hello and byebye. they've been good reads, minus the fact that i had to do MORE than read. books worth keeping though.
before i start showing all the long overdue pictures, i found out that i really get all pissy and agitated if i don't get fed on time. meaning if i'm hungry and i have NOTHING to eat, i get very angry. ANGRY. with caps.
which is what i'm feeling now. there is nothing at home i want to eat. not maggi. not biscuits. not bread. not sweets. I WANT TO EAT REAL FOOD. and i'm angry because my parents just told me that they'll be back with dinner at 9:30pm only. WHICH MEANS I SHALL STARVE UNTIL I GET GASTRIC AGAIN. i'm so annoyed. i should have eaten more for lunch.
i got a serious bout of gastric this morning. so bad i had to go lie down. i had another minor attack after exams. and i think i'm going to get another soon if i don't get food into my stomach. i am seriously very angry.
my digestive system is so fucked up now. i starve at the weirdest hours. i don't have the appetite at the right hours. and i really...feel fucked up. most of the times, i become so hungry i just can't be bothered to eat anymore. i let the acid burn through my stomach walls.
ok. enough. connect@six pictures taken after we were released from hell. i shall attempt to be happier as i blog although i am fuming. i don't even know who exactly i am angry with. hai.
i have no idea why sharul and ch took this picture. wtf. hello can't even see my boobs HAHAHA.
all a series of multi shots taken by ch's camera. HAHA. lame shits. you can really see who are the camwhore ones in the pictures. =DDD
eh wtf i think we were all looking at a passing UFO outside HAHAHAHA. no lah. the curtains had some problems and somehow all of us turned to look as xc struggled with it. coincidence mans. but kinda cute.
and my legs look thin here. wow.
it's been wonderful working with them. the most unlikely team. we should be proud of ourselves. (: i am proud of them. i had a slight fever yesterday after i got home from school after my com443 paper. no meals. fatbear surprised me with century egg porridge under my house. sweet. he made me eat panadol after that to make my fever subside. not sweet.
and i want to write nice things about him and gush about how sweet and romantic things are, but i don't feel in the mood right now. i'm peeved.
a random dinner after fatbear's work at WEST COAST PLAZA (the next hippest place in the west side!!!). dined at Thai Express. pretty good. i miss thai food suddenly. i can have tomyum soup for every meal again.
my hair is annoying me. so i decided to tie it all up (yet again like old times). looked shit. so few pictures taken.
and i was really tired (from studying i think), hence the really small eyes.
i have a question to ask:
SHOULD I CUT MY HAIR SHORTER??? (as compared to now) maybe like SHOULDER LENGTH again? i'm so irritated with the length right now. it's so straw-y and flat (i have thin hair =((( ) and boring. TSK.
curry soft shell crab with rice. not bad!
seafood glass noodles i think. not bad either!
heavenly tomyum.
another night fatbear dragged me out for steamboat with his friends. some place near the darts-place monz, ed, him and i went the last time. sunset there.
it was this steamboat buffet thing. economical. but i didn't have much of an appetite that day. what a waste. anyway, the quality of the food wasn't that awesome also. variety was there though. you could steamboat and grill things on the side (provided a separate grill). the grill turned out to be more popular than the steamboat ultimately.
HAHAHA and fatbear's other friend appeared there too with his own friends. what a coincidence! he was the one who treated me to sakae sushi dinner that other day (some time back)! he's super lame!!! HAHAHA. but he's nice and he's fun to be with. i like!
okkk. random pictures from now on.
a view of how my living table looks like now. dominated by my messiness and lack of organization. i cannot believe that i am a girl sometimes.
some cheena-like video i saw at VE. HAHAHA. perfect for mz.
gummies from fatbear.
more gummies. and the container that used to house evaaaa. nice. and again, i have no mood to gush about the sweetness and all now. i think maybe i am angry with fatbear. but don't really think it's his fault this time. im just so unreasonable when i'm HUNGRY. ROARRRRR!!!
some random stuff he drew for me too. HAHAHA.
erm. artistically challenged? i don't know.
ahhh. more pictures i dug up from my archives which i never managed to post because i got so bored. HAHAH.
from my secondary school days! oh god. seriously ruin my reputation (lack thereof).
can you see me??? i'm the one in the second row; second from the right. and i remember thinking that i looked rather decent in that picture when i was in secondary school!
nehneh is in the first row, 2nd from the left. HAHAHAHAH. eh plastic surgery lor!!!
see! last time i damn ah lian already. WEAR SKULL TEE SHIRT WTF. HAHAHAHAHA. national day rocks lah. and again, nehneh is first from the left.
secondary 2 picture! zomg! erm. the row of girls, first from the left. wow. and i also though this picture of me looked good back then! HAHAHAHAHA. ok lah, still not so bad.
this one is....really ugly. =( but nevermind. i'm assured i look better now. HAHAHAHA. that's most important right? =S
@$#@%^$^%^$# first from right. GAHHHHHHHHHH.
no comments.
okkk, so exams are over. time to continue being a workaholic (never really stopped anyway) and slog my guts out in tuition and VE. wheewheebombeebee. moolah rain please. so many things to buy!!!
since i will be working quite a lot this december, and VE's pay doesn't come in till the NEXT month (jan), i am assured of NOT eating grass when i get back from taiwan. that's rather reassuring and comforting to know. =))))
i know what jacket to wear for tw trip already. countdown timeeeeeee!!!
and my dad says hk is cold this year, meaning tw will be colder. he threw me a pair of leather gloves and ordered me to bring them there. and he said i had better bring along more jackets lest i freeze to death. erm, yaaaa. and he forbade me to bring my usual green luggage i use for travelling. kns. he said too small. =.=
it's time to bring out my boots and jackets and long socks!!! so much loveeee.
i saw snowman and santa in the airport last year. will i see them this year?? and i'm still contemplating if i should bring this jacket on top of the one i'm wearing. hmmm, it does take lovely pictures because of the color.
this year's christmas 2008 may be the first ever i celebrate with a special someone. EVER. which is a historical mark by itself.
and this tw trip may be the first ever "romantic" trip with a special someone too. EVER. another historical mark. do i call this an unofficial honeymoon? LOL.
i want more honeymoons then!! travelling rocks socks. wheee. (((:
xmas wish list up soon. and i'm contemplating to shelve my itouch plans till next year (unless i get even MORE cash SIGH). because i'm gonna get a new digital camera. prolly sony's cybershot t77. gonna cost me a bomb.
what to do. i'm not rich. fatbear also not rich. parents also not gonna strike it rich anytime soon. hai. why is my life like that.
i don't even see my birthday present anywhere near me. owed since june 7th till now. sad.
i am still hungry.
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