so bro sent me this. sweet lah. thanks for the cheering up.
going blind staring at the computer, churning out homework after homework.
forgoing the summaries (x2) due on thursday. more important things to settle.
like com231 exam and ugc quiz.
i cannot afford to screw up my other modules.
or really can say bb to dl.
but for now, just gonna try my best.
i don't wanna become psychotic or more neurotic than i already am.
i want to speak coherently and feel un-dead inside.
the roads outside are illuminated orange.
strangely unfamiliar, unlike what i see in the day.
then again, it's only 4 more hours to daybreak.
a scene i am so accustomed to seeing.
but even familiarity can breed infamiliarity.
the thin line between reality and not;
how is it defined?
it varies with people.
back to work.
i really crave for my holidays.
when i can put down all my academic burdens and just release.
let me satisfy that travel bug within me.
tame it, set it free, and it'll return to you.
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