i don't know what i did to deserve all these and the friends but i'm glad the higher powers granted me with these lovely darlings. i mean it. without them, i'll rather not live.
thanks to all who wished me happy birthday!!
*haoz was the first to call and wish me.
*monz and edwin were the first to sing birthday song for me. abeit monz was nearly tone-deaf HAHA
*i thought gene forgot because i only received his sms in the noon wtf WAH LAU. made me so sad ok. HAHA
*thanks to monky aka terrell for the surprise sms! zomggg. HAHA ya lah very nice lah still put my birthday in reminder SORRY i forgot yours =( shall see you in school soon AND I WANT A RIDE IN YOUR CARRRR
*to roy for remembering! =DDD must meet soon okkkk.
*peeps like mz, yan, abs, nehneh, akimi, gracellia, my tutees and their mothers for wishing me too!
*dingo for advance wishes HAHA.
*bro for being 1 hour and 20mins late BUT better late than never lah huh. =D i'm AWAITING your treat thank you. i promise i won't burp on that day HAHAHA.
*turks and sharon for the birthday wishes too! really didn't expect you guys to remember! ((:
*TAN BISHI FOR COMING BACK FINALLY I MISSED YOU SO MUCH and you know i'm bad with words and expressing myself because i'm actually quite reserved and shy wtf. HAHA. BUT YOU KNOW I LOVE YOU.
*mel for wishing me jellyfish birthday wth HAHA. she's damn heh bi hiam ok.
*mr fate for remembering too! woots
*johan for remembering 0.0 wah lau so weird.
*the 2 idiots ks and zw for the sms HAHA and made me laugh because i didn't even call them idiots and they ownself called themselves idiots HEH. =D
*ghost!!! ((: meet up soon for cycling PLEASEEEE. i'm so flabby now ok.
*alex siew WAHHH for still remembering so touched ok heh.
*jostian chen tummy for disrupting my precious sleep before tuition BUT THANKS MANNN. i thought you jian fei already forgot about your long lost tummy twin HEH.
EVEN MISS ZENG WAN YI FROM AUSTRALIA SENT EMAIL WITH HAND DRAWN PICTURE OKKK. hahahaha omg i'm so loved!!! ((: love ya and please take care of yourself there. WORK HARDDD!! jiayou!!!
and NANA aka wl also drew me this uber big picture on msn. =DDDD first one on msn to wish me happy birthday on the RIGHT day and NOT in advance wtf. ((: so nice hor? i swear she's really like nana personality wise. even though technically i'm older (wtf senior citizen liao lor), i feel that she has the maturity to advise me on certain things, and she keeps my head up, constantly reassuring my woes and encouraging me when i'm down and out.
and we only knew each other while preparing for gene's birthday surprise wtf!! HAHAH. seriously, where to find such a lovely girl. love you to bits ok, my typhoon sista!!! PHWEEE PHEWWW-->typhoon sound wtf.
I EVEN HAD A PRESENT FROM HER OK. wah lau eh. i'm like 0.0 i wanna kiss you lor why you got picnic HAIII. HAHAHA.
and i think i know why she got me all these food. HAHAA cos' at night i always complain i don't have anything to eat and i'm always hungry HAHAHA. =D thanks babe. yumsss.
the note/card made me laugh lor. so cute HAHA.
and even got stars inside!! wahhh. but i noticed the stars inside got colour one. issit you fold wrong side har? HAHAHA. oops. ok i still love it =DDD
today was damn dots cos' i started my 7th june day by waking up in the ghastly hours for tuition as usual on saturday. it was dark, then started pouring and the temperature dropped. the weather was good in a way that i hate humid days, but bad because i was sniffing non-stop.
i couldn't find anything that fitted by bloated body well enough so i spent a CONSIDERABLE amount of time digging through stuff i don't usuall wear and trying them out one by one wtf. i'm damn anal about leaving the house looking fat ok.
settled on the starry slip dress and layered over with my long sleeve top from topman. pink sneakers!!! =D
left the house late. called tutee B to inform her about my late arrival. wanted to cab, but since i informed them about me being late, i decided to fuck it and take my time bus-train-bus. HAHA. save money horrr.
tuition B then P. wah sibei tired ok. tuition really drains me. zzzz. freshened up a bit in boon lay mrt's toilet then headed to PS to meet the gang. at that moment, i just thought it would be gene and haoz to celebrate with me (i'm damn unpopular lor, no friends one HAI).
nua-ed at macs to study 2 pages of philo before time was up to meet. but haoz came to look for me and gene BOO-ed me from behind as we were walking WTF. nice lor. HAHA oh!!! i remembered!!! marshy erms...half-hugged me while i was sitting down and he was standing up wtf. HAHAHAHA damn weird position cannn. zzzz.
i think cos' in macs i was feeling damn paiseh so never hug properly sorry ah dude. =D you know the love's mutual even though i always kb you for being noisy and gay. ((:
haoz suggested eating thaiexpress. i was fine with anything. then gene say eat jap food lah. so i said anything lor. no preference what. so they wenta this jap place and walked straight in without waiting for seats.
at that momentttttt, i was like..dotdot EH WAIT FOR SEATS LEH. but they ignored me and headed inside wth. i was damn skeptical liao at that point. but....ZOMGGGG WTF!!!!
-jaws drop-
i couldn't stop omg-ing cos' my vocabulary to express my disbelivement is very limited HAHA. missed her so bloody much AND I THOUGHT she'll be back next week only WAH LAU EH. but damn nice to see her lor. HAHAHAH. zzz. surprise number 1!!!
chatted randomly and ordered food. gene passed me nana's present for me and i was like surprised yet again cos' i didn't expect nana to get me anything. really no need lor!!! 0.0 surprise number 2!!!
then WTF after finishing the super min-size dish i ordered (and feeling slightly empty) we were chatting yet again. JUST NICE i was listening to them ramblings of the 3 and i looked towards the EXIT of the place KNNCCB GUESS WHO I SAW??!?!?!
-jaws drop and braces pop out- WTFFFFF.
you know why i was so flabbergasted? BECAUSE DAYS EARLIER, monz msn-ed me at night to ask for haoz number, saying that she has a friend who knows haoz and wanted his number to contact him. then you know monz damnnnnn long never chat to me already or go out together SO i was DAMN pissed when she chatted to me and FIRST THING was to ask for haoz number wtf.
so i abit dulan lah.
but i still gave the number in huffs and puffs.
then 7th june midnight around 1am she and ed called me and sang me birthday song and stuff. then she also never say wanna meet me go out or what. so i abit sad liao. HAHAHA i really thought she don't love me anymore and i don't wanna thick skin ask her mahs.
WAH LAU EH. imagine my shock when she appeared infront of me with a FREAKING LARGE BOUQUET OF FLOWERS and this LOVELY scrapbook with our pics inside......0.0
i wanna cry lor. i felt my face heating up and even my specs got mist liao wtf. so unglam. =(((
sunflowers ok! TWO BIG ONES AND ONE SMALL ONE! omg so pretty! and the bouquet is the largest ever i received wah lau eh. machiam some VIP ok. sibei gan dong to the max to the coreee. ((((:
i think i felt that intense mixutre of emotions because i really didn't expect her turn up and i was rather disappointed with her lack of concern about me. LOL, so when she appeared before me, i really wanted to cry ok. damn.
the scrapbook! i love the cover of the book lor! and it's like PINK AND BLACK LEH. love like madddd. =D
yes edwin, you are the only person i'm willing to share monz with too HAHA. please take good care of her for me! i hope you two love long long much much deep deep! =D ayee sometimes i abit jealous lor HAHAHA. but it's ok, because as long as monz is happy, i am too!!! =)))
i just think the picture of 3 of us rock socks lorrr. HEHEH. 3 musketeers!!!
so...that was surprise number 3!
just when i thought it's over and my heart can rest from all the sudden events........haoz announces that it's not the end of presents and actually he, bish, monz and ed bought something for me too. WTF MAI LAI LEHHH.
bishi whipped out this bag from under the table 0.0 HOW COME HIDE THINGS UNDER TABLE I SO BLIND DIDN'T SEE. biang.
it's this bag lor. my heart skipped a million beats.....because this bag can only mean ONE THING.
AND I FOUND THIS PAIR INSIDE WAH LAU EH I LOVE TO THE MAX CAN. it's like some design i NEVER see before and its damn bloody cute and spunky!!! =D
and it's WHITE BASED!!! people who know me should know i've been seeking white-based sneakers with decent designs. but how is it possible haoz and gang knew???!!! especially since i bought my KAPPA ones recently only!!!
look inside got freaking unicorn biang eh. i seriously feel so loved. and correct size. and really fits my wardrobe perfectly.
(((((((: happy until don't know say what liao. THANK YOU ALL FOR THIS LOVELY GIFT!!! really really unexpected and really glad for the telepathic decision to choose this design. BECAUSE IT IS SO ME LAH! =DDD
surprise number 4!
then i thought really, this is it lah. zzzz. the birthday cake arrived with damn loud singing from the gang and zomg I REALLY BLUSHED LIKE FUCK.
cannottakeitok. paiseh.
zzz. (ok i dozed off while typing this damn tired now shall finish entry soon so i can go sleep finally decent sleep first day of the week)
movie-d whereby the 3 od them refused to tell me what's the movie we're watching. but it's chronicles of narnia: caspianprince.
not bad quite nice. humor here and there makes the film bearable and comedic.
went home after that. walked to cityhall chatting and me mostly listening to them ramble on and on. i just feel so blessed being with them such there's nothing i could have asked for further.
thank you for giving me wonderful friends. (((:
ok i really KO-ing. this is the watch from marc ecko i'm contemplating.
me go sleep.

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