Monday, June 30, 2008
the mood.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
saturday stone.
i was so stoned this morning but i managed to drag myself outta bed despite ignoring my alarm clock for 30mins. HAHAH. ehhh, i wasn't late for B's tuition. then wenta P's tuition. talked A LOT to both mums. zzzz. machiam house visit and social worker WTF. HAHAHAH.
got mum a mini birthday cake on the way home. managed to get home before videzy to change into the just-dried polo tee (since i worked friday also and i only had one polo tee zzz).
bus-ed down to work. wahhh. busybusy. at 11pm, i couldn't feel my toes anymore. seriously swollen lor. tskkkk. and i didn't eat but i didn't felt hungry at all. i think working there for long hours can actually slim down sehhh. HAHAHA.
so semi-stoned all the way during shift until i think i made several mistakes. zzzz. wah lau i hope i don't get scolded for it when admin checks the balance stuff. managed to keep that vibrant SWEET smile on my face still. HAHAHAH ya lah go puke lah.
was VERY helpful as usual. HAHA. i think i provide very good service lor. hiak hiak. beat that! talked to many people and tried my best to help them locate stuff they needed. some very interesting characters indeed! (: networking ayeee.
ohhh!!! AND ROY CAME TO FIND ME DURING WORK! so sweet of him lor! HAHAH. i mean it's like..woots! hair so stylo milo cannnn. =DDDD and he bought me CRANBERRY RIBENA JUICE. wahhh. good good anti-oxidant i need sia. fight ageing HAHAHAHAHHA.
chatted a little though the place was crazily cramped. PLEASE do take care of yourself ok dude? we'll meet soon, like wednesday maybe? =D then we'll talk. (:
didn't have much time to watch movies. screened:
1) definitely, maybe
2) over her dead body
3) Pxxxxx (i can't remember the title)
too busy to watch. managed to catch snippets. i think i've lost hope in love/romance movies HAHAHAH. seriously damn boring cannnn. zzz.
took my pay for May. wahhh got quite alot lehh. surprised! =DDDD i like the feeling of earning and see my hard work paying off. geez. sense of satisfaction!!!
but it's to make up for June i guess. June only worked 2 shifts plus a few packages sold on friday and saturday (commission) which won't sum to much. but still!!!! i'm proud of myself for keeping my insurance premiums all regularly paid. (((:
July will make up for June!!! HAHAHAH so optimistic seh.
ehhh. today had mini chat with mumsy before heading off to work. realized, or rather, RE-realized that they are working very hard to foot my school fees. i was so self-absorbed in earning for tw till i forgot my main motive for schooling is to obtain good grades for their sake too.
kinda.....feeling very remorseful.
cos' thinking about my philo grades is enough to send me into spasms of guilt trips.
i will not let the moolahs go to waste! because i don't think i'm stupid at all. hmpfff.
luckily i skipped the marketing minor, or by the time i finish my degree, i think my family would have been bankrupt. haiz.
sorry to mama and papa for suffering so much. i shall try to be the good daughter ok?
i really really wish papa will strike 4D within these 2 months. haiiiz. i hate to see them slogging so hard and working just to foot that horrid school fees.
maybe i am the cause of everything?
am i supposed to redeem myself? sigh.
ok, plans for sunday:
1) study abit of music (quiz postphoned but shall be hardworking)
2) go jogging!!! PLEASE DON'T RAIN!!! (i hope i don't die from extreme lack of exercise these past months. zzzzz. )
3) family night out for dinner at sushi outlet (most probably sakae since my father has some voucher to use) to celebrate ma+pa's birthday. zzz june babies all. HAHAHA
4) print out my summer2 timetable and check my fall sem courses to take.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
i need many miracles.
feels good to see everything once more. there has been mini revamp of the shelves and stuff. MORE NEW MOVIES ZOMG when i mean NEW MOVIES i MEAN IT.
-beams- watched:
1) forbidden kindgom
2) bucket list
3) jumper
during work. woots!!! sat's got tuition and work thereafter. i'm gonna cram more movies in between so that i can make the most of my miserly pay LOLOL.
so happy shalalalaaa. ok no cuties, but hell, i enjoyed myself! (((:
damn bloody tired now though. gonna head to bed soon. got to drag myself to boon lay in 8 hours time. sian.
BUTTTT, i'm so happy. i didn't eat chicken rice today. i ate thai chicken salad. AND I SAW YOU. ((((:
you just appeared out of nowhere from behind that block of artform and my eyes couldn't help but sparkled.
my heart skipped many many beats.
ahhh, new orange polo tee, i see. (:
you aren't hot, aren't suave, aren't the perfect ideal one.
but i'm just irresistably drawn to you. ((((:
we took the same lift together from 1st to 5th floor. (ok abs, if you weren't in there with me i think i might have suffered from heart attack and shortness of breath inside the lift)
and you spoke! you held the lift door open for so long until we decided to take the lift too. HAHAHAHAHAHAH.
you asked me: stairs or lift?
i say lift, definitely. (((:
happiness. HAHAHAHA.
i'm so easily satisfied.
but thinking about my philo finals and how i could have possibly done is ruining my mood. nonetheless, what's done is done. i cannot remedy anything.
working more for july at videzy. i hope that can supplement my tw funds further. continue to eat grass!!!
i realized that i should place more emphasis on studies. i'm slacking so much i actually am no longer a nerd. dammit. HAHAHA.
cannot lor. i must do well. i will do well. i have been doing well and this will sustain.
i'm not giving anything back.
Friday, June 27, 2008
zzz.philo over.
ayeee. phi101 finals are over. and i feel like crap.
it's worse than comms exams smoking. because at least you're smoking familiar terms that you can talk cok about. this is.......(as abs says) lit + philo smoking. which basically does not sum to a fantastic equation. =((((
i feel like shit. LL, you gotta bless me this time mans. i don't wanna screw up leh. wah lau. to think i slept 2 hours and had like really nonsensical dream about this killer squirrel chasing after me. wtf. my brain is gone.
sads. ok lahh. videzy work after mus266 later. woots. hope i have enough time to rush back to change before cramming with the peak hour crowd. zzz.
the keyboard has a weird smell. i'm outta here. wtf. byebye.
wish me all the best ok??? =(((( at least B+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
chicken rice and chilli.
even after eating, the taste lingers in your mouth.
hints of lime sour, tad bit salty, spiciness and everything else.
the lingering taste may not be a bad thing.
after all, it simply reminds me of you.
i get used to it after a while.
but the tenant reminds me of you throughout the day-
and i grin to myself in silly self-contentment.
if you knew,
and if things were different,
what would i have done?
a way out simply means falling into another trap on the way into something else.
it's a never ending journey.
are we all self-defeating?
i think it's better to know that you don't know,
rather than pretend that you know everything.
stressed and tired.
then the next sentence they say is "i'm going to bed now!"
WTFKNNCCB?!?!?!?!? ayeee. thanks ah bro. you rock lor.
lame msn convo with hehbihiam to chill and try to relax. i don't think it's working. i think i'm.............dying from stress. zzzz. those 5 books are intimidating. zzzzzzz.
and i just realized mus266 project is due on 4/7. and another quiz 1/7. i don't think i need to sleep liao lor. wah lau eh. thinking about philo finals this friday is already stressing me out big timeeee.
i hope i don't die during work thereafter. zzz.
sleep is good lor, really. ayee. i can foresee skin problems these two weeks liao. pekcek.
garfield. epitomizes laziness and nua-ity.
imagine a female version. that's me. hello! i don't know why i get sleepy everytime i need to study. sigh.
see. even my computer agrees with me. ayeee.
that's it lor. see the baby is tempting me even. tempations are everywhere.
homer rocks lah. HAHAHAHA. eh my saliva don't drip out when i sleep ok! i'm like LADYLIKE and demure. wtf. yes abs, please don't reveal my unglamness and uber un-ladylike-ness. =(((((
speaking of which, i'm gonna digress. random thing today after school as i was at the bus stop waiting for bus to take to interchange for tuition with P. guess what. i was stoning when Dr. G came to my bus stop and WAVED TO ME. like....he was on the phone still wave cheerily wtf. i almost dropped my phone.
then guess what. he boarded SAME BUS AS ME and STOOD NEXT TO ME LOR WTF. HAHAHAHA. i was already plugged in and not in the mood to make conversation. but he ended his call (he was talking in chinese zzz) and TAPPED ME ON MY SHOULDER to ask if the bus was heading in clementi direction. WTF???!?!?!?!
HAHAHAHA. aye can't blame him. made small talk lah. bo bian. how to ignore someone next to you sia. found out A LOT OF STUFF ABOUT HIM LOR. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. ayee, i think i'm disillusioned. shall not continue this infactuation wtf.
ps: whoever who thinks i'm REALLY in love with him please go check your brain. any intellectually average person should know that i am joking. zzz.
he plays the violin. he doesn't have a car in singapore cos' he stays here for the semester only. LOL. and we talked about job prospects randomly. then his train came and left and i stoned alone for my train. end of it.
stressed. can tell or not? i think i'm gonna freak out soon. zzzzzzz. my soul is leaving my body lor. hello socrates (LIM ZIHAO TRY PRONOUNCING THIS HAHAHAHHA), i think i should have achieved pure knowledge by now huh.
zzzz. wahh this is hiong. just substitute that stack of paper for 5 books. wheeee. so exciting hor. i don't smoke. error in picture HAHAHA.
looking at all these googled images, i suddenly feel spurred to start a comic strip about school. HAHAHA. i have no idea why my brain is so warped but i tend to imagine speech-bubbles above people's heads even when they aren't talking. like when they're stoning in class or when they're plain bored and tired. =DDD
when i have time. zzz. pardon my mindless ramblings. trying to relieve stress.
HAHAAH ESPRESSO CONCENTRATE SIA. prolly greatest invention ever for coffeee addicts huh? =D
THIS TOTALLY ROCKS MY DAY OK!!! HAHAHAHAHAH. uber bitchy and annoying. but so apt. (((: stylo milo hair can HAHAHAH.
and....bringing up the best for the last.........
introducing to all my dear friends out there who are going bonkers over exams or tests or incomplete hwk or projects and assignments...........
WAHHHHHHHH. -insert audience stimulated ohhhhs and ahhhhhs-
i think i will print it out HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA.
byebye lovelies. things have barely started and i'm yearning for a vacation. how awesome.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
late nights are really a respite from the rest of the world. at least i won't have to live up to expectations, answer anyone, or feel responsible for anything.
1) i wanted to turn you into a bug so that i can rid you from my life. but after cooling down, i guess it doesn't really matter now. you're invisible.
2) life has been pretty stagnant these few days. finals are looming and i'm freaking out. it's time i get stressed.
3) i better start eating grass. really moolahs running out. =(
4) im kind of look forward to working. afterall, i've been distant from it pretty long. i need something to occupy me so i won't feel that my life is empty. zzzz.
5) mus266 lessons resume tml. then it's philo as usual. and tuition afterwards. tskkk. i'm trying to lead a peaceful and slow-paced life.
6) i need new songs please, before i die from boredom. zzzzzzz.
7) there's a stupid stalker who keeps sms-ing me. damn annoyed. nana says if i don't reply for a week he won't bother anymore. i hope so man. or not i wil go to the police lor.
8) i really want a lot of moolahs. sigh. but when i grad, i prolly will prefer studying to working. ahhh, the pasture's always greener on the other side. sigh.
9) i really hope to go for my end of year taiwan trip. even if it means i must save every cent of my pay. if i don't get to go, i think i really will have nothing to look forward to this year. and life would be meaningless wtf.
10) i wish my father will strike lottery and win one million dollars next week so we won't have to worry about all that inflation and rising cost of gas shits. damn this world is getting annoying to live in.
good night. i'm whining, so? sue me lah.
maybe i SHOULD join the race. tskkk. hmmmm. ok nana!!! i think i will. i need something to push me. i hope my schedule permits and i won't do another MIA for race event. tskkk. time to start training teojielin. get back into shape you lazy bum!!!!!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
hectic saturday and very much broke.
lovely, i say. (: finally, a good sunday's rest is all i need before the coming week comes. =(
as you can see from that picture above, i ate 5 of those for my breakfast wtf. it's yam bao-s from ding tai feng as doggy-bagged by my parents. i merely told them i want to eat those yam bao-s since i would miss wai po's birthday celebration and requested for them to da bao a few back for me lahhhh.
they bought 10. wtf. HELLO DO I LOOK LIKE I CAN EAT 10 BY MYSELF???? (if you say yes i'll slap you HAHAHAH)
the rest was split between my sis and papa. zzz. i'm gonna die from overdose of yam HAHAHA.
anyway, to update yesterday's events! (((((:
stupid china kid cancelled on me again. wah lan eh. sibei dulan ok. just at the timing i was ready to leave the house to travel one hour to her house somemore. wtf. ALWAYS LIKE THAT OK. super guo fen. damn i hate XXXXX people. ROARRRR.
so i nua-ed at home and attempted to read the judgment for kafka. i fell asleep halfway. zzz. wtf. i swear my eyelids got heavy like involuntarily. i dozed on my couch then decided to go online for a bit before leaving the house to meet nehneh.
oh, before i forget, NANA I HOPE YOU GET WELL SOON!!! your ankle will be super sonic and heal super fast HAHAHA. though i want you to become fatter so i won't be the only fat one, but ok lah, i'm nice so you shall be able to run soon! =D (boohoo i think i have thyroid problem. is liposuction very painful? zzzz)
met nehneh at bugis for lunch and to walk around abit. the place was packed like sardines. zzz. made me rather pissed as i squeezed my way through the place. cramped bodies, stepping on toes, pushing from all directions, tangled bags and slamming shoulders. grrrr. -breathes-
erms, another huge damage to my pocket. bought a rather cute chiffon dress which goes damn well with my sneakers! wtf. HAHAHA. i'm attempting to go all feminine with a little rock okkkk. must start to transform. woots metamorphosis ok!!! (((:
ok eat grass. haiii.
then was rotting around at esplanade after we went our separate ways and i waited for my group people to arrive. camwhored alone wtf, i think i'm hopeless already. sarah and abs appeared at the same time. then cheilla and hans were both late AGAIN hahahahha. wtf. cannot make it one lehhh. =D
but then again, i think many people were late due to the closing down of many roads for the NDP parade. geez i hate it when this happens. the buses refuse to come for what seems like hours and they inch along the roads like ultra huge rectangle turtles. zzz. i hate public transport.
please, if the government wishes for majority of the people to take public transport, at least make the frequency of vehicles higher to reduce the amount of load that the bus carries and everyone would be happier with seats and no need to fight with XXXXX aunties for space. and i wouldn't have a auntie with her boobs in my face for the entire trip wtf.
anyway, the performance for the night was London Sinfonietta. 7:30pm commenced till about 100 minutes later. intermission in between.
this time, instead of the circle seats we got for Radio and Juliet, we were offered freaking 2nd row seats!!!!! zomgggg. super close i can even see the wrinkles on the conductors's face and the facial expressions of the musicians. (((:
our group and another mus266 group (manik's) attended the event with my lovely Dr. G too HAHAHAH. this time, he brought along this other female and another ang moh lecturer. careful probing during intermission with Dr. G revealed that he is also a music professor in the NUS's conservatorium (did i spell this correctly?).
woots. speculations and gossips ran wild on our side HAHAHAH.
background history of London Sinfonietta. Google or Wiki for more if you're interested. Andrew Haveron was the lead violinist. superb playing!!! (: ya lah abs i know he's married boohoo.
programme at a glance. oh! Ho Chee Kong was there too! He is one of the composers featured in the list. Shades of Oil Lamp (Premiere). Not a bad piece. We even took a picture with him after the performance outside the hall! =D
this picture is amazingly blur wtf. basically shows the musicians who played yesterday. hmmmm. i must say it was my first time in front row seats for a orchestral/symphony concert and the experience was liberating. although truthfully, i drifted at several parts of the performance (nicholas was already snoozing lightly next to me HAHA), i did learn much from watching it.
ahhh, before i left the house. attire for the day. my never-worn cat-print top (which i altered to make it smaller) tucked into my shorts with leggings (as usual), belt and my worn-once-only-jacket. WTF. i know i knowwww, i have clothes that i refuse to wear because i feel fat in them okkkkayyy. i don't know why i bought them sometimes. zzz i have tons of clothes to alter still.
apparently, i was trying the quirky sense, whether i succeeded or not. i've been inspired by so many people! (((: as you can see in later pictures, i gave up on the belt and pulled the blouse out HAHAHA. i can leave home and return home in two different looks man wth.
ah yes, nana was saying that i was a tad bit too black. wtf HAHAHA shit mans. =( i think i should opt for like...erm at least cuter prints so that i don't look suicidally emo.
somehow this picture turned out pretty nice! -points to below-
okayy, i half-squatted to take this picture because i got so sick of the mirror cutting me into halves HAHAHA. please ignore my retarded face. zzz. i was practising my qing gong ok! HAHAHAH.
accessorized with my star dog tag and white sneakers with the usual others.
my camera's auto focus is screwingup. =((((
ayee see!!! =( lousypok.
ok, camwhoring of pictures alone....using the lousy 1.3mp front camera. bottom down pictures is never an option unless you're damn sure you don't have double chin HAHAHAH. zzz i managed to tuck mine inwards. woots! i was getting rather sleepy while waiting for the rest and taking these pictures....
this angle makes me feel as though i'm in a posh hotel lobby siaaa. HAHAHA. ok seated next to me were a couple and i think they thought i went mad taking pictures alone. haiii.
OMG OMGGG! i just remembered! while shopping around bugis, i went to visit the usual shops. the salesgirl said my skin is BETTER and VERY FAIR NOW!!! OMGGG i'm so happy okkkkkk!!!! -beams like a sun-
even nehneh says my skin is much better already. YAYYY!!! i love my skin doctor!!!!!!! i love my skin products!!! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK DEAR SKIN!!! (((: i shall work hard on my part too!!
speaking of which, i read in the papers today about the new craze regarding amino collagen. does it really work? geez, makes me so tempted to buy vitagen or those meiji powdered collagen to drink up. HAHAH i'm afraid of the signs of aging boohoooo. =p
rare pose form abs. woots!!! (:
this is why i say RARE. after that she don't wanna take already. tskkk.
during intermission. nua-ing around before leaving for toilet. HAHA.
toilet break! abs was lazing inside the hall and refused to come out. Cheilla and i are such camwhores zomg HAHAH i found my soulmate in mus266! HAHAHA.
because it was too dark. flash time! (:
with Mr. Ho Chee Kong!!! wahhh, huge honor mans! (((: i love my phone/cam. very very convenient for last minute shots like this AHHAHA. hans look like a lao uncle in this picture though HAHAHAH.
ayee shaky hands mr shawn!!! LOLOL.
change pose. can tell who are the camwhorers right HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA. zomg. =DDDD
hello hans papaaaaa. you have 4 new daughters HAHAHAH. where is the car to drive us mannnn?? my love for summer sem HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. shhhh. hans likes to take pictures with his head popping out from nowhere lor wah lau HAHAH.
on the escalator down to walk to marina square for our supper with the other gang. i actually thought this picture turned out rather nice abeit the the flash (:
was at the bus stop outside esplanade cos' intended to go lau pat sat for supper. but the bus didn't come and we got tired of waiting so we walked to marina's carl's junior instead. abs left us from there. she took the bus home.
flash too.
picture taken by hans HAHAHA. nice! (((: in carl's junior already by the way. ok i think it's pretty obvious we look tired. -_-''' shared beef chilli cheese fries with Cheilla and one milkshake each; chocolate and strawberry.
chatted randomly.
ohhhh love my skin babyyy. (((:
the cutie pie manik! HAHAHAHA. damn i feel so old posing next to him can. =(((( see, this is the difference between 17 year olds and 21 year olds. SOBSOB.
hello osim see i help you advertise. please sponsor me with something that can make me slim down thank you ah.
Hans took this picture and we were like getting facial cramps from smiling too long while the camera refused to snap the stupid picture HAHAHAH. manik just opened his mouth to complain when it snapped wtf. there were several blur in between shots. sian please don't spoil leh camera!!!! =(
Cheilla: change pose!
new pose lor. then manik was turning to talk to me when Hans snapped this HAHAHAHAHAHHA. candid lehhh. wtf. i don't even wanna mention what Hans commented on the photo in facebook. that stupid papa. LOLOL. their group. manik is damn joker lah. it's emil, shawn, darren, nicholas and manik! (((: did i get all the names right? =SSS so bad with names, really.
nicholas is my fav really!! HAHAHAH. he looks like this mini-versh of emo-kid. weets! super cute and white!!! i think if i push him he'll like topple over ok.
darren is like as tall as a bear and looks beng-ish but DAMN far from bengster. zzz. HAHAHHA. shawn is like heck care kinda person. with accent. zzz. don't know from where HAHAH. emil is like cool and quiet. seldom talks unless you talk to him first. and yes, his name is like that famous chinese singer emil chau, right?
okkkayyy. bored. that's all for now! see i promised pictures and there ARE quite a few of them right? =))))
what a nice sunday noon. asides from the school work and impending finals. dreary. =(
ok i see onset of pimples!!! alert!!!! must go drink water. tatataaa!