recently i've been peeved by certain issues.
1) the resident B, my elder sis. the underlying reason behind my anger and irritation is that SHE IS FUCKING CRAZY and TEMPERAMENTAL.
in the mornings when she wakes up before me (very seldom but STILL!), she would switch the fan's speed to something lower, causing the room to become uncomfortably hot.
BUT, when i wake up in the morning before her, I CANNOT TOUCH THE FAN. even the slightest ADJUSTMENT to the fan speed will cause her to wake up from her slumber and yell at me. seriously, what is her problem.
and i'm only harping on ONE of the MANY stupid things she does. basically, the idea is: she can do the exact same things that i want to do. only that the person yelling is HER and not me. i think because i'm younger or something. wtf.
2) VE is terrible, horrible, annoying shits. as you all will know, i am VERY careful with money. i'm so anal about MY own money-counting, and especially when it involves money which is not mine, i become even more vigilant in handling.
soooo, recently, Pboss mentioned once to me that one closing shift i did, the bank-in money was WRONG. there was a shortage. which got me VERY pissed. because i triple count my bank-in money for closing shifts everytime. it is impossible i could have packed in the wrong amount. but, since i had no evidence. FORGET IT.
then, just a few days ago, i did another closing. and before i closed, LF and i counted $2 EXTRA dollars. the next morning when Hboss opened the shop, he said there was $3 SHORTAGE???? HELLOOOO. can money fly away in the middle of the night??? fucker. i'm starting to doubt his integrity. but WHAT THE FUCK. WHO BELIEVES A PART-TIMER OVER A FULL-TIMER. so angry. no comments.
AND THEN, recently, there was been a spate of people STEALING discs from VE. just a note of background information, discs in our shop are meant to be kept into black CD folders (each dvd title is numbered), back into the respective numbers as stated on the sleeves. new releases are kept in separate folders too. ALL DISCS were meant to be kept away BEFORE shelving them back.
it's a KNOWN rule. and a complete MUST. stressed before many many times. SO, i don't know who are/is the idiot/s who KEPT THE DISCS IN THE DVDS COVERS AND RETURNED THEM TO THE SHELVES recently. as a result, more discs are getting lost--dishonest people have been coming in to steal them when we were unaware. it's crazy reading this probably. but there ARE people who are crazy like that.
and we have a couple of new part-timers recently. but i don't wish to point fingers.
Hboss said that we ALL have to bear the costs of the LOST DISCS. HELLO??!?!?!?!?!
ok i'm fuming. let's carry on to the pictures. arghhhh.
dim sum for breakfast on sunday morning. so-so. nothing fantastic. didn't eat much either.
the gourmet shot function in my cam serious rocks. HAHA.
and we have the fatbear trying to be a leaf again. tsk.
the uncle bio-ing me sia HAHAHAHAH. wtf.
steaming hot tea on the rainy, cold morning was a welcome to my shivering body.
ah, a true shot of an uncle! just missing the propped up leg and one stack of newspapers.
taking bus back to his place for some dvd and tv serial marathon.
pictures without flash are way toooooo shaky. so i decided to turn it on.
he blended in very comfortably into the green bus. HAHA.
both rascals were at home. which made tv watching a chore because the kids had super short attention span and were distracting us from sitting down.
in the end, we decided to play alvin and the chipmunks and watch it together. it would be my 355254th time watching it (counting VE).
she looks so cute yawning! HAHAHAHAH.
1, 2, 3...go awwwwww. she's so fair i think she's born a princess. super cute!
ah yes, i changed into home clothes because it was more comfortable. stupid fatbear tried to imitate my signature pose. and looked exceedingly retarded as a result. HAHA.
next, fatbear drove me to zw's place. but the ocip guys were reaching the caltex station coincidentally, so i asked them to wait for me and i walked to zw's place together with them! been ages since i saw them! chatted a lot!!! =D
i don't know what is yh bro trying to do. i think he is recalling the good old days back in udon thani, thailand. HAHAHAHA.
our own little circle of trust. =D the food was okay. the place was damn crowded!!! and VERY VERY HOT. omg.
seriously unglam. HAHAHAAHA. dingo is damn greedy! hilarious man.
the birthday song, cake and girl. there was no more space so the ocip peeps were stranded on the stairway straining our necks. HAHA. the pics suck.
family shot! so sweet.
zw and berd. HAHA. i don't have the shots taken with zw and class and ocip peeps by the official photograhper at the event. i guess she'll be posting them up soon. i THINK. lol.
went back to taking random shots with ocip people. which were minimal in numbers anyway.
dingo and yh bro. and thomas's arm. HAHA.
yh took my cam to fiddle around. can see i'm wet, sweaty and oily. arghs.
eh kns. my signature pose keeps getting ruined by random people HAHAH.
eh joel stop looking so shocked lah. idiot. HAHAHAHA.
taken by yh. thomas in picture.
with white ass!! WHEEE. meeting soon on the 21st for dinner!!! OMG SO EXCITED!!! =DDDD i think white ass became more "shuai" mans! wtf. HAHAHA not that i have any designs on him. but i think he really "blossomed" from JC days HAHAHAHA. oops. no comments about zh. except that i'm in awe with zh's "pecs" LOL.
both are sorely missed still. (((: taken in zw's room by zw's odac friend, i think. with the ocip guys. hello i'm quite tall right? HAHAHAHAHA.
yh was measuring his height via this girraffe height ruler in zw's room.
and joel hijacked some random goggles on the computer table wtf. all of them treated zw's house like their own house. AHHAHAHA.
some commotion! zw's face to be smashed into the cake?? HAHA. no lah, in the end never. just some cream on her face. so kind hor? =D
cutthing cake.
dingo has like super sonic face. wow.
top-down view of white ass who was talking on the phone, very engrossed. hmmmm. -cheeky grin- HAHA. called his name. and he gamely posed for my camera! yayyy. so cute hor! omg.
gave zw our present for her. a cd compiled with ocip pictures. and an adidas gift voucher! ok that marks the end of my sunday.
i decided not to give tuition today and spent 3 hours completing my LIBRARY WORKSHOP SKILLS thingy from UB. because if i don't complete, i cannot grad. HAHAHA. so ok lah, i delayed for 2 years already. really must get my ass down to doing it.
it's simple. but tons of reading. and the font size of the text is annoyingly tiny. and boringgggg. that's why i took so long. because i was distracted by other things...hmmmm.
i PASSED though. got full marks for 4 sections. 1 of the sections got 4/5. so...i'm pretty awesome, huh? HAHAHAH.
and then, i packed my dining table which was cluttered with my school work, assignments, reports, textbooks and papers etc. now it's so much cleaner. and i feel...cleaner too. wtf.
work starts tomorrow. and i'm comtemplating to cancel friday's work at VE because i'm so annoyed with the system and because i want more social life. zzz.
till the next time...tataaa!
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