Thursday, April 19, 2007

scary day.

and i thought omphs were meant for abs only.
apparently i'm not that bad.
but it's just scary the way how things turn out.

like how i merely said that i would gladly share a seat with someone.
and then he ended up standing next to my seat for the rest of the lesson.
(no we did not share seats. he is E.R afterall)

then like how abs wanted to shake a prof's hand, then he turned to shake curly's hand instead.

and how i was mentioning about so many part-time students who come for 7:30pm classes. then some look rich so...

me: -sees alot of PT students- quick bio!
abs: you ownself bio lah.
me: ya lah. just bio only what. not like they will see me.
abs: want learn from meow ah.
me: ya....-TRIPS-


win already lor.

and i saw him.

after so many years.

maths killed me and i was trudging to the bus stop.
parked myself by the green railings as usual.
stared off into the distance. stoning.
i had noticed this green uniformed guy at the bus stop earlier. didn't take notice.
then i felt someone come nearer.
-_- stun tio.

my heart skipped a beat.
and all throughout the conversation, i felt my heartrate beat at a pace i've never felt for months.
i think i managed to hide it pretty well.
but i was fluttering all along.
marveling at how you didn't change much.
at how good-looking you still are.
and mentally slaping myself inside for looking a mess.
184 came too soon.

i didn't ask you that question.
you didn't ask me anything either.

i still love your eyes.

i wish---

saw pear on the bus home too.
chatted abit about school life and complained.
HAHAHAH. oh wells.
miss everyone.

things really do happen for a reason.
i wonder what this means.

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