seriously. i need the pink pill if it doesn't subside tml.
first day in months that i had to spend entire day outside in agony. lol. i'm so smart i usually get to nua at home everytime.
ok, com242 midterms today. sucks lah. alot overlooking. what can i ask for mans. last minute studying and i didn't even read 3 chapters of the textbook. HAHAHAHA. sian. nevermind. i shall allow myself about 5 MAXIMUM mistakes =(. LET ME DO EXTREMELY WELL!!! =)))
damn doesnt help that after that i saw 2Bs. ARGHS. TELL ME, HOW NOT TO BITCH. shitttt. i really tried. but their faces make those delibitative emotions arise and thinking about what they did makes me blood boil.
-gurgle gurgle-
see? i told you my blood was boiling. grrr. don't like both. but they are ALWAYS together. good things seldom come in pairs. bad things do; THEY CERTAINLY PROVED THE HYPOTHESIS RIGHT.
do they even know how revolting is their behavior? seriously.
i must control, jielin. remember: what goes, comes back. send out positive vibes teo jielin!!!! chill, chill. they don't deserve space on this page.
didn't sleep much trying to study for the exam. fitful and restless. damn. it's only the beginning. more work to do before weekend hits. then it's gonna be work and no time study for mgm301 midterms. i'm stressed.
and very tired. whoever said 2008 will be a year whereby i'm hale and hearty must have miscalculated. =(
monday in wcp macs with nehneh the grumps:
and then what's phototaking without retarded expressions! this is some lameness for you, my blog readers. HAHAHAH. shit, looks like horse face. -_-'''.
so tired. headache started kicking in. then she ate. and i watched. see, i take damn nice pictures ok. cannot stand it. HAHAHAH. why only my face always so chui. siannnn.
ahhh. someday, i must learn to be a barista. to make your own personalized coffee drink is damn cool.
frothy froth froth. wheeee. coffee prince anyone? =DDD
her sandwiches and coffee. and oh, boobs. HAHAHAHAH.
tues: after abel's lesson went home to nua with pudgy the pig before bathing. ain't pudgy cuteeee? ya lah, my face spoil picture. HAHAHA. and i don't know why this pic was so blurrrr. zzz. chui diao.
front cams are always so chui. which reminds me. finally peeled out the back camera lens protector from Gmask i made in bugis. zzz. SO MUCH CLEARER. finally i can see DETAILssss. show you guys later.
just to scare you guys. at home, VERY tired and VERY bored. see lanpek hairband. goooddd. and yes, no specs just to check out how disgusting my eyes are. HAHAHA. i think i look like a squidball. wtf.
my skin is so bad. SIGH.
SEE!??! so clear right. can see word for word ok!
ok anyway this disgusting book was from this communications book i was reading to find stuff for my research paper for armstrong. i died reading. fell asleep, like i did for reading textbook. I REALLY CANNOT SIT STILL AND STUDY. save me.
more tomorrow. -faints.
went national library with pf and yan today. almost fell asleep reading research stuff. really, i've reached that GODLY level whereby i'm so exhausted i can sleep anywhere.
fell asleep onthe way home on the train too. -snores- short naps really make me feel better. =(
ate smoke salmon caesar salad today. zzz. influenced by nehneh to kinda like smoked salmon though by right, i don't like RAW MEAT. by left, i'm pretty ok with smoked sal. HAHAHA.
presented for mimiyan prof today in mgm. zzz. i didn't even START talking about the details about my article then he asked me to give personal comments already. so smart. HAHAHA. ok lah, but didn't feel nervous also. just sibei cold. school aircon getting more powerful. and singapore's sun getting more powerful also. zzz.
this temperature imbalance is bad. take care ok, everyone? don't fall sick! (but my new jackets all got use!!! HAHAHAH)
suddenly feel like eating tiramisu. sian. and soft shell crab.
you know, maybe i know why i never seem to slim down. HAHAHAH.
sigh. gotta work harder, teo jielin, you fatty bombom.
ps: pretty is subjective right? maybe i have some chance there. HAHAHA. i also want _____. wheee.
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