the blue starry thingy you saw up there is the greatest thing ever. perfect for travelling. can put super random stuff inside and it's like a cute version of a shoe bag wtf HAHA.
and i bought this damn nice cosmetic bag. for toiletries.
i've gotten my clothes ready. complete head to toe. i just wish i don't end up mixing and matching the outfits until i look retarded wtf. zzz. but yes, i brought long socks along and YES i'm going to wear them because i only have 3 pairs of leggings and re-wearing them will STINK. wtf.
i hope i won't freeze my ass off. because i really want to bring my boots along, but i'm hoping i can score some really nice converses over there. so i need all the space i can get in my luggage. lol. so no booties for jielin in this trip =((((.
i had almost forgotten how pretty winter clothes are. how awesome layers and colors can wool and boots can be. somehow, as singapore got hotter and hotter, i abandoned my boots and thick clothings to prevent myself from becoming a bbq rabbit.
wearing winter clothes here is almost...insane.
i wish...i wishh....
i've been doing some thinking, which got me all emo. which is not good. i'm supposed to be hyped up about my trip! only a few hours away! =(
2008. so many things have happened. so much, i've changed. i think i've become a totally different person, attitudes, morals, values, perceptions, priorities, foresight.
i'm not sure if i like the new me, but it seems as though i don't have much of a choice. people have to grow up, and i have to face this cruel world out there first. things will get sweeter, i believe, but first, hard work and tons of good luck.
even relationships aren't so simple and sweet anymore. because there is so much more than what i know. i cannot stay the little girl forever. i have to keep learning. the new rules of this game.
i lose, and i gain. often i wished i could gain both, getting the best of both worlds. but somehow, this never happens. i've "lost" a couple of friends. not necessarily because of fights or arguments or cold wars. but just. because.
like how hot coffee becomes cold over time if left alone on the table. the friendship was piping hot, became lukewarm, then eventually cold. my heart is cold too. it saddens me to see how close we used to be, and now...barely speaking to each other.
effort? i don't know. i don't know if both parties tried hard enough. or simply because we move on no matter what. and we have readjusted our priorities, with new entrees into our life, some must exit. one cannot have time for everything, everyone, everytime, it seems.
some things have remained the same. and i'm thankful for that. ((: let's hope 2009 will continue seeing these constants.
some new entrees into my life includes fatbear. definitely unexpected. but welcomed. he taught me many things unknowingly, and showed me the meaning of love. sometimes unconditional. he may think i take things he do for granted, but i never once did. such love is rare for could i underestimate it's importance?
things aren't ideal. but, ideals are meant for fantasies. ideals can push you to grow, but they could ruin you in extremities.
it'll be impossible to list what i'm feeling now. it's crazy. i jumbled.
i'll be going off soon. take care you all. the short getaway and salvation for teo jielin is about to begin. it won't be too long, only too short.
we'll try to countdown at taipei 101 if the crowd doesn't kill us first. psyched. (((: i made a wish months ago before i met fatbear. and the wish has finally came true.
i hope i'll enjoy myself. it'll be a blast! i'll try to get things back for everyone. but as you know, i'm pretty strapped for cash. and anyway, i didn't change much money this time.
and i'm a changed girl you know. AHHAHA i don't spend rashly anymore. =D
earn money not easy ok!!! hmpff.
happy 2009 to you all people when you guys finally guy this entry! ((:
i'm gonna be making my resolutions on the plane.
ok till, then, i don't feel like blogging. tataaa!
before i end off, a VERY sweet poem from monky wtf. =.= i feel so loved.
nunny is flying off to taiwan.
i hope she will go there and have lotsa fun.
she promise me she will get me a 'i love taimei' shirt
she better get it for me or i'll throw dirt!
gone will she be for 1 week plus.
safe will i be for as long as that last.
she ask me to miss her while she is gone.
i simply tell her to wait long long.