lovely, i say. (: finally, a good sunday's rest is all i need before the coming week comes. =(
as you can see from that picture above, i ate 5 of those for my breakfast wtf. it's yam bao-s from ding tai feng as doggy-bagged by my parents. i merely told them i want to eat those yam bao-s since i would miss wai po's birthday celebration and requested for them to da bao a few back for me lahhhh.
they bought 10. wtf. HELLO DO I LOOK LIKE I CAN EAT 10 BY MYSELF???? (if you say yes i'll slap you HAHAHAH)
the rest was split between my sis and papa. zzz. i'm gonna die from overdose of yam HAHAHA.
anyway, to update yesterday's events! (((((:
stupid china kid cancelled on me again. wah lan eh. sibei dulan ok. just at the timing i was ready to leave the house to travel one hour to her house somemore. wtf. ALWAYS LIKE THAT OK. super guo fen. damn i hate XXXXX people. ROARRRR.
so i nua-ed at home and attempted to read the judgment for kafka. i fell asleep halfway. zzz. wtf. i swear my eyelids got heavy like involuntarily. i dozed on my couch then decided to go online for a bit before leaving the house to meet nehneh.
oh, before i forget, NANA I HOPE YOU GET WELL SOON!!! your ankle will be super sonic and heal super fast HAHAHA. though i want you to become fatter so i won't be the only fat one, but ok lah, i'm nice so you shall be able to run soon! =D (boohoo i think i have thyroid problem. is liposuction very painful? zzzz)
met nehneh at bugis for lunch and to walk around abit. the place was packed like sardines. zzz. made me rather pissed as i squeezed my way through the place. cramped bodies, stepping on toes, pushing from all directions, tangled bags and slamming shoulders. grrrr. -breathes-
erms, another huge damage to my pocket. bought a rather cute chiffon dress which goes damn well with my sneakers! wtf. HAHAHA. i'm attempting to go all feminine with a little rock okkkk. must start to transform. woots metamorphosis ok!!! (((:
ok eat grass. haiii.
then was rotting around at esplanade after we went our separate ways and i waited for my group people to arrive. camwhored alone wtf, i think i'm hopeless already. sarah and abs appeared at the same time. then cheilla and hans were both late AGAIN hahahahha. wtf. cannot make it one lehhh. =D
but then again, i think many people were late due to the closing down of many roads for the NDP parade. geez i hate it when this happens. the buses refuse to come for what seems like hours and they inch along the roads like ultra huge rectangle turtles. zzz. i hate public transport.
please, if the government wishes for majority of the people to take public transport, at least make the frequency of vehicles higher to reduce the amount of load that the bus carries and everyone would be happier with seats and no need to fight with XXXXX aunties for space. and i wouldn't have a auntie with her boobs in my face for the entire trip wtf.
anyway, the performance for the night was London Sinfonietta. 7:30pm commenced till about 100 minutes later. intermission in between.
this time, instead of the circle seats we got for Radio and Juliet, we were offered freaking 2nd row seats!!!!! zomgggg. super close i can even see the wrinkles on the conductors's face and the facial expressions of the musicians. (((:
our group and another mus266 group (manik's) attended the event with my lovely Dr. G too HAHAHAH. this time, he brought along this other female and another ang moh lecturer. careful probing during intermission with Dr. G revealed that he is also a music professor in the NUS's conservatorium (did i spell this correctly?).
woots. speculations and gossips ran wild on our side HAHAHAH.
background history of London Sinfonietta. Google or Wiki for more if you're interested. Andrew Haveron was the lead violinist. superb playing!!! (: ya lah abs i know he's married boohoo.
programme at a glance. oh! Ho Chee Kong was there too! He is one of the composers featured in the list. Shades of Oil Lamp (Premiere). Not a bad piece. We even took a picture with him after the performance outside the hall! =D
this picture is amazingly blur wtf. basically shows the musicians who played yesterday. hmmmm. i must say it was my first time in front row seats for a orchestral/symphony concert and the experience was liberating. although truthfully, i drifted at several parts of the performance (nicholas was already snoozing lightly next to me HAHA), i did learn much from watching it.
ahhh, before i left the house. attire for the day. my never-worn cat-print top (which i altered to make it smaller) tucked into my shorts with leggings (as usual), belt and my worn-once-only-jacket. WTF. i know i knowwww, i have clothes that i refuse to wear because i feel fat in them okkkkayyy. i don't know why i bought them sometimes. zzz i have tons of clothes to alter still.
apparently, i was trying the quirky sense, whether i succeeded or not. i've been inspired by so many people! (((: as you can see in later pictures, i gave up on the belt and pulled the blouse out HAHAHA. i can leave home and return home in two different looks man wth.
ah yes, nana was saying that i was a tad bit too black. wtf HAHAHA shit mans. =( i think i should opt for like...erm at least cuter prints so that i don't look suicidally emo.
somehow this picture turned out pretty nice! -points to below-
okayy, i half-squatted to take this picture because i got so sick of the mirror cutting me into halves HAHAHA. please ignore my retarded face. zzz. i was practising my qing gong ok! HAHAHAH.
accessorized with my star dog tag and white sneakers with the usual others.
my camera's auto focus is screwingup. =((((
ayee see!!! =( lousypok.
ok, camwhoring of pictures alone....using the lousy 1.3mp front camera. bottom down pictures is never an option unless you're damn sure you don't have double chin HAHAHAH. zzz i managed to tuck mine inwards. woots! i was getting rather sleepy while waiting for the rest and taking these pictures....
this angle makes me feel as though i'm in a posh hotel lobby siaaa. HAHAHA. ok seated next to me were a couple and i think they thought i went mad taking pictures alone. haiii.
OMG OMGGG! i just remembered! while shopping around bugis, i went to visit the usual shops. the salesgirl said my skin is BETTER and VERY FAIR NOW!!! OMGGG i'm so happy okkkkkk!!!! -beams like a sun-
even nehneh says my skin is much better already. YAYYY!!! i love my skin doctor!!!!!!! i love my skin products!!! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK DEAR SKIN!!! (((: i shall work hard on my part too!!
speaking of which, i read in the papers today about the new craze regarding amino collagen. does it really work? geez, makes me so tempted to buy vitagen or those meiji powdered collagen to drink up. HAHAH i'm afraid of the signs of aging boohoooo. =p
rare pose form abs. woots!!! (:
this is why i say RARE. after that she don't wanna take already. tskkk.
during intermission. nua-ing around before leaving for toilet. HAHA.
toilet break! abs was lazing inside the hall and refused to come out. Cheilla and i are such camwhores zomg HAHAH i found my soulmate in mus266! HAHAHA.
because it was too dark. flash time! (:
with Mr. Ho Chee Kong!!! wahhh, huge honor mans! (((: i love my phone/cam. very very convenient for last minute shots like this AHHAHA. hans look like a lao uncle in this picture though HAHAHAH.
ayee shaky hands mr shawn!!! LOLOL.
change pose. can tell who are the camwhorers right HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA. zomg. =DDDD
hello hans papaaaaa. you have 4 new daughters HAHAHAH. where is the car to drive us mannnn?? my love for summer sem HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. shhhh. hans likes to take pictures with his head popping out from nowhere lor wah lau HAHAH.
on the escalator down to walk to marina square for our supper with the other gang. i actually thought this picture turned out rather nice abeit the the flash (:
was at the bus stop outside esplanade cos' intended to go lau pat sat for supper. but the bus didn't come and we got tired of waiting so we walked to marina's carl's junior instead. abs left us from there. she took the bus home.
flash too.
picture taken by hans HAHAHA. nice! (((: in carl's junior already by the way. ok i think it's pretty obvious we look tired. -_-''' shared beef chilli cheese fries with Cheilla and one milkshake each; chocolate and strawberry.
chatted randomly.
ohhhh love my skin babyyy. (((:
the cutie pie manik! HAHAHAHA. damn i feel so old posing next to him can. =(((( see, this is the difference between 17 year olds and 21 year olds. SOBSOB.
hello osim see i help you advertise. please sponsor me with something that can make me slim down thank you ah.
Hans took this picture and we were like getting facial cramps from smiling too long while the camera refused to snap the stupid picture HAHAHAH. manik just opened his mouth to complain when it snapped wtf. there were several blur in between shots. sian please don't spoil leh camera!!!! =(
Cheilla: change pose!
new pose lor. then manik was turning to talk to me when Hans snapped this HAHAHAHAHAHHA. candid lehhh. wtf. i don't even wanna mention what Hans commented on the photo in facebook. that stupid papa. LOLOL. their group. manik is damn joker lah. it's emil, shawn, darren, nicholas and manik! (((: did i get all the names right? =SSS so bad with names, really.
nicholas is my fav really!! HAHAHAH. he looks like this mini-versh of emo-kid. weets! super cute and white!!! i think if i push him he'll like topple over ok.
darren is like as tall as a bear and looks beng-ish but DAMN far from bengster. zzz. HAHAHHA. shawn is like heck care kinda person. with accent. zzz. don't know from where HAHAH. emil is like cool and quiet. seldom talks unless you talk to him first. and yes, his name is like that famous chinese singer emil chau, right?
okkkayyy. bored. that's all for now! see i promised pictures and there ARE quite a few of them right? =))))
what a nice sunday noon. asides from the school work and impending finals. dreary. =(
ok i see onset of pimples!!! alert!!!! must go drink water. tatataaa!
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