zzzzz. sometimes having a phone with a front camera is damn jialat--always kenna kidnapped.
what does this prove??!! I AM NOT A CAM WHORE OK. at least when i take pics with people's phones, i DELETE. hahahahha.
anyway, finally uploaded all the photos(includes unglam ones) into the computer. compiled all of them together so i wouldn't need to upload one by one into this entry.
get ready for overflow of pictures. if you're not feeling bored, don't proceed down.
these were taken on pauline's paper. finals. hmmms. before going into the exam hall and cramming last minute info:
"why you make your face like that?"
"like that then can make face look longer!"
she wants to show off her teeth lah, i think. on the right is a random picture of johan, taking by meow also.
then we have pictures taken during lectures. she sneaks looks at the camera one lor. zzzz. my poor phone. no resting time:
left: nehneh and meow. nehneh always make ah lian poses. -_-
top right: meow actually looks scary here. machiam want teleport somewhere, then i happened to take a picture. maybe she hangs around with utt too much. -floats-
bottom right: she likes to manipulate my voodoo doll. O.O ARGHS.
smallest picture: nehneh making pig face.

you can tell the expression on the face, how the lecture was.
then it became.......


she and her nails. erm, not very artistic leh mz.
then on the first day of the second half of the sem:
generally, it says--lectures are boring.

"na, ge ni wo de san ge dian." (translated: na, give you my three dots)
actually, it sounds damn wrong when it came out of her mouth. tskkkk.
one red marker pen, one mole, one blue pen. lanpekpek.

i don't really know why, but she boxed herself. retarded.

loves. HAHAHAHAHAHAH. i took this. =DDDD
mz, you should get this hairstyle.

eh, mz upside down seh.

mz acting cute.

she got so bored and wanted to sleep. so scribbling was an alternative. click to enlarge. basically, it's her yiyi (wang chuan yi) and herself's QING SHU (love letter). slap her please. HAHAHAHAHHA.
it's kinda blur. but it's quite obvious she didn't know how to write a lot of chinese words. zzzz. and the content....shall not comment on it.
it's only like the first of many upcoming qing shu(s) which she drew in that lecture. O.O

her.....couple portrait. and my emoticon (onion puking on msn) to reply.

suddenly we have an old man taking our course too! alex checking his hair.

alex telling his long long stories.


she scribbles on paper, i scribble on cup.

death is eternal. is death eternal?
ok enough pictures.
grades for first half of sem are out. i'm not very pleased. but still, maybe i'm just overly hard on myself. white ass may be right.
i have something to announce. TODAY (WEDNESDAY), MARKS THE END OF MY ONE WEEK COMBO TUITION. finally!!! i have thursday and friday free from tuition, before saturday hits me again. phew.
i cannot believe i survived everyday with tuition.
today was tiresome. the kids made me angry and irritated and (insert every deblitative emotion possible). perhaps i do need that change in environment. that change in brain content and human traffic flow. maybe i am a place-ist.
only when i see the other side of the picture, then i can make an effective comparison.
i will be patient.
kayaking course has been postphoned. till don't know when. it's both a relief for now. although this may imply that i may not be able to make it to the next one.
it was extremely hot today. the earth is dying.
was marking my papers from yesterday till today. half the stack was cleared.
then today went tuition, another half came back.
i'm so pissed.
might be pre-symptoms.
school again in a few hours time.
texts still unbought. i hate this feeling.
i think i'm rather positive already, the only problem that exists with me is that i am never satisfied. given something is never enough, i want something else. i want something better than the best.
read my horoscope these few days. i'm still seeking for the enlightenment. answers will reveal soon, and i will gain insight.
my flaw will be my strength.
ramram and bushyeyebrows lectures are all cmi. i give up mans. i hope i just study hard enough and the right way for their quizzes and exams. and hopefully the group projects turn out well. i tmd need a freaking break.
aiya fine, i just want to leave this place for a while. stifling me.
i think i may need to set up another account for travelling and camera needs. because currently there is one for daily usage and the other is untouchable for my future. hmmms. my daily usage will never be able to supplement my travelling desires. roars.
plans plans plans. first, hit that 5digit in untouchable, accumulate high 4 digit in daily usage.
wo ai ni, wo men fen shou ba.
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