i only realised that my esl mid-term exams was held today like 6 hours before the lesson. WTF. anyway, i just hope can do well lah.
rotted like mad, waiting for nehneh to finish her mgq test. KNN DAMN LONG CAN. i was like collecting cobwebs and making friends with spiders. i cannot believe i actually stoned and stared into space for
2 hours. two freaking hours, i'm damn qiang i think.
anyway, nehneh decided to sponser a taxi ride to east coast park cos' we were running late and my sun was quickly disappearing behind the clouds. =( the taxi driver kept um-chioing to himself while nehneh and i talked about the past. tsktsk.
we arrived there, with me full of anticipation and excitement, eager to start taking in the sun. it was still shining brightly, and i (not NEHNEH) went to get changed in macs. then walked to the rental area and got our bikes and lockers. we rode for around 10 minutes, then it started pouring.
knn. nevermind. a little wet only. light rain, so we took shelter, then waited for the rain to lighten to a drizzle.
we set off again.
best thing ok,
it was going
"giakkkk giakkkk" everytime i stepped on the right pedal.
I WAS DAMN PISSED. see, i would have been less pissed if it was only the SOUND of chains being not oiled properly.
NO. THE GEAR WAS SCREWED. the right gear was totally not working(because i tried to adjust it, but nothing changed), meaning that my bike was superrrrrr tiring to ride.
flat surface i machiam like
climbing hill. UPHILL...i tell you...SUPER KNS.
I COULD HARDLY MOVE CAN.at first i really thought my biking skills were lagging from the lack of practice. then...ehhh..no leh, i don't think i'm damn lousy. so i kept telling myself to push harder and pedal with more strength.
NO. the bike was like..constant SLOW speed. i was damn tired ok. my legs were aching cos' i was trying to speed. and people who know that i like to speed while biking should know that when i cannot, i get extremely extremely cranky and angry.
so there i was, pedaling for my life, trying to gain speed, and then giving up at times because my thigh muscles were really screaming protests.
AND THEN, there was that
stupid obasan who was cruising away in the distance. KNS. no sympathy ok. she didn't even offer to exchange bikes. =( so i endured.........
THEN KNS, THE STORM CAME. when i say storm, i mean a
REAL storm. because the rain droplets were so fucking huge it hurt like mad everytime it splattered on my body.
then at first i
gei kiang thought just try to pia it out and reach the rental area to return our bikes. i saw that hel had stopped at the shelter to hide from the rain.
but i thought can go further mah, so i tried to see through the rain. KNN I CANNOT EVEN SEE THE PATH INFRONT OF ME. the rain was stinging my eyes and my skin was hurting from all raindrops. and i was so soaked i felt like i was bathing.
so i decided,
mai gei kiang, should get to a shelter. so i headed for one two shelters away from hel's. i had to get off the path, so i went straight for the sandy area towards the shelter. some people were already in it. half-blind, i tried to pedal my lousy pok bike through the wet sand.
KNN THE GEAR WASN'T HELPING. I GOT STUCK. had to get off and wheel it painstakingly. got only wetter.
shared shelter with some fishermen and their nets and fishing equipment. -_-''' the rain was splashing in and pools of water were forming on the sand. i think rate of infiltration was lower than the rate of precepitation. HAHAHAHA. so i stood there, freezing in my drenched clothes, my dripping hair and shivering with every clap of thunder.
just when i thought things couldn't get any worse, A LIGHTNING STRUCK A FEW METRES AWAY FROM OUR SHELTER, then the thunder almost deafened me. oh god. i thought i had died, seriously. because the entire shelter lit up in this blinding flash. terrified man. i hate stormy weathers. haiz. then the uncles had to come with fresh and steaming coffee and buns, eat infront of me. then another uncle came with TAU SUAN. they damn gu yi one ok. i was starving and cold. not the best combination.
we were late for the return of bikes by more than an hour. stuck there, separate shelters. i was facing the sea which was now nothing but a blur of mist, it was a good time for reflection indeed.
so i saw the sea turn misty, then clearing a little, lights of ships appearing, then finally the ships, and i saw the horizon again. took about 40 minutes in all i think, the storm.
headed off for a while when the rain got lighter. pit stop at a kopitiam. buey tahan liao. everything we had on was so wet we got plastic bags from the fruit stall auntie to put our handphones in it and waterproof-ed our money and other stuff which were damn
kiam cai from the wetness.
i demanded a hot drink before we headed off. a cup of steaming hot milo helped tremendously. i think the drinks aunties and the other friendly girl helping out were relatively nice mans. they could see how
lang bei we were and gave us a cup of SUPER HOT MILO and even chatted with us. woooo. finally my body temperature returned to more or less normal.
chatted about hanakimi and the casts while sipping the heavenly milo. eeee. nehneh got weird taste. SHE LIKES
JIU DUAN. i like SHI DUAN CAN. hahahaha. nono..i still want my zun and ah tian.
headed off for the
final leg. HAIZ.
obasan continued on her cruise, while i fought with my bike again and lagged behind. SOBS. dulan-ness. I DON'T CARE LAH. NEXT TIEM CHECK GEAR FIRST BEFORE GOING OFF SO FAST. hmpffff.
reached the rental shop after an arduous journey. wet from being in the drizzle so long. BECAUSE MY BIKE WAS SO SLOW. the first thing i told the uncle who came out to collect my bike was "UNCLE, YOU CHECK FOR ME, THE GEAR ISSIT SPOIL?"
then he immediately checked. KNN REALLY SPOIL OK, the right gear was not working at all and it was STUCK AT THE SUPER HIGH RESISTANCE ONE. i was freaking riding a impaired bike for 3 hours. i think he pitied me mans. haiz. good thing we weren't charged for the extended time.
headed to macs to dry up and change. STUPID NEHNEH GO CYCLING NV EVEN BOTHER TO BRING EXTRA SET OF CLOTHES. KNN. i had to give her my darling redbull tee. =( changed back into the set i was wearing in school. hmpffff.
starving, so ate at macs. nehneh was siaming some stalker student of hers.
she kept kbkb about her lousy mac server who gave her the wrong orders, did not gave her the tissues or sauces for her nuggets. -_-
then she insisted on going home to watch her hanakimi when she could do so online youtube. -_-''' some stupid nehneh 22page theory.
CABBED. ok lah, very shiok. I DESERVED IT OK. my thighs are now ROCK HARD. fuck. when i cycle is my pigu pain most of the time, today is thigh pain. ARGHHHH.
nvm, good work out indeed.
she decided that she couldn't reach home in time and crashed my home to watch tv. yucks. so smelly. THEN SHE KEPT PIAK-ing ME WITH HER STUPID NEHNEH SWEATER. why?????
kau bei. should have kicked her out of my home.
(but must be glam to my neighbour ah tian ah. HAHAHAHA)gave her one of my lousy square-cut FBTs which i worn only once during OCIP. BECAUSE SHE DUN HAF CHANGE OF SHORTS AND SHE COMPLAIN HER UNDERWEAR WET LIKE DIAPERS AND HER PIGU VERY COLD.
hana-kimied. laughed. then she went home after the show. so now, here i am sitting comfortably in front of my laptop. ready for youtube. :)
i think high socks are really cute.
i shall go on a hunting spree soon. :)
those greys with cute dainty little red flowers.
aiii, long entry, eventful day indeed.
don't ask me why we went ecp. i think it was a rash decision on my part.
anyways, i still have a date with koey and gang and the ghost after our midterms. yays. more exercise.
okok. primary school composition ending.
It was a tiring but happy day indeed. WHAT A MEMORABLE EXPERIENCE IT WAS. :)