it just crashed on my again just as i was about to click "publish post"................................................
speechless with anger, exasperation, disbelievement, shock, upset, stun, violence and everything else bad.
so, im not going to retype all that i've did, although i thought i did a pretty good job with many things i wanted to say. but things happen for a reason, dammit.
i might just change this to a photoblog. that is until i get a camera of MY own. BAH. my sis keeps hogging the cam taking pics of her and her bf im quite pissed. BAH.
anyway, by sepcial demand, i have to put this picture up. please do not misunderstand, there is NOTHING between us that shouts of RELATIONSHP. cos' he is in another relationship with ANOTHER girl although he claims that im HIS darling. BAHHHH. hahahahahahahaha.
ok, we are DARLINGS by "name", but just friends laaaaa. this dude was complaining why he only occupy a small portion of the besties part II which i made. aiyaaaaa, REALLY REALLY dun haf any pics of us together maaaa!
BAH. be satisfied with this ok!! :P
you are NOT a smal part of my life la, idiot. :)

don't know why i look so black, can't even see my face. *sigh* miss being sun-kissed and fit.

this is what he was refering to la. bet you can't spot the picture. wahahaha. sorry k? :)
btw: to winnie, if u happen to read this, i mean NOTHING ah, dun misunderstand! hee. u can have him..:P oh, its non-refundable i think. :D
love u all loads!
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