today i went for the interview. kallang is so god damn far. boohoo. SIGH. nevermind, sacrifices have to be made if i'm selected. pray for the best. will know results soon.
this post is gonna be quite picture heavy with all the shots i took from kitchen project and randoms here and there. nothing exciting though. fyi, kitchen project is some of the surprises i made for fatbear.
cheesecake for the birthday boy!
chocolate cookies!
ya, i know my baking is the cheapo, lazy, brainless type of baking. sorry mans. =( i need to start simple first. plus, my kitchen doesn't have all the equipment i need for proper baking too. so make do with this first ok!
an egg! for the cookies!
MILK! love.
2 packs for cheesecake. one for crust, one for the mix.
baking tin.
if you are a baking/kitchen idiot like me, remember to follow instructions carefully.
you reduce the risk of dying at work.
the baking container and the mixer. preparing the crust of the cheesecake.
the microwave with oven capabilities.
melted butter.
flattening the crust.
the cheese filling process.
it should look like this when done. evenly spread the cheese over the tin.
this is how it looked like when it entered the freezer.
surprised fatbear with it after we met at 2plus when he finished his work. i added milo powder onto it. wtf. i don't know why i did it. i just did. anyway, fatbear says it tastes damn nice. abit like cheese icecream cake. wheee. it is quite yummy. i tasted it myself.
by the way, fatbear was wearing clothes. he just got out of the bath without a tee that's all. ya, at 2am i don't look that good. i was so bloody sleepy. and you see that happy face there. that is to cover fatbear's fats. arghhh. so unsightly.
cutting the cake.
eating a slice...
and we had this abalone, mushrooms, pig organs soup. FREAKING NICE OK. i'm starting to love this like mad. salivating as i think about it. =.='''
making of chocolate cookies.
in the oven.
out from the oven! looking nice!
awesome chunks.
xiaohuang wants to eatttt.
in the morning.
the xmen tickets!!! wheeee. love. should go catch if you're an xmen fan. really.
bought a container to put my bathing stuff inside.
a shower lily! OMG ISN'T IT SO CUTE!!!
HAHAHA fatbear sprained his back while carrying heavy stuff at home. his place is like clearing out things man. all the old stuff throwing out. so he had to go see the chinese doctor for some massage. yawnnn waited damn long for his turn. and another 1 hour for the entire session to be over. wearing donald and black tube dress. quirky mix just for fun.
he looks like he is doing SPA right. zzz. HAHAHAHA.
fatbear and his notes for exams. studying....
ok last picture of me. hello bello! i'm still bloated and tired.
shall go rest a bit. can't take it.
being jobless is no joke. it's tiring to be jobless wtf.
1 comment:
thanks for ur yummy ice-cream cheesecake n chocolate cookies..They taste damm gd : )
I am the lucky one who got to try it..
I wan some more cookies n cheesecake!!
Fatbear :)
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