just a couple of updates before i head to bed to gear myself up for the monday.......blues or not. hopefully not.
it's been a crazy week. what's new? a week that zoomed past me...leaving me incoherent and..really...i don't know. i think my mum is right: time flies by when you start working in the work world. i didn't think it's true. since school days always seemed so slowwwww.
i would say that my weekdays are always mal-nutritioned. SIGH. i don't know what's wrong with me. somehow, if fatbear doesn't feed me, i won't eat/eat as much. which is awful. because to me, i'd rather save money than spend on food. mainly because i'm impossibly broke. and i really need to save money for various items. hai.
maggi in pantry saves my day. or occasional biscuit bites when i have time in between tasks. or..simply water and tea. and mostly, by the time i reach home, dinner is over, and i would have lost my appetite on the longggg journey home. so...ya, no meals.
but fret not my friends. i've not lost a single kilo HAHAHAH. back to basics: fml.
some pictures!
fatbear bought this for me in some gem/jewellery place in taiwan. (: didn't really feel like wearing it because i thought i still looked...weird...in it. but i still brought it out to wear..for 2 days. HAHA. i guess i'm not much of an accessory person.
my sis bought me my birthday present in advance. it's ear studs. made of real swarovski crystals. she says it cost her a bomb. but it's from the same store she bought the earrings for me last year's birthday too.
i like it. it's pretty pretty. yet to wear them yet.
the resolution is really poor. i think my blackie is dying too. zzz. should use it more often. ARGHHH. made of pink, purple and plain colored ones. very bling.
and after a late night after work, fatbear came to pick me up to get me my breakfast for the next day. i hardly met fatbear last week because of his and my work. we both had to work till late. crazy shits. but managed to find one day to see each other. aren't the dounuts pretty???!!!
damn pretty lor! HAHA. i couldn't bear to eat them. but i was famished the next morning, so i gobbled them up. boohoo. say hi to the pig.
see this paper bag? HAHAHA nehneh gave it to me. OK PLEASE IT'S NOT FROM POH HENG. HAHA. it's goodies from taiwan!
tadaaa!!! ate half of them already. sinful shits.
then i met fatbear on saturday after finishing some of my stuff (work..GAH). i skipped my tuition for extra hours of sleep. so freaking tired. i thought my body integrated into the bed already. weekends are really time for me to SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP. before i lose my mind.
we went groccery shopping!!! YAYYY i love groccery shopping! HAHA. bought madloads of tidbits which we stashed at fatbear's place. one of the supermarket aunties commented that we were tidbits king and queen. cos' the entire basket was filled with tidbits! HAHAHA. ok lah, but i admit, mostly were mine. =D but must ask permission of fatbear one ok! plus he's damn good at calculating the price. like mini packs VS mega packs. which one cheaper--> more worth it etc. WAHHH. my bear is best at that. HAHAHA so i let him count, then i just take. (((:
saturday also means the house is empty except for the maid. so we decided to cook. bought ingredients.
i think the maid cooked this tofu coated with flour. SO DAMN SHITTY. ruined my perfect tofu. so sad ok. i ate one piece, got so turned off, and never touched it again. and i love my tofus!!!!
noodles because we didn't want rice.
garlic for taste and baked beans.
cut up sausages.
soup!!! yumsss.
HELLO!!! it's proof that i actually did help cook!!! although i procrastinated and nua-ed and tried to keep fatbear nua-ing with me in bed but haiiiii, he ran from my grasp and threatened me to cook with him in the kitchen. HAIII, being the good girl, i got out of bed and helped out. boohoo.
i wish i were more domesticated. didn't help that fatbear and his maid laughed at me for being super un-pro and scared of the sizzling oil in the frying pan that kept spitting oil at me. i seriously hate those sizzling stuff!!! damn pain ok! i look mad happy. but it's all a facade. i was breathing in smoke and oil and i felt full even before eating. =(((
please ignore the fact that i'm wielding the the frying thingy so unpro-ly. HAI.
that's fatbear and his hands.
see!!! THE AWFUL TOFU mixed with my precious tau gei and hotdogs. =((((
we also heated up laksa, packed from my late lunched which i didn't eat after all. my meals are way too irregular!!! =(((
fatbear made this, and i helped fry it. baked beans with scrambled eggs, crabstick and hotdogs.
helped cooked the noodles too...
the spread.
with soup. so much, we didn't even finish 1/4 of everything. i stopped eating after a bit because everything tasted quite awful. i think it must be the heat (i hate singapore's weather, period) and the excessive oil inhaled while cooking. lost my appetite =(.
or maybe my stomach is spoiled.
anyway, camped over at fatbear's after i went home and packed my stuff. we watched DISTURBIA on HBO till about 3am, then went to bed. and slept all the way till 1plus in the afternoon!!! OMFG i'm sucha piggg. HAHAHAHA.
bathed, ate some breakfast/lunch (shitty meal times) and napped from 3plus to 6plus again. HAIII. why am i like that? plus it was so hot, i was perspiring as i napped, but i just wanted to nap. but napping in this weather makes me angry when i wake up.
fatbear's friend birthday party today. bbq at one friend's place. but it was really too hot to envision sitting by the crazy bbq pit the entire night PLUS i didn't think i'll enjoy myself much, so i gave it a miss. i know i'm stubborn and like to do things my way. sorry fatbear.
but in any sense, i think he doesn't mind either. kicking me away and having some time with his friends. boohoo. fatbear love me no more. =((((
so i'm home. was browsing blogs, shopping sites..contemplating to buy...and end up...i'm empty handed still. HAI. my sad life. i wish i could go to town to shop.
if only i were richer. really.
mentally, spiritually, physically, emotionally.
i want a short getaway. but cash restricts still. i see friends going places, living the life, enjoying their break and NOT working. i look at myself, i hear people say i'm stupid (not in my face, but implied surely) and i feel stupid for accepting a lowly paid job...........
what can i do? i'm stuck. no where. not up, not down. just...there.
and i still wish i were thinner, healthier, prettier, and the list goes on.
i wonder why i'm a communications student..when i don't communicate that much after all.
dear friends, if you DRIVE, and have time to spare after 7pm (or later), come pick me up at my work place, bring me out to eat/shop/do anything fun. before i feel like i'm losing my youth. so rapidly, perhaps i'm losing myself too.
i really...am not looking forward to 7th june.