presenting to you...
big faces.
she's damn proud she's got a long neck!
my box made her cheeck swell.
damn shocked she saw herself. nice hair. keep up the good work!
my palm very nice hor. HAHAHAHA.
i had to arrange this. twins are hot. HAHAHAHA. errrr. this is just so............unglam.
then she thought she'll look better with one eye only.
OMFG. no comments.
ok that's enough.
classic mans. looking through the pictures just made me laugh out loud. TSK!
so these days have been crazy.
317 presentation went ok. i thought i was pretty confident.
and it helped that i saw response from er...the people sitting infront of me.
which was encouraging.
didn't score too badly, for someone who prepared her ppt from 9pm to 1pm(yes yes tv-ing in between).
then rehearsed her script twice.
thank you ll.
and then there were the tests.
got back a couple. namely ugc211. i SALVAGED MYSELF!!!
okkkk. so i need to salvage 2 more times. dammit.
coming tues another test. =((((
soc101 today was like o.o
i managed to cram more during the 1 hour before the quiz.
thank you ll, i think i got 1 mistake SO FAR.
which is good. so glad. so lucky. blessed mans. (:
on another hand, i'm pretty sure that stupid kala thinks i'm a cheater. knnccb.
hmpfff. i will prove her wrong man. never cheated at all can. lanpekindianwoman.
biased fuck lah.
and i got so skeptical that i might forget to shade any part of my scantron that i checked THREE times. yes yes, i'm lag.
sighs. so anyway i'm home now. officially unemployed. thinking of walking around clementi to look for part-time. nearer my house more convenient in any case i'm late. =D i need money to shop!!!
i see ankle boots EVERYWHERE and i'm bloody tempted. hates.
WAITTTTTT. i don't believe i can't find the hottest knee high boots in HK. ROARRR!
oh yes, the dim sum.
killing time rotting, RELAXING (YAYYYY!!!) and surfing websites which i've never really gotten the time to.
FELICIA CHIN IS DAMN HOT. please do go to my links and view her blog. i love her mans. but i can never be as thin as her. or pretty for that case. damn!
i ought to be ashamed. same height but different shape. HAHAHAH.
gonna go run and burn off those chilli fries from superdog in a while's time.
I SHALL SLIM DOWN!!! (studies shown that the more people you decalre your resolutions to, the more you'll keep up with them. I HOPE SO. who's reading anyway?)
i hate my profile view. ARGHS.
i need a facelift.
randomness. questions unanswered.
so it happened. 0.0
i cannot be happy. karma mans.
i shall befriend her. (:
contrary to popular belief, NO I'M NOT DOING ANYTHING. (:
bought a sweater-like thing from topman. gonna be another of my short short dress. yums.
fall winter rocks.
ok anything with winter rocks.
until i get a decent tan, summer sucks. =(((
i don't wanna be so whiteeee.
mental note to self: plan date for gene, haoz and bs to go sentosa/ecp to exercise and absorb sun!
i guess in a way, i'm happy to be me.
life may be boring now, lacking in _________, but i can live with it.
there are some things i really wanna do still.
like learn horse-riding. ANYONE WANNA SPONSER ME??? pretty pleaseee.
NOT TROTTING kind, but galloping in the fields kind.
it feels so good to be integrating into the sofa and listening to good music. wheewhee.
shall stay here until my batt runs flat and it's a sign i should go jogging. more pics!
i've got a chipmunk-ish face. NEVER TAKE PICS FROM MY PROFILE.
ps: ignore the eyes. lack of sleep lahs. one big one small. wtf.
my nostrils are so black. HAHAHAHA. ok lame.
i have no idea what's with my pose. looks damn...bimbotic. don't ask why. my fingers just happened to be there. not scary at all.
my idea. HAHAHA.
er. unhappily married. lol.
head too big for neck-hole.
no money lah. tee shirt too small.
i was afraid of double chin. HAHAHAHA.
okok. batt running lowwww.
shall go tone up my sexymama (like real) legs.