look how happy meow is to hear me say that. HAHAHAHHA.
anyway, i just painted my nails metallic blue again. wheee. gone are the disgusting peeled nails. yawns. jabbing at the keyboard. dry nails dryyyyy.
survived these few days of pure torture.
should pull through ok. not excellent, but ok. shall forgive myself this time.
nothing much i can do.
i was bored during the mgq lesson.
and this tee was infront of me for 3 whole freaking hours. i just had to take a picture of it.
it's a flyyyy!!! hugeass.
ok i tried to kiap the fly without ramram noticing.
and then what's lessons without sweets to keep me awake?
it's frigging adorable!!! pinkkkk and black. <3 -beams- and it's a milky flavour that is tasty ehough to be a sweet but not so sweet that it sickens.
look! got picture embossed on the sweet somemore. it's a dancing cow!!! hot seh. HAHAHAHAH.

i think stress got the better of her. HAHAHAHAHAH.
i need to cut my hair. it's so weedy-like.
i need to earn more money.
poor poorrrr.
my skin needs some tlc.
tuition today.
was ok. 3 less kids. all the problematic ones. less crammed room makes a good day.
and they were tolerable today. somehow i was able to control them! wow.
they are quite nice kids lah. sighs.
and this kid even gave me some stickers out of the blue while i was marking their corrections. HAHAHAHAH. so cute right.
it's mickey and minnie mouse. those puffy kind of sticker. very nice to poke. HAHAHAH.
that affinity mole is hard not to believe.
centre renovating. i reached it was empty except for these guys.
and then there was this guy squatting at a corner fixing something. no one informed me that they'll be there and i was expecting the girls only. so when i arrived, i was.........
i literally stood at my spot for 5 seconds. then he saw me and i must have looked quite stunned. HAHAHAHA.
anyway, i managed to wriggle my way in amidst the wires and ladders and plastic stuff.
the guy kept saying "EH XIAO XIN YI DIAN!!! XIAO XIN AH!!!"
he repeated himself like...6 times all the way until i reached the landing. zzzz.
but it was really quite dangerous.
realised that i do alot of extra teaching even after lessons. sighs.
i need one more private tutee near my house. damn lazy to go find though. sucks.
the drive home on the car was good. the cool gentle breeze.
i actually found myself relaxing.
and then i got....weird signals. but prolly think too much. manssss. it's ironic how when you think you look like shit from the lack of sleep but people can think otherwise.
i'm not gonna complain though. compliments make my day.
on a side note, tie up hair got difference meh?
going to work admin tml at clementi. money money money.
i need to make up for all my loss. haizzzz.
found this old picture.
gosh. my teeth. bloodddddyyy.
two at one go.
now, i wish my new dentist is HIM.

stare stare stare.
so much happening. i'm just trying to cope with the rush.
perhaps my angel is appearing.
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