sighhh. i realized we seldom get the chance to talk. because when he gets home from work, he's tired as hell and wants to just sleep. and being nice and understanding, i can't force him to talk to me, even though i wish to talk to him about my day.
and sometimes i'm the one who is too tired to talk.
it's tough being a good girlfriend.
but i bet it's tougher being my boyfriend.
that's why i'm glad i have fatbear. he gives me the love i lack. (:
fatbear holding my touchy's travel adapter we got for only $8! HAHAH. third party stuff what, cheap lah. no point getting original one which is like 3 times more expensive! 0.0
with the travel adapter, i won't have to plug my touchy to computer to charge it anymore! i can plug into any 3-pin socket to charge anywhere convenient! (((:
he really doesn't want me to take pictures of him.
so i shift my focus to touchy!
i got screen protector for it. $5! it's got all the functions as stated on the applemac website. but like...4 times cheaper HAHA.
whattt. now must save money ok! economy not good hor! plus money not easy to earn can! =(
and i got the back casing protector for $10! it's damn chio, good fit and looks sturdy. (((: although i cannot see fatbear's sweet message engravings at the back, but still, it's well protected so i can take off the casing and look at the perfect-condition backing anytime HAHAHA.
we spent quite some time playing games on my touchy versus each other HAHAHA so funny. hit the mole, tap tap revenge and drunkard walking!
errmmm, i have a lot of applications already. =X
even got game for fatbear!! specially!! HAHAHA. RHINO IN A BALL OK!!!! so funnyyy. =D
this picture is scary. because the power of my t77 baby managed to capture my blackheads and all wtf. SO SAD. over-powerful. =.=
today tuition lasted 3 hours because i wanted to teach Ptutee all the needed stuff for the chapter so that she can practise exercises for the week i'm gone.
after tuition, i dropped by VE where Hboss was working. he said some ambiguous stuff yet again which i smoothly ignored. chatted a bit. chillaxed in the aircon before heading out to perspire again wtf.
bought plain waffles to munch on. popped into watsons to get some travel toiletries stuff. my 2nd visit already HAHA. because i hate carrying so many things in one buy, so i split up the buys lor.
guess what i got??? HAHA.
cooling gel eye pads HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA. star shape one ok. i was debating between this design or the 2 strawberries eye patch ones HAHAHAHAH.
ok i look like shit cos' i just took them. but those gel things are powerful. i thought for a moment my eyeballs got frozen. =.=
so cold.
aiya, the string is supposed to put around your head to secure the mask one. lazy.
supposed to be packing my luggage but it's still empty after 4 hours. i've got too many things strewn about. the packing is super troublesome. i tend to throw things together and call them packed. =(
the coming-back from vacation is worse. because there would be shopping buys, dirty clothes, etc. gahhhh. i hate packing. touchy and evaaaa. bonding session. to know that i don't practice favoritism ok!! i love both equally! evaaa brings me good luck! (((: plus got fatbear love also. hee.
my passport. ((:
i like looking at the stamps on my passport. symbols of my travelling.
pity my USA and Europe ones are all in my mum's passport because i was still not legit to hold a passport then. i had to share with my parents.
nevermind. i have a plan in mind. and it will come true. (: everything does. i have faith.
blog again soon. more pictures from packing before i depart for airport tomorrow.
no entries for a week. but stay posted should i get connection in hotels or something! =DDD
and i'll definitely post pictures from vacation.....
had a mini tiff with The Dad. sigh.
i hate it when this happens.
it makes me want to move out soon.
which is not good.
i really should start packing. or maybe i could pack when i wake up later....
HAHAHAHA. aye lazy.
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