recently, i've started watching more videos of this cute girl from hei sei hui mei mei called guigui.
yes, her name sounds like my bf xiao gui. but they are not together. and god forbid them to be together. =((( though i know xg thinks gg is super cute. BUT STILL.....CANNOT OK! i say CANNOT!!! hmpff.

isn't she adorable? her on screen personality is funky, cute and hilarious. the fact that she's so open and free and at ease with herself is amazing to watch. yes she's younger than me. i think around 19 or 20 years old. not sure. prolly younger even.
she's just tmd cute lah. cannot take it. =(((
soon i must start posting pics of guys so i won't be mistaken to be lesbian. wtf. think coffee prince hellllooo. think xiao gui. think wilbur pan. think my girl lead actor. EXCUSE MEEE. i like men. HAHAHAH.

you see lah. now they are even acting together in a show. i'm damn sad.
FINE. male pics ok!!! abc wilbur. hothot. wheee. mz, not your ex i don't care.

then my fav gui. with 2 other quite gd looking guys. azz and xz. HAHAHA.

ok i like this white shirt damn freaking alot. i will get it.
this is turning out to be very pointless as an entry. either way, some updates.
1) got my xh tuition pay finally. from dec till now. zzz. thanks to wanyi. love tt babe. she's leaving on sunday though. fuckkk. =((( will miss her like hell. HAIZ.
2) gonna get my hard lens soon. yes, contact lens. shocking right. i think i will go get it after cny. SIGH.
3) gonna get a new pair of funky specs too! whee. blingbling here i comeee. love bling. BLING IS GOD.
4) set new aims and visualised aims.
5) experienced mini money rain.
6) grew thinner. my waist is 27 inches now. although hips didn't change. knn. hip bone cannot reduce liao sobs.
7) today got ppl say i'm da mei nu. let me bask in it for a while. HAHAHAH. i'm undiscovered gem ok!!! =DDD
8) i tried on this oversized tee from revoltage at far east today(omg im doing free advert). since i was wearing that uber short newfuture shorts today, i didn't take them out when i tried on the tee. so i came out to show nehneh and get her comments. she said it was not bad..so i decided to get it since i liked the design and size!!! lovesss.
ANYWAY, the guy at the counter didn't saw me when i came out i think. then while my back was facing him, he WAHHH damn loud until i turned around to see what happened. HAHAHAH HE THOUGHT I NV WEAR SHORTS OK.
please, i'm not so kinky yet. HAHAHAH. ok lah, yinyue trend sorry.
i think i'm used to going men's section already. zzz. sorry too fat and too tall. most tee lengths don't suit my body shape.
must get used to salespeople who ask if i'm getting items for myself or my bf. NONEXISTENT BF AH. zzz. but heck. wear nice can already. embarking on new trend. i think depression might render cool outfits time to time again. wheee. must check out revoltage soon when i'm richer. their tees and cardigans are quite nice lor.
9) i hope i won't look ugly when i wear my contacts. ZZZ. it's breakthrough for me leh. i wanna be pretty also.
10) i think my face will appear on depression.com soon. zzz. after avoiding their picture taking for one year. i succumbed today. nvm, support local designers rightttt. i hope my pimples will be photoshopped away. HAHAHAHA.
byebye my loves. i'm feeling happy. my life is changing.
i control my life. and i'm loving it. (:
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