i am reading through the notes just as it is. so tiring.
LL, please let everything i've studied go into my brain, be retained, and only utilized when i'm taking the exams!!!
kns, i think evaaaa died again. dulan.
how come i always seem to kill her unknowingly. HAI.
prelude to more pics from connect@six after exams.
rahhh. i rather be doing project now than studying.
studying makes me feel so lonely.
i really need both As for these two modules.
and i will get them.
i can feel it.
must be confident, jielin!!!!!
-shrinks away very not confidently-
VE yet again. sucking away all my time. work work work.
can't wait for the trip.
goodbye my loves.
my brains are exploding.
but the irony is, i don't know how much knowledge went in.
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