i had to make each picture file size smaller, then slowly upload them into blogger. damn tiring. and renders you brain dead.
omg! anyway there you can see rhino!! HAHAHAH. cute hor.
ok, just a warning. this post is picture heavy.
fatbear bought sweets for me. i think i'm growing fatter from all that feeding. damnbad.
doing monz's scrapbook for her 21st birthday.
many many pictures from DOZO fine dining to celebrate monz's birthday.
the setting. even the wallpaper is so cool.
we were offered a private room due to monz's prior booking. damn cool! really felt like royalty. all the doors were opened by personal waitresses and waiters (almost like private butlers) who were standing right outside our room.
stupid fatbear wanted to take using his profile only. so i also gave my profile shot wtf. so childish.
i figured that i'm really too white. i think camera flashes bounces off my skin. whilst tanned people tend to absorb the flash and don't appear so bad. tsk.
the awesome 7 course meal. level up!!!
i'm too lazy to say which were the dishes we ordered. let the pictures do the talking.
HAHAHA this picture is damn lame ok. ed was holding this cutlery knife and threatening monz regarding something. i can't remember. but it was funny.
it was the first time i ate smoked salmon with whipped cream. and i tell you...it was...heavenly. REALLY. DOZO teased my taste buds. a mixture of various cultures and tastes; wonderfully blended together. i applaud the chef. (:
to whet our appetites. if you wish to pop by DOZO at valley point to enjoy the dining experience, you can ask me personally for recommendations regarding their dishes. i'm too stoned to elaborate more.
the expensitve truffle atop the nicely steamed chawamushi.
escargots!!! yummiessss.
the peas in the pod. twins.
crab bisque.
also topped with super expensive truffle which we were supposed to eat before starting on the soups. savor it for 3 seconds when placed in your mouth.
3 seconds of bliss. HAHA.
ed is damn happy with the truffle lor. HAHA.
the expensive stuff. wow.
monz thought this was straw mushrooms HAHA.
unagi. steaming hot. smokin'.
THE AWESOME BEEF. MONZ AND I LOVED THIS HAHAHA. and we cooked it nicely on the hot stone ok!! HAHAHA.
washroom break. too full LOL. dessert time!! french cheese cake.
DOZO's famour molten hot chocolate cake. claims that many regulars come back just for this dessert dish. worth trying. if we were so full, i think it would have been more than heavenly.
different kinds of drinks. nice. 4 pots. one each.
green tea creme brulee.
and the surprise! suddenly there was s black out while we were enjoying our desserts HAHAHAHA. then they entered with the cake. i had to use flash to show what they were doing. if not it was too dark to take any pictures. so imagine that this picture is all dark huh.
roughly looked like this. LOL.
DOZO's own preparation for her.
making a wish!
pretty monz!
group picture! LOL.
cutting cake!
awwwwwww. i love this picture of them!!! SO CUTEEE and SWEEETTT.
the molten chocolate cake.
the scrapbook!
waiting for cab to go to oosh.
in the cab. lol they like to cmawhore using my cam also.HAHA.
HAHAHA squeezing his boobs.
no, monz never zao geng. don't worry.
i think monz was attempting to kill ed HAHAHAHAHAH.
yayyy end of the posting for monz's birthday. i filtered out many pictures to save time. ai xin breakfast from fatbear.
and i found fatbear's (because he is rhino) cousin at his place HAHAH.
sunday, 21st dec, 3rd month anniversary.
dug out my super long ago jumper from topshop and white blouse to wear before they grew mould lol.
went to fatbear's office to help him do some cheap labor. then had to send the car back. and after fatbear changed and bathed, took a bus to PS to meet the other two couples. marshy and gf and white ass and dating girl.
after dinner at manhatten fish market and chill out at the toast box. we went separate ways. i think it was a tad bit weird hanging out with the other halves together. LOL. but things will get better i guess. =D
took christmassy pictures. town was crowded like fuck. hates.
bloody hot and humid mansss.
can you see me? i'm so tiny wtf. but my legs look thin. HAHAHAH.
and i actually look petite!!! grinss.
there were tons of volunteers lingering around, handing out christmas flyers and booklets. one volunteered to help us take pictures. she cut off the tree. HAHA. a pity. because i liked how both of us looked. boooo.
fatbear got me a watch because i said i liked it. so quirky. i like! but i'll miss my old watch. i like my crazy star and vulgar cartoon character HAHA.
and cute keychain charm! midnight blue. lovely. the exact same color as my nail polish.
as you can see. my watch is very weathered HAHA. scraps and cuts. damn solid ok!!!
erm yes i know in the background you can see one of the postcards my advertising group connect@six did for our metropolitan opera project. i inserted them under my glass tabletop together with the itouch lust and many other random stuff.
sooo, did you guys eat tang yuan yesterday? it was dong zhi!!! i like tang yuans. but i think anything beyond 3 is too much. -dies. ok i know i look fat and tired. just got home not long last night. was heading to bath.
one of the cheapo paper hearts fatbear made using caltax petrol receipt wtf HAHAHA. he made 2 in total for me. and he was still frantically scribbling words on this heart when i came down. TSKKK. so prepared hor! LOL.
i gave fatbear a photo album. with empty sleeves still. meant to fill up the remaining pages slowly with memories. he said he was touched. hmmmmm.
christmas up next. i wonder what fatbear got for me. HAHAHA.
money please fall down from the sky into my happy open armsssss. preferably in huge amounts, thank you. *terms and conditions apply.
*NO other unknown, unwelcomed and unpleasant objects/issues should follow the happy money rain.
wish for now: may the great P come today or tomorrow so everything goes according to plan. and may i receive more money suddenly within these two days.
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