bad right? oh wells. things are settled FOR NOW. and i pray we can cooperate better soon. like NOW is best. sighs.
left school feeling pissed and irritated still. thanks to nehneh for the free cabride because she is so rich she don't think before spending. thanks still.
but thanks to cabride i got more irritated cos' of a freaking bloody HELL ASSHOLE TAXI DRIVER who yakked non-stop about his perspectives in somethings that totally collided with mine. I RESTED MY CASE AND FELL SILENT looking out of the window while BREATHING IN DEEPLY to stop myself from yelling at him and HE CONTINUED YAKKING AWAY NON-STOP.
like wtf?!?!?! ok that was a long sentence but you got my point right? sigh. if nehneh wasn't in the cab with me i might have murdered someone today.
anyway scouted bugis street today and paid visits to the shops we neglected for quite some time. zzz. burned a huge ass hole in my pocket. SIGH. but i like the items lah..shouldn't complain.
but my father kb-ed just now when he saw. it's not like i'm spending his money, or the ang bao money even. it's my hard-earned money and since i saw something i like, shouldn't i buy it??? zzz. sian... pissed.
day turned better later at night. videoezy contacted me for work on sat. sat morning have tuition too. i think the mum pays per 2 lessons. whee. and my training pay is at videzy also. means i can collect. whee. abundance jielin. think abundance, feel abundance and act abundance.
bro decided to be nice and msged me a sudden sms checking on me. WOW. HHAAHHA. i think he actually misses me. =D
worries worries kill. =S
exams coming. projects killing. please superwomanize me. thank you.
ps: no pics cos' blogger hates me and keep telling me my computer has spyware/virus and refuses to allow me to attach pics. dulan. SEE THIS BLOGGER??!?!?!
can upload pics now. at 2:14am.
just my delipotato lah.
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