been crazily deprived of sleep or entertainment, losing my temper more often, then reminding myself to curb all debilitative emotions because the root of it is wrong.
trying my best to remain cheery.
long sentence.
anyway, my right arm is terribly achy now.
boarded a cramped bus heading home. i almost got kiaped by the door cos' i couldn't freaking squeeze through. but since someone behind me squeezed forward, she got kiaped instead. =D
and since i was smelling 2 people's butt and standing on the stupid step, i had no where else to hold onto for balance. my right arm was supporting my laptop and a bag with my black shoes, with a backpack, and my left arm had to stretch out to hook around some random pole at the front of the bus.
there was a jam.
by the time i got off the bus, my right arm was numb.
it's still aching, and my biceps are back. HAHAHAHAH. wtffff.
socio quiz was ok lah. aiya never study finish can't expect much. i thank ladyluck for all she has helped. i will work harder! (:
com337 ppt tml. bless me with good luck and ETC.
then....let's hope i get to sleep abit before conquering my ugc quiz and response paper for next week. perpetually tired. is. not. good.
i want my holidays.
went walking around far east. bought my "formal" dress, and it's a really pretty dress! finally a shift dress, classic i like! (: lovesss.
dresses are art pieces. easy to wear, mindless to match, and well, cover all my fats. playful yet pretty, comfortable yet not too sloppy.
now i just need my boots. and i saw 2 beautiful pairs today. dirt cheap. buttttt, the heels will kill. dammit. my i swear THAT pair was made for me. fitted like a glove!!!! i was damn surprised.
sighs. i gotta learn how to wear high heels. god damn sexy. covered heels turn me on. (no i don't have fetish for girls, i just like certain heels) roarrrr.
i just get damn paranoid that i'll fall flat on my face or sprain my ankle. since i am always running for my buses and down the stairs to catch departing vehicles. grrrr.
boots boots. no moneyyyyy.
it's time i start dieting.
that tummy is pissing me off.
played around with yan's macbook. HAHAHAHA. please take a look at how cute i am. =D

more for next post. lazy upload. hehe.
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