Friday, October 05, 2007


thank god it's thursday.
after a 9-6pm school day, then work till 10pm, i've had enough for the day.
i'm so fucking bloody exhausted from the day's events i cannot think or move. my eyelids are heavy and i cannot breathe.

i need to exercise badly.
release all that toxins building up.
relive my lifestyle.

com231 was crap. half the stuff i wrote i had no idea what i wrote. so....we'll see if glenda still loves me.
ugc211 was crapper. upset to the max, but i guess talking to j made me realise certain issues. he's right...but how can i actually implement it?

knowing is one thing, doing is another.

for afterall, advices are things we already know, but just need confirmation for.

before i breakdown, cerebral meltdown or go insane, i had better do something.

the kids are throttling me.
they say my bf is superman. and i live in some planet in space. THANKS HUH.
all those lame comments...don't know should i laugh or just ignore.
the half-laugh, because i really am amused, but have no energy to break into that mega-watt smile. i wonder if they can sense it?

madness the moment i sat at the office. fees and enquiries and more fees. damn tired. i hate handling all the shit alone.
and i don't wish to handle the shit anymore.
i don't get the appreciation.
not sincere anyway.

the first week of terror is over.
now for the coming week: com337 and com317 exams. ugc211 ppt. soc101 essay.

no matter what happens, i think i'll just try my best in everything i do.
no more dl, expected. but then again, the importance lies in whether i lose myself?
i'm so afraid, to feel this.

me seeping away bit by bit.
the loss is scary.
the intrusion of a stranger.

is this what they call growing up?

i'm finally controlling my diet.
i hope to see my waist soon.

you are gone forever.
you are no more.

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