thought this video was not bad. tad bit of touching, well if you place yourself in her shoes. actually this series of MVs are interconnected. which resulted in me youtubing everything. zzz.
yes, procrastinating and running away from my troubles and stupid life never helps.
i've got many unglam pics of dearest mz. but shall upload when i have more time. shall have all the not so unglam ones today.
so tired. was terribly sick yesterday. could not even stand my reflection in the mirror. pale like fuck. resisted the urge to go home, because school lasted till 6pm and i still had work after that. i managed to drag my battered body home after work. wanted to slack a little online. internet died. so i just went to bed.
slept about 12hrs worth of week sleep. woke up, flu much better although still sneezing. no more hotness in the body. but my THROAT HURTS LIKE FUCK. everything i swallow hurts. and i have phelgm. and my sides hurt from the excess sneezing yesterday.
what a very lousy day.
i'm trying to dirnk all the water i can get my hands on.
work in the evening just now. last day of work for october tomorrow.
i really dread the weekends. so much work is waiting me AND i refuse to look at them in the face. i really wish to run away and never return.

which is impossible anyway. -sighs-
i've gotta be the worst student ever.
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