and yes, you see a sleeping bear up there. TSK. he is always sleeping. HAHAHA.
should just call him Sleeping Steve Huang.
anyways, went over to fatbear's place again. camped overnight. was to attend his elder brother's ROM. so yea. you know how i dislike family functions and introductions and dressing up and looking pretty and all that stuff. but well, i made it out alive. not very much happy. but still, being alive is important. i guess.
the ROM was held on sunday.
i was prepared in the morning already. and he is there sleeping. went i took this, he was supposed to be pigging out still. but apparently he opened his eyes to look at me. HAHAHAHA. now i look like I HAVE A SECRET ADMIRER!!! errrrmmm. ya.
fatbear looks so lovingly at me. (or irritatedly) AHAHA.
i conclude that my frontal view looks better. fatbear's profile view looks better. hmmmm.
and xiaobianbian has demoted. BOOHOOHOO. to being stuck in between two giants. so sad. HAHAH. he looks squashed and shocked. anyway that pink piggy bank you see there is supposed to be fatbear's savings for my itouch. ermmm. i think by the time it's full, i would have bought it.
but perhaps fatbear will be a shareholder again. lousy shits. HAHAHAHA. inside joke. sorry.
hi shit angel! long time no see.
just out of the bathroom. i look so clean.
fatbear actually looks thin here. hmmmm. pictures are deceiving.
loads of camwhoring shots from here on. tsk. sorry for the eyesore.
all taken before i changed. after my bath.
HAHAHA don't try to open already lah. still very small.
fatbear's leg hair! considerably sparse compared to marshy's! can't help but remember zh's hairy legs HAHA. can kill ants if they get stuck there.
stupid fatbear's leg wanted to cover my face. can still see his fat toe.
some tee i bought from Fox like eons ago. i think about 3 or 4 years ago. coincidentally it's my PJs now. ermmms. HAHA.
fatbear gonna start sleeping already.
after this, i went to get ready. no makeup or what lah. i'm so loser right? but seriously, making up is so tiresome. gee. i wish i weren't a girl. i wore what i wear almost everyday. with SNEAKERS and that's it. then i watched as the other women in the house ran around getting ready for the big event. =X
the ROM was held at Shangri-la Hotel. one of the functions room. i think it was the Garden Terrace or something. very pretty deco and decent buffet. but i still would want my wedding to be held at Fullerton. HAHA.
didn't take much pictures since i wasn't very familiar with anyone at all. and i had to be introduced to so many relatives my head was spinning. i really don't like that feeling. i hate awkwardness. and i hate having to create an impression. because i suck at that.
anyway, there is the spread. food wasn't awesome. overrated. but still decent for certain dishes.
the crossoints were good. solid cheese.
the desserts were better than the mains.
awesome heavenly scones with cream and bread and pudding with vanilla. yums.
went for a short walk around with the fatbear and the rascal.
i look exhausted don't i? sigh. i am.
recently, i haven't been blogging as often. mainly because i keep falling sick here and there. flu, slight fever, headaches, migraines, sorethroats and what's not. the feeling sucks to the core to the max. everyday i return home from work, i just want to collapse and die on the bed.
i think my system is breaking down real bad. i better try to stay healthy. =(((
anyway, we got home from the ROM lunch. thank god for that. it was really affecting my mood. i can't really explain why i dislike such functions, but i will get to the bottom of that in one later entry perhaps. it's too late and i'm too tired to think now.
i made fatbear model one of my bling bling bracelets. HAHAH. it's for personal viewing pleasure. and i cannot possibly post them on my blog because it will CONFIRM PLUS CHOP ruin his image HAHAHAHAHAHHA. damn gay. i can only give you the most UNgay picture of all.
which is VERY blur. and in the most UNgay position of the dozen shots. =D can you see the bling bling bracelet made into the ring in this picture?
gahhhhhh i look exhausted. damn. it's fatbear's tee anyway. changed out of my clothes for a bit.
HAHAHAHAHA he didn't know i took this. got another damn funny one in a woman's wig. but i shall save him some MIAN ZI HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. fatfish.
changed clothes again. headed out to ang moh kio hub to MS Color to get my camera. t77!!!! i bought it!!! got it at a rather good deal plus freebies. so i'm alright. ONE LUST GADGET DOWN.
heartpain though. SIGH. saw $$ fly away just like that. it's stupid if you tell me "like that then you will treasure it" because IT'S NOT TRUE!!! even if you give me the gadget (without me having to pay), I WILL STILL TREASURE IT. zzzz.
nevermind lah. money can always earn back right? haiz. what to do. fulfill my dreams one by one. independence is good. go go jielin!!! (trying damn hard to self psycho myself some more =((( )
drove around orchard to see the xmas lights. pretty.
the radial-like blur was on purpose. kinda liked the effect. taken using viewty though.
on the car.
if only there were snow. xmas in singapore would be perfect. another on purpose shot. moving lights are pretty.
home finally. some pictures of my new baby. yet to think of a name for it. sheesh.
i just peeled out the yellow stretch of sticker today (tuesday) so the cam looks way much better now.
LCD touch screen. t77. black. debated on getting pink. but i figured bling bling would look better with black base too. diamontes!!! whoosh. soon, when i recoup my....finances =(.
testing out my camera. not really used to taking pictures using my t77 instead of my trusty viewty. ah well...habits gonna break.
worked on HARI RAYA for double pay. 1030am to 530pm. shagged. Hboss came to take over my shift. took a picture with him too. but since it's privacy concerns and he doesn't know of my blog, i shall not post it here.
after shift ended. changed. waited for the time to go meet fatbear for dinner and perhaps movie. migraine was killing me by then. forced smiles.
i can't really get the optical stability thingy to work yet. things are stable with flash. but without flash is tricky. hmmmms.
dinner was at foodcourt (which got all my clothes and cardigan DAMN STINKY when i left the place) to save money. =( got tickets for the movie Quarantine.
the movie was crap. basically it's the same concept as Cloverfield and Blair Witch's Project. but i guess BWP is so much better than Quarantine. it wasn't even SCARY. zzz. just annoying because the people were screaming and i wished they died faster. but it's a pity watching good people die so innocently. and suddenly rabbies look terrifying. no cure? gahhh. let me die earlier. suffering is worse.
i emerged from the cinema having a worse headache than before. definitely not good. dampened my mood so bad, we headed home straight after. and i wasn't in any mood to make merry with fatbear. the bus was cold. and thank god fo his jacket, if not i would have reached home a snowgirl.
reached home and tested my camera by taking nonsence shots. no meaning in them. meaning camwhoring shots. HAHA. sorry mans. i know i'm damn ugly. i was in my PJs also lahhhh. preparing to sleep already.
shaggy hair do is HOT ok. HAHAHAH wtf. ya lah i look like shit. need to cut hair soon.
sleep. woke up. tuition P today again. tuesday.
she almost killed me with her carelessness. zzzz.
ugly socks.
my nest.
in any sense, some uncle stepped on my fairytale whites today. and cos' i was moving forward, his action made my shoe came off. and my ugly socks were revealed to the commuters on the bus. WTF. zzzz. i turned back and gave a look. and he apologised profusely.
then, i stumbled to my seat dragging my half-worn sneaker. he sat infront of my seat, turned around and apologised again. zzz. i told him "nevermind. it's ok".
at least he was sorry about it. some people just don't care.
in my lift. i think many people thought i didn't wear any shorts underneath again. received many stares. zzz.
home homeee.
hunger pangs and no food at home calls for milo powder in plain bread. heaven i say. =DDD bad for throat though. damn my throat is becoming more sore. and i lose my voice so randomly regulars ar VE make fun of my ZAO XIA wtf.
more pics up soon. tired. too much on my mind. headed over to fatbear's to send some ai xin dinner from subway. i'm so nice right. HA HA. damn i hate ulupanjang. luckily his friend was sending him home around that time too. he made me alight from my bus and they came to pick me up from a bus stop near courts. hmmm.
the friend is nice. so far all his friends are nice.
teojielin. stop comparing. comparing kills.
even if you have a thousand lives, it's not going to help you if you continue comparing. it'll just kill you again and again until 1000 lives are used up and you'll lead a life without a soul.
i. can't. help. it.
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