i thought i could get off work relatively early today. i did. i got off around 7plus. but fatbear was OT-ing although i thought we were supposed to dinner together. SO I STARVED and went home and CONTINUED STARVING.
my life sucks. seriously. FATBEAR U BETTER BE GUILTY. =(((((
reached home 830 to 9pm or so. fucking bloody tired. the bus ride was amazingly.......long. feels longer than the morning ones. but then again, maybe because all i want to do is go home and sleep.
i wanted to just relax at home and...nua and rest...REALLY rest. and maybe upload pics onto my blog to write about my week and...watch korean drama if i'm lucky. ended up....doing the uploading only. i'm struggling to write this. may not succeed...may succeed, depending on my willpower to keep awake.
just some pictures off blackie t77.
fatbear's new watch for his birthday. and mine on the left. couple watches!!!
taken on the way to the airport to send fatbear's maid off. a new maid came to take over.
sauna all the way from BP to changi. freaking crazy shits. and sauna all the way back again. =( stupid car air-con.
saturday was tuition as usual. then proposal-ing.
sunday was SLEEP till 12plus in the afternoon. nua-ed around managed to watch a few episodes of korean drama likeable or not!
and i think the sleep helped my body quite a bit because my period finally came on monday! woootss. ok but i'm seriously bleeding to death wtf. =.=
anywayyy, sunday night, fatbear and i decided to head out to finish up our bottle of SHAO1 JIU3. HAHA. plus i needed some food pampering. i spend most of my days eating maggi mee from the company's pantry HAI because like that can save money. i deserve some nutrients mannn.
by the way, i know i didn't blog about this because i got too lazy to do backdated posts so i'm gonna briefly mention it here. we went to this place for valentine's day too. opened a bottle which we couldn't finish. so now we're coming back to finish it up!
LOADS of CAMWHORE pictures from here on. sorry lah. AND DO NOT JUDGE ME OK. i nua-ed at home all day and waited for fatbear to finish his work stuff before going to get a quick bath and heading out after a change of clothes (wah, long sentence wtf).
i didn't even bother to put on my concealer or whatever shit. HAHA. SO DO NOT JUDGE ME OK. i just wanna rot on weekends IF I CAN.
hi big face lin.
fatbear copy my pose. tskkk. anyway i think i developed a blush after my 2nd cup or so. blood circulation damn bloody good lor. slept well that night HAHA.
SASHIMI. ok i officially have started eating sashimi, but selectively. MUST BE GOOD QUALITY ONE. and no bones. wtf.
this is a higher grade than the yellow tail. DAMN fresh, succulent, not soggy, not too strong, has enough natural juice and taste really good! for the price i guess. =X don't ask me what's the name...i was too tired to notice plus i was reallyyyy hungry.
forgot name also. grilled something. tasted yummy too.
this time, we learnt from our previous mistakes and made special care to remind the waitress to serve our dishes one at a time so that we won't have to rush through our meals or have dishes turning cold at the side because we couldn't finish eating the current ones.
plus, we opted for table and chair seats at the dining area on the 2nd level, which was more spacious and since the place was relatively empty then, we were given the "private" cosy seats which had surrounding walls around to block the other distractions out. nice setting and ambience (:
but guys, if you intend to bring girls there, please remind them to wear longer dresses/skirts or just jeans/shorts. if not, opt for tables and chairs. it'll be extremely inconvenient for them if you ended up with the floor seats.
the restaurant's name is Satsumo by the way. near clark quay. for details, google yourself or ask me.
we ordered dishes we didn't have the last time round, and the waitress recommended new ones which were still not on the menu.
this spicy cod roe gratin and tofu was SUPERB! the tofu is soft and simple, whilst the melted cheese and cod roe surface complemented the tofu with a tinge of saltiness. i coulnd't taste the SPICE though. LOL.
the light above us. the place is dimly lit. not bright lights.
how it looks like without flash from camera. too dark. so we turned on the flash, which rendered us partially star-bursted-blind.
our watches.
lalaaaa. fatbear not appreciative.
failed watch spokesperson. TSK.
more camwhore shots.
his eyes got cramps from all the flash-ing HAHAHAHAHHA.
THAT picture above is a blurred shot of fatbear's chin (underside). can you spot the pimple?? HAHA.
AH BU! (mother!) HAHAHAHA.
hi! i'm alive! (:
the best way to avoid looking cok-eyed or half-opened eyes when you have flashes (camera) in dark places is to squinch your eyes in the pictures and act like it's a purposeful pose. WTF. HAHAHAHA. eh, i teach secrets ok! must trust me!
we took 2 shots whereby we tried to open our eyes as big as possible against the flashes. BUT SIBEI UGLY. so for the sake of not scaring away my fans, i will not put it up. unless there is popular demand, i will post them. WTF. HAHAHAHAHA.
i got bear-huged by fatbear.
hello, i'm so loved. wheeeee. (: PS: BUT IT'S NOT ENOUGH STILL FATBEAR HUANG!
my hair has grown crazily long again. arghhh.
i swear my skin reflects light wtf. i look ghostly next to fatbear because of the vast contrast in skin tone. after the satisfying meal and finishing our drinks, we took a short walk by the river before returning back to the car.
jumping shots! finally taught fatbear how to do it on my camera.
wah my legs look so long and toned here. HAHA. BUT OK LAH, I KNOW I GOT FAT WAIST (reminded of colleague's words. SIGH)
shots at work the next day. was free in the morning so took a few shots. my desk is still free from designing because i have no time, and because i don't have anything to design with. plus, i think passing my probation period with flying colors is more important now! pay rise plsssss.
alright, no more pictures. more soon. thanks for reading thus far and being updated to what's happening in my life. i do read my comments for entries, so leave comments if you cannot get replies from me on msn or sms or calls. (:
today was supposed to go to a dinner buffet event (FOC) at pan pacific hotel but didn't. too tired. plus the seating was limited because we booked late (company thing) due to miscommunication. nevermind, more to come i believe.
had my first meeting with our company's events agents. 4 men. aggressive and passives. TSK. i had an interesting time OBSERVING what was happening in the meeting. and i was praised for my good work on the proposal. HAHA. must work harder! GO GO JIELIN!
boss wanted us (me and hrm) to follow the events/sales people on a M'sia biz trip but i guess the timing wasn't right for the other side to coordinate too. but i think i'll have another chance soon! -beams- so excited! one step at a time. exposure takes time. and at least now people know my name.
so many things to do this week. i'm doing/following up/editing about 3 proposals each day. could be english, could be chinese. apart from reading other docs to prepare for meetings with my boss and hrm over huge year-end events to be planned. gee. my brain has to constantly be working TIP-TOP.
i'm getting better at reading and typing chinese. faster too. -beams- nothing is impossible. (:
things will flow for me. efforts will pay off. they already are. just have to keep this going. i'll make it.
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