today morning and early noon was supposed to be break for me--time for me to get some mgm article done. before my shift in evening till night at videoezy. chinagirl's (henceforth known as bj) mum called me on friday night to tell me her kid had flagday and had to postphone the tuition to sunday noon. i agreed.
then saturday afternoon around 1pm, she called me again to tell me that her kid is home and can have tuition in the afternoon. like wtf???! thank god i was awake by then and halfway through my article. rushed out of the house by 2pm to arrive at her house for 3pm lesson.
finished around 5pm. bus-ed to boonlay then train-ed to clementi for my 6pm shift at videoezy. new temp partner working with me today. nice malay girl. chatted damn alot lahhhs. HAHAHA. better than the other guy. she was much more mature, understanding, humorous, chatty and easy to get along with. more topics to click lah, in a sense.
worked till 11pm. non-stop traffic. never felt so stressed working such a brainless job.
cos' 1) IT IS NOT BRAINLESS AS I THOUGHT. zzzz. freaking need quite alot of brain power lor. zzzz. -grimace-
gotta get those functions into my brain mans. or not i'll forever be lagging behind, especially during peak hours. i wished i had 2 brains and 8 hands(figuratively).
and they are gonna send me to the jurong branch, which i heard from the girl that IT IS SUPER BIGGG AND GD BIZ. wtf. please at least let me train more can??!? TEMP STAFF DUN ALL QUIT AT ONE SHOT. i need a break for my puny brain. =(((
got my pay for tuition and videoezy. wheeee. gonna bank it in. all in cheques now. yay my insurance for the month should be pretty safe. =)
reached home by 11:30pm. was on same bus as my sis. was starving since i had not eaten a single meal for the entire day. mum cooked maggi with mushrooms and fish slices and eggggg. wheee. stuffed myself.
damn so fat.
japan has got to be the only nation with such lovely packaging. minus the fact that it's a pretty pink. it just looks so dainty! like even the biscuit waffles are printed delicately. WTF???! hahah. and it's damn yums to add on. wheee. my mum's friend bought it from japan on her sales trip. oh mannn.
speaking of which, had a few random thoughts today:
1) teaching private is DEFINITELY confirm plus chop TMD TIMES 1000 EASIER than teaching a class. zzzz. felt like vacation cannnn. wheeee. easy money come come come. ok, now i felt like i was GOD back then. HAHAHAHAH. GODLY JIELIN. come worship me, the superteacher.
2) earning your own money and spending your own money definitely feels different than when people pay for your expenditure. hmmmms.
3) the world is bigger than it seems.
4) this old man who is researching molecular something(according to the girl) is a regular customer at clementi outlet. he saw my UB shirt and was asking me if i was back on vacation to work part-time here before i flew off back to U.S. HELLO!!! I WISH SO TOO.
=((( when i'm like filthy rich lah huh. wish my dad strike 10billion lottery soon. HAHAHAH. yayyyy.
5) learned a new perspective. =)
6) i still cannot feel my toes.
byebye and nitenite. i love you all. i love money and my As too. =D i will retain all of them.
all mine.
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