i tried my best to find pictures so that you won't get bored reading! i get bored reading entries with all words and no pictures!!! =((( okayyy, unless i'm all emo and just want to rant lol. eh i realized when i'm emo i write pretty well ok wow. i should start an exclusively-emo-jielin.blogspot.com HAHAHAH.
thank god it's friday. but no thanks it's weekends again. time is really zooming by me and making me all flabbergasted and lost.
next friday will be phi101's finals and zomg i better start revising my 5 books soon. 0.0 got philo readings due next week still. please let me survive and do well!!!! continue to bless me ok, LL?? i'll be eternally grateful.
then right after philo exam on friday, i'm scheduled for work at videzy FINALLY lolol after being MIA for around 3 weeks wtf. my pay can say byebye to me. i'll be working consecutively friday and saturday meaning, 27th and 28th of june! yayyy, that makes up to about $50 pay. okkk, at least not empty paycheck. woots! (:
meagre pay but i kinda miss working there and the people i meet! i hope i won't forget all the procedures man. scary =S.

can someone teach me how to be more ladylike? -_-'''
so i've been TRYING to work out with my flabby arms signalling emergency warnings to me HAHAH. this pink little dumbell which i bought like EONSSSS ago from daiso was sitting at a corner, all dusty and mocking at me.
dammit. must start lifting them. must. ok. jielin you must. zzz. i purposely bought pink to entice myself to exercise ok. woots.
my 5th and last lover for phi101. (: still dating. HAHAHAHA. i like him best, i think. he's so morbid and his sense of humor rocks to the max.
i'm sorry but i actually laughed quite alot while reading the sadistic and not-supposedly-funny parts. i can't help it. i visualise things too well! =D ok lah, some parts are really thought-provoking and not funny at all. in fact, my heart was heavy when i finished the metamorphosis at 4am. tragedy =(.
i really should stop spending so much on random things. travelling is eating up my moolahs TOO fast. zzz. as in travelling around SINGAPORE ok, not even talking about leaving this country. sighhh. dammit. can my dear bf please pop down from the skies and start sending me around so i can spend lesser? I HATE BOON LAY TMDKNN. =(((((
okaaayyy. yes, still reminder to self not to neglect studies whilst on the pursuit for more moolahs. keep your grades teojielin!!!! CANNOT SLACK! sometimes i wish my parents are filthy rich. sometimes i wish....not. it's for the better of me, i believe.
i think. zzz.
school has been pretty boring. i need some jing bao in my life leh. siannnn. good jing bao please HAHAH. no bad ones. terms and conditions apply.
saturday's plans:
-tuition in the morning to noon. then meet nehneh to walk walk around burn some fats. then meet up with the rest of the mus266 gang (woots! our group and maniq's group will be there tml!) for our second and last arts fest performance at esplanade. whooosh! hope we'll have fun!!! =DDD
i would be missing my wai po's birthday celebration at ding tai feng though HAI byebye yam baos =((((( i wonder if can da bao back HAHAHAHA.
ok i officially have nothing to wear. zzzzz.
back to hit the books. no time. =( my eyes are closing mansssss. i love kafka.
but i need this, desperately HAHAHAH. wah lau typhoon sista asked me what's that black thing above my house. is my drawing so bad??? WTF. =(
eh, it's smoke lah. can tell right??????? shit. i must practice drawing.
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