trapped in under. mum apparently destroyed it in the morning. i even left a note for whoever who wakes up earliest to warn them about the kazua. HAHAHA.
so today was awesome tuesday! =D everything good has been happening and...i love it!
ok, morning i was late. i arrived on the dot at 9am and stampeded through the door panting like a pig after running 4 levels up. i think i almost had asthma attack. my fitness i dropping. aye. i'm serious.
HAHA. zzz. LUCKY Dr.G haven't started the lesson. -beams- love him mans HAHAHA.
then as i was collecting my breath and climbing the steps, scanning for abs' face, that stupid kx and forgot-his-name(zzzz so bad with names) TSKKK-ed me damn loud saying "ORH HOR LATE HUHHHH!!" wtf HAHAHA. slap them mans. uber uncle lor the both of them. peas in a pod. =D
met them later in marina before the performance! wahhh, didn't expect to see them walking past kfc, or EXPECT them to see me LOL.
quiz was anyhow wham. piak-ed in all the stuff i learnt in his lecture. wish me loads of good good luck and that Dr.G gives me a decent A!!!!!
then was end of class after the quiz! HOSEIIII. was supposed to EAT cos' breakfast sucked and abs was HUNGRY TOO (miracle ok). but she had to go meet tongtong. zzz. and i was left alone; starving and....sleepy.
i strolled around, paced back and forth, got tea, drank tea, threw cup away, strolled back to class, grabbed a weird looking thing out from the breakfast carton, bit once, bit twice, wrinkle eyebrows, give up, about to throw away, walks towards dustbin.
"hey!! how was the test just now??"
"huh? erm..hahah alright lah, anyhow plonked answers i guess. -grimace-"
and conversation ensued. HAHA. the name is MQ =D. nice guy i must say. mature beyond his years, but still very much under-exposed to the evils of this world LOL.
but thanks to him, i had company for the rest of the time till phi101 BECAUSE ABBY CHAN WAS BUSY WITH TONG TONG AND DIDN'T CAME DOWN AFTER A MILLION YEARS.
chatted quite a bit about our results, schools, ccas, interests, hobbies, leisure activities, friends, life, expectations, psychology, communications and even lecturers LOL. again, he joined the group of people who think i'm from NETBALL wtf. zzzz.
and he thinks i party a lot wah biang i'm so guai please. HAHAH. and he said something very amusing: that communication students seem very "Hip" and i was very fashionable HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. peng on the spot.
his friends were bustling around but he was kind enough to stay and talk to me about random stuff. lol. it was a nice feeling. damn. i like nice people (: he had to leave and me too. bumped at the toilets after phi101 class though! (: new friend made! GOOD WORK, tjl!
phi101 watched film about Stanford university prisoner/guard experiments. i'm sure i read this somewhere else. all these experiments, either from ugc, comms, or psy. LOL.
interesting film though aesthetics sucked. discussed. release. CHIONG TO CINELEISURE FOR GENE'S BIRTHDAY!!!
late. so ended up running like mad. was drizzling. while waiting at the junction to cross the road towards cine, i was shielding my head using my palm. this lady who was a good one metre away from me suddenly stepped and stood next to me, holding her umbrella ABOVE THE TWO OF US. i was shocked i stared at her for 3 seconds before thanking her profusely.
zomggg. touched ok. first time in singapore someone offered me a shelter with umbrella. 0.0 -big wet eyes-
made small chat. she escorted me to cine safe and sound and very much drier than i ought to be. (: thank you, stranger miss lady. you are so nice you will have good things happening to you. although i never figured out why, out of so many people, you extended your help to me and not others who were also in the rain. heh. but greatly appreciated.

seriously. now praying liao.
"dua pek gong, please grant me my wishes and keep zihao from harrassing me. thank you."
HAHAHAHA. okok. i hope i didn't break you heart, marshy darling. -innocent smile- (((:
yayyy. may your wishes come true! (:
zzzz. no comments. spot the odd one out lor.
again. -_-'''
wahhh so engrossed. i wonder what the topic was about.
after they finished their meal, i met them at cine for movie: MADE OF HONOR.
HAHAHA. i hugged white ass!!! finally! (:
and erhem, gene says i look pretty today okkkk. -beams-
ok i can see the sky falling down -_-'''
movie was good! the typical awww kind of story. but feel-good and unrealistic. i doubt most friends end up like that. zzz. i cannot imagine it happening anyway HAHAH.
the rest ate and were not hungry. so i insisted on me eating since i hadn't eaten anything. NYDC it was; outside heerens.
baked rice, mud pie shared. presents finally revealed. decoy first HAHA.
"oh no...what is it??"
" shittt. how come got laceee."
SEXAYYY MAMAAA. HAHAHA. hot lor. gene wanted to wear with his tight tight shorts zzzz.
he's up for sale! any takers? haoz, you are off the bidding HAHAH.
actually, he does look quite happy. maybe he really liked it. =D
ok lahhh, the REAL thing.
limited edition Calvin Klein briefs. woohoooo. GOLD BAND OK. sibei cool. (((: stupid lor, haoz and i thought the price tags all torn out. but INSIDE the box still got one more wtf. HOW COME ISETAN EVERYTHING EVERY PLACE ALSO MUST TAG???!
a book. HAHA. eh can see my fat flabby arms wtf.
he looks happy with the gifts. and i was keeping the decoy present lah HAHA. that's NN there! (: finally, you guys know already eh? heheh. secret well kept!!! =D
watching video! =D omg i'm so round.
laughter around the tables. looks happy. makes me happy. (: all i need is company.
YAYYY THIS GROUP PICTURE GOT ME. but no yang and sharon zzz.
all of them wanna learn my zhao pai sign ok HAHAHA. cute what, cannot mehs zzz. -thick skin- HAHAHA. YAY i love u much much white ass!!! older already, more lies ahead in this journey! i have faith you'll excel in everything you do. (:
(wahhh, i realized thanks to gene cannot see my fat arms!!! okkkk, but i realized my face is really round wtf.)
aww i love this picture. damnnnnn cute ok!!! -grins-
another group picture!
then was farewell and headed down to cityhall, esplanade, for the Singapore Arts Festival performance--Radio and Juliet.
it was so tragic, heart-wrenching, absorbing, thought-provoking and haunting all rolled into one. 0.0 may be the best play i've watched so far. the lighting, the set, the chreograpghy, the film, the dancers. deserving of the 6 encores i say!!! (: edward clug is officially my idol nowHAHA.
before the play, i managed to convince darling and i to camwhore while waiting for the rest to arrive. after this was a series of panic attacks since everyone was late and we were going to be rejected admission if the rest didn't come (no intermission). luckily, they arrived on time. phew.
saw Dr.G and supposedly daddy. aww. filial ok. HEHE. with like blue national day bag and blue shirt. classic mans. ok lah, but he's damn nice. i forgive him. i even sat next to him during the performance. (: -angel- HAHAHA.
she was trying to seduce me.
happy together forever ahhh. but divorced HAHA.
ayee seeee! she's making me buy a HDB flat for her. NO WAYYY. HAHAHA.
after the performance!!! GROUP PHOTO!!! ok, these people may look foreign on my blog. introducing from left after me--Grace(G), sarah lopez (SL). back: Hans (HS)---> not to be confused with Hboss!!!
NICE PICTURE OK. but haiii cannot see my sneakers. SAD. it's like highlight of my outfit since it's so BRIGHT PINK HAHAHA. ok i suck. =( thanks to sis for the thick belt though. yayyy. made me look so thin today (: and also the black dress was neglected way too long! finally wore it again!
walked to find food and group toilet tripHAHA.
at makan sutra! abs is feeding me fake prawn necklaces HAHA.
seeeeee. she don't want take picture already. ayeee. I'M SO FAIR!!! zomg. no flash at all ok.
HS buying food.
rather sparse.
erms. me and ebi. HAHA. HS thought it was REALLL prawn and he got confused how come i bought ONE prawn only HAHAHAHwtf.
ok i wanna eat it. looks damn real. kids, please do not try this at home!
ebi:" i love alcohol!!!"
beer's HS.
G! heh. on the phone with bf most prob!
okkkk. long entry. i think i've said all i wanted to say. OMG it's 3:50am. i'm so dead.
phi101 class in 8 hours or so. dieee. then tuition for P after school. stupid B cancelled cos' her china relatives come to Singapore to visit. less income mans. grrr.
ok i hope Pboss don't fire me or get pissed cos' i work lesser than most part-timers. =( i really am a good worker ok!!! heh heh. ayye.
today has been a really good day. very different from yesterday. thank you, higher powers for making me regain hope in things.
everything and nothing is certain and uncertain, i can only take a step at a time.
sleepy. tired. good night loves.
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