pretty nice shot in my opinion. this is why i love huge ass full length mirrors. that's meow's and my legs by the way.
woke up on sunday morning by an sms from my aunt. I FUCKING FORGOT I HAD TO MAKE UP FOR LAST SAT'S TUITION. sian. dragged myself outta bed and to cck just for 2 hours worth of work. then dragged myself home. went for a run. sweated it out. feels good. toxic release.
i'm going to fucking lose my bet. i haven't loss much. shitsssss.
came home slacked around and i decided to relieve those neo prints from my wallets. fucking alot. since the pictures were making my wallet fat(instead of money making it fat), i decide to paste those uber small ones into a mini fossil notebook. THERE. my wallet is much slimmer now. though the bigger pics are still unpasted.
yes, i wasted my time. i'm super zai. so i compensated by reading my com217 till like 2plus 3am. FUCKKKK. i KO-ed and was ultimately wasted from all those words again. when words and objects start to sway infront of you, you know you are due for bed.
didn't get my sunday's worth of sleep. haiz. i'm semi-charged. finished watching hana kimi though. sighs. happy endings are yearned for, but full of shit.
haven't caught any movie recently. quite sadssss.
i need to find a day to pop down bugis to get that dress i regret not buying last friday. BLAHHHH.
think friday may be out of the question cos' i promised ghost to go blading with him this week. haiz. unglam-ness suckssss. but still, a promise is a promise. besides, it's good to beautify the legs. HAHAHAHAHA.
i see the polaris and the north star every night. it's calming. at least i have some direction now. life's tough, but tomato's right. i must learn to have faith and believe in myself. things will go right sooner or later. work for things i want, and i may just have them.
lol. though i think jia ru hao men is damn bo liao. -girns.
i think i've recovered. i think i'm cleansed. 2 months off alcohol and i'm pretty much healthy.
what do you perceive of me?
then and now.
people have changed indeed. for the better or for the worse.
i miss the good old days, but things will never be the same again.
communication events cannot be replicated.
perhaps i should be thankful it happened before.
those white sneakers with skullhead laces.
tainted evil. hidden chasity.
look deeper, and maybe you'll see me smiling wickedly.
because what goes around comes around.
i'm just waiting for the retribution.
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