mz's hands are super active.
ok, so i've actually hair long enough to tie it into a tiny ponytail.
i'm thinking of cutting soon. like when i'm REALLY free, inclusive of all the highlighting and treatments.
booooo. no time, no money.
and compliments about my hair. =))))
my eye rings and eye bagsss.
i must do my mask later.
HAHAHAHA. first time okkk. so cool.
so today, i had this p1 class. SUPER CUTEEEE. my gosh. HAHAHAHAH.
i think they like me too. =DDDD
and then there was the p6 kids. hmmmmms. puberty seh.
but i think the lesson went pretty well, though highly unprepared.
stupid jh nv tell me lah. wah lau eh.
but it's money. who's complaining.
not meeee.

the history.
i work because i have to start from somewhere, to get something bigger in return.
somehow, i know it'll come for me.
soon, in time. =)
sidenote, they are plonking me in clementi pretty a lot of days. zzzz.
and they plonk until very convenient one lor, don't need to tell me before hand. just plonk then inform.
is it too good to be true?
but i know i must still take things one step at a time.
rush, and i'll stumble.
too slow, and i might miss.
where will these subsequent occurences lead me?
i'm so damn curious...

this is superrr old school.
what will come out of it?
what happens for a reason?
i need to knowwwww.
but pray, things not be negative.
pray i be safe.
pray i be well.
just, mr fate, don't give me high hopes, then crash me down.
can you hear my cries?
your eyes still mesmerise.
One may say that evil does not exist for subjective man at all, that there exist only different conceptions of good. Nobody ever does anything deliberately in the interests of evil, for the sake of evil. Everybody acts in the interests of good, as he understands it. But everybody understands it in a different way. Consequently men drown, slay and kill one another in the interests of good.
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