true blue camwhores caught in action. i'm their follower. HAHAHAH.
what do they derive from their deeds? pleasure? superiority?
what do they stand to gain?
the pot calling the kettle black.
the irony, contradiction, and the hilarity of it all.
to stoop so low to carry out those means, to crush others worth-
should i feel pity for them, or should i feel the full-blown anger?
Maybe this only goes to prove their real capabilities.
for this is all they can do to make others feel sorry for themselves.
and actually believe that they are lousy.
can integrity and victory go hand in hand?
can karma and balance exist?
does destiny and will power coexist?

the reflections of us. mans, pudgy legs!
keyword here: ALEX. pls look at alex. we are the sidekicks merely. :D
multiple faces; sickening.
bile and vile.
i keep convincing myself i should simply let it be.
this is life, the wiser ones tell me.
just believe in cycles, believe in the way of life,
it stands strong, they advise.
the power of control.
can my power extend to it?
Harry Potter: the order of the phoenix.
good movie, or probably just a welcome relief from the rush of the past weeks.
tension-free, lest free from school work, and work.
one cannot survive without the other.
what is lost will come back to you, if it's meant to be yours;
though not in the manner you thought it would be.
the strength in belief. simplicity and insights.
i know:
that little smile, that secret glance.
i know i still possess it.
not yet, just not time yet.
nehneh: eh we are connected by two strands of your hair.
HAHAHAHAHAHHA. unconsciousness.

pardon the act cute pun. wheee.
tuition in a few more hours.
i can forsee myself failing quite badly this semester. somehow, i don't feel rejuvenated or motivated to study.
bad, as usual.
no study=no good grades. this equation is pretty strong.
stupid gpa. gone gone gone.
from the list, plop plop plop.
ok sucks.
i will find back that motivation. erm...soon.
unintentional wants. :)
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