anyway, some pictures before i head to bed. tired mans. long days. looking forward to end of week..hai.
while waiting for fatbear to pick me up after tuition on saturday. took some pics. heh.
bought some late lunch then went to his place to rot and wait for him to finish part of his office stuff so that he wouldn't need to OT that much the next week. boohoo. REALLY rotted. i don't know where my saturday went. =(
i forgot to blog about this from long long ago! NEHNEH sponsored half the cost of this chloe clutch for my birthday gift. (: thanks. but i used it once only. TSK. no life to go out and dress nice nice.
helllooo. at fatbear's office entertaining myself after doing stuff like surfing web, playing games on touchy and napping a little. tsk. my hair is growing crazily again. sigh.
GAHHHH. see my horrible pimple. so huge it's hard not to see. -.- and my lips are uber chapped. better lather on the moisturizing lip balm or something. so ugly. =(
hello sneakers! long time no see! (: my best companion.
subway for late lunch.
full view of the clutch. it's like bursting because i had so many things to bring about. wtf. HAHAH. and the leather by itself is already super heavy. =X
it actually looks alright in this picture without flash because this was taken BEFORE it became full-blown. -cries-
fatbear's list of things to do. HAHA.
met monz and chip with fatbear to go for movieeeeeee at vivocity! Night at the Museum 2!
then we wanted to take pictures but couldn't find a nice backdrop. we were standing outside daiso after the movie. so wtf. end result.
monz and i wanted to pretend that we looked like we were in JAPAN WTFWTF. whyarewelikethat. HAHAHAHA.
don't judge me based on my clothes again! zzzz.
chip became the always $2! AHAHAHAHAHHAHA. so cheepcheep.
the only group picture for the day before we went separate ways. =( boo. time flies.
tsktsk. i never know if they're adults or children. perhaps a mix.
look a bit too much like twins wtf. HAHAHAHA.
and us. very...un-alike. =(
monz took this picture for us. with flash.
she tried to take without flash but obviously she's growing old because the camera picture came out so shaky it looked like there was an earthquake at vivo. zzz. don't mind our faces because it's all candid wtf. monz can never take proper pictures lehhhh.
then i gave up, and took for them. without flash. EH CAN WHAT. monz, you need to eat more chicken legs wtf.
at work. morning. that doremon thing is quite nice! and behind it, you can see my tidbits mug. wtf. HAHAHAHA. i put it next to the monitor because it spurs me to work on. -.- and because when i'm stressed i need to munch to prevent myself from tearing out my hair.
after my swollen eye day. still a bit too swollen but back at work. i didn't realize it at first but i look like i have antlers growing out from my head because of the background. -.-
from heels/flats. i cheat a lot. i'm supposed to wear heels. but i seriously hate towering over people. and i hate having to walk in them. such a chore. i definitely hate looking at the top of people's heads. argh.
which reminds me of the bus ride i had last week. i stood amongst 5 other males (middle-aged and young ones). i was taller than 3 of them. IN MY FLATS. like not 1cm 2 cm taller kind, but SIGNIFICANTLY taller. and the other 2 were same height as me. (i judged based on the reflections from the bus windows. everyone was standing straight because it was peak hour and there was no space to slouch or lie against the panels/hand holds etc.)
eh depressing lah.
i shall work on reducing my weight and size first wtf. which will never happen in my life i think. -.- fmltothemax.
ok. enough. long day ahead. long week actually. longer months. argh. so much to do. one step at a time. learn as i walk.
good night!
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