Friday, July 08, 2005


i saw so many prize and award takers today i think im very stressed out now.

i don't have to come back next year. as long as i do well enough to guarantee me a place in the university of my choice and faculty im happy enough.

sigh. it's funny how much people change since pri sch to sec sch.

it's more sad than funny actually.

have you guys watched the "first date" advertisement on tv mobile? i think it's hilariously sweet. BAH.

i love the part where the guy um-chio to himself. HAHAHAHA. darn, he's cute.

sometimes i just think what will i do, where will i end up, who will i become, should my dreams nv come true.

and sometimes i just dunno who the people around me are. what they are thinking. what do they feel. i observe people.

and recently i just do not like what im observing.

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