Tuesday, August 22, 2006


nai nai is back, goody! BUT, this also means that school is starting freaking soon.

damn sian. damn scary. damn exciting. all mixed into one lumpy ball of emotions.

and i haven't gotten the freaking expensive textbooks.

and i'm so depressed just by glancing at my timetable, yet i cannot ignore it anymore. starting to plan my tuition slots and all.

the stress is building up, and i wonder how will i be able to study, make friends, do projects, research and do readings by myself, enjoy entertainment activities with friends and family, have a rocking social life, EARN MONEY and get some rest...all in one week. when i only have one day free. sunday. oh great.

in monz lingo--fabuloso!

i know some people who know my worries tell me to try it out, and if the load is simply too heavy, to let off some tuition classes. but this also means i'll be earning less. considering that i can't go help out at ma's shop due to my lousy timetable, and lesser classes will only equate to lesser university allowance for me. sigh. better still, i see my friends getting allowances from parents..and...i have to earn my keep.

yes, i've stopped stretching out my arm to request for money. i just don't feel good doing it. and they don't offer either. ma even stated that i will have to earn my own allowance for uni.

i'll have to take things one step at a time and hope i don't screw up.

one week till school.
one last week. and i don't have much plans for it. wonderful.

things will never be the same. for the better or for the worst.

rollerblading pics at ECP and cosybay will be up soon.

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