
i think cos' i sleep on my face alot ISSIT??? zzzz. sian.
strawberry geisha HAHA my papa ordered this. i wanted to drink lor but quite ex and i think not very worth it. but i think maybe papa knows and bought it anyways HEH. papa love?
mama and papa. woots. long time never eat out as family happy happy aye. my papa got fat nose does this mean got good luck and a lot of money? HAHAHA. i also got fat nose (recessive genes from him)!!!
pancake face and small face duo. WTF. i swear braces caused me to lose definition in the facial features ayee COME BACK JAWLINE.
menu. that's sis's nails lah. mine so black.
to match with ala carte.
MAMA's side dish.
JAP green tea. nice cup.
MINE. the chawamushi smelt damn good i could smell it as i took this picture wtf. and we all waited for everyone's dish to arrive before eating together. wahhh so united right HAHAH.
papa's. damn funny cos' i kept snapping away and i forgot to snap papa's meal cos' his arrived LAST and i was ready to eat already. then he said "EH NI BU YAO PAI MEH??"
HAHAHAHAHA wtf. thanks huh i think my camwhoring habits are like damn conspicuous wtf. EH BIANG see my sis's skinny arm wtf. sian. mine is like twice hers. hosei bo. I'M SO FAIRRRR. i love my nice smooth blemish-minmal fair skin and i miss my tanned skin too. but ayeee. SUN-PROTECTION IS IMPORTANT HAHAHA.
i'm starting to worship garnier's spf 30 moisturizer-combined-whitener. HAHAHA. see use one year can become as white as me. COME COME ENDORSE ME PLEASE GARNIER.
eh i'm so demure and sweet. WEET WEET. ok lah, if i don't burp right. i'm trying ok! (((:
rare pretty aye picture HAHAH. (: thank you. i'm so thick skin.
my sis asked me how i make this dreamy mode HAHAHAHA. ermmms. it's actually cos' i wrapped my phone and the front camera got wrapped along and there was no hole cut out for it so ya lah dots. HAHAH.
she just show me -_-'''' face. HEHE.
bottles of sakkeeee.
the parents.
the pancake face.
my head like got no neck zzz.
empty plates and bowls! i was so full i could't finish my stuff. emptied like half of my meal onto papa's plate. -dies from overeating- see lah biang. i think philosophy has gotten into me. HAHAH.
chatting randomly about a lot of stuff over the table. took pics of my lovely sneaks! i shall call this fairytale whites. (((:
MAMA MADE ME DO THIS. she say finish eating must take picture with orange in my mouth wtf. trying to punish me for camwhoring lor. HAHAHA.
it's sunkist orange. sia lahhh. i got like one hole in my mouth zzzz.
omg pancake face just upsized itself. zzzz.
grrr. no one will love me after seeing this HAHAHA.
this is the nicest shot after the 3rd try with orange in my mouth my mouth was cramping up. sibei big ok. zzz.
ayee sorry for being a bitch. but i love my skinnnn. tofu tofu come back to mamaaa. ((((:
ya lah. this is me. wheee wheeee.
this is the darkest picture of today. HAHAH. omg i just realized i look like chipmunk drinking here. zzz. and can see my nehneh-proclaimed-MEATGROWTH on my left eyebrow siann.
sis says its scar leh. idon'tknow what is it. zzz.
sis's arm pointing to something to my parents (they were talking i was camwhoring HAHA). ya lah very graceful HAHA ok sis. my arm damn flabbly lor. she's whiter than me ok. she really FAIR like snow white.
i think papa was frowning cos' talking about rising rice prices wtf. HAHAHA. i swear our family is quite news-conscious. HAHAHA every morning as i prepare for school i listen to ZAO AN NI HAO on tv biang. -_-''''''
small eyes and big eyes. see lah specs sucks. how come she get full eye-sight and i'm half blind. unfair ok. =(((
i don't care lahhh. force my eyes to be super bigggg and take this picture HAHAHAH. play cheat. but i look constipated. 0.0
the bill came up to a modest below $100 and i think it's quite ok lor. cheapest you ever eat right papa HAHAHA i think for your wallet ok. (((: he suggested Mxxx hotel one but i really think no need go the the expense. it's the company that matters! (((:
wish us happy family forever. i wish that papa and mama don't need to work so hard to foot our fees and living expenses. i wish we'll be a well-to-do enough family to enjoy little pleasures and yet modest to know the virtue of saving and planned-spending. (: wishwish. wah so sweet can. happy marriage long long sweet sweet HAHA. behind me and sis also holding hands happily ever after (YA RIGHTTTT). going carrefour to get bread for breakfast. carrefour has officially retired from my papa's favourite supermart.
now my papa worships sheng shiong HAHAHAHAHAH.
grin grin grinnnn.
bread or me? i'm pancake ok. yummy.
wtf got lao ah pek behind me HAHAHA.
wah my nostrils quite small. see children, to get small nostrils DON'T DIG YOUR NOSE OFTEN OKKK. listen to jiejie HEHE.
finding icecreammmm. ok you'll probably realized my hair looked so messy in the pictures. cos' i was still reading my philo at 6pm and my parents asked me how come i'm not bathing cos' going out to eat WTF.
i bathed and got out of the house with them at 635pm. zzzz. my hair was so wet lor. never style at allllll (not that it made any difference but at least can wax it or something).
ok seriously enough blogging. shall upload my birthday pics when gene uploads them! (((:
back to studying ayeee. it seems like i can never finish and remember at the same time. siannn. don't need sleep tonight.
and i kinda miss working at videzy. i wonder if anyone misses me HAHAHA. =D
ok thanks to uncle yang for wishing me belated birthday HAHA. he asked me what does rock socks mean zzz. generation gap lah.
byebyelove ya all. if you cannot sleep just find me. i'll be fucking montaigne tonight so sexay.
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