two more weeks to end of projects and then it'll be exams. and then one month holidays. and then my last semester. and then graduation. and then it's time to go out to the work force.
ok, this is all starting to sound REALLY scary. =((((
pictorial updates. i gave up uploading the previous bunch because they're REALLY overdue. LOL. too tiring.
MUAHAAHAHHA. so true. (((: (fatbear wrote it himself)
ok lah. i was lying. i forced him to bring his hand over so i could write that. aye.
macs macs macs.
seriously retarded. zzzzzzz. his idea of "kissing picture" which i find totally overrated.
been so long since i used my front blurry/dreamy camera on my phone.
the fatbear at work. aye.
HELLO BRO. a gecko for you.HAHAHA mr lizard sends his regards (:
nehneh, you like it? =DDD another day. at macs yet again. how sad.
white faced. zzz. rushed out to meet fatbear cos' he was in a hurry to pick up his nephew and sister. complete lack of stuff on my face. no moisturizer no nothing. not that i use make-up, but still, highly white-faced scary.
he insisted i take a picture with his watch inside. OK LOR.
pictures from today. sunday. just uploaded them.
taken in the morning/near noon. now waiting for youtube to load some vids. so slowwww.
HAHAHA anyway the drama unfolds early morning. fatbear came down to my place at 9plus in the morning. and he was at the carpark waiting for me. I ONLY WOKE UP AND READ HIS SMS THAT HE WAS DOWNSTAIRS AT 10plus am!!! OMFG.
totally didn't hear the notification tone and his missed call. ermmm. HAHAH i sleep like a pig. that's proven. so tired whattt.
so anyway. finally, i was downstairs at 11:30am sharp HAHAHA. aye. fatbear so patient siooo.
and he made up for making me angry. HAHAHA somehow i must always be the one "angry". he cannot have the chance to be angry sia. he can only be in charge of pacifying me =DDDD
that's why i love fatbear. he makes me the princess HEHEHE.
when i don't get my way then angry lor. ermm. yes i'm a spoilt brat and bloody unreasonable as that. but i'm damn nice also okkkk. just that it'll be stupid and super thick skin to blog about me being nice MYSELF.
too bad fatbear doesn't blog. if he does, he'll probably need spellcheck in blogger HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA.
OMG this picture makes me look as though i have doe-eyes!!!! 0.0 ok fine, a bespectacled doe-eyed girl.
hello hellloooo.
ok i'm actually still quite tired. sleep debts sio. but i shall continue to fight on!!!! do my best at least.
seriously blogger is kinda screwed up. the sequencing of pictures is all wrong and i have no idea why. usually the way i upload is fine what. ayeee. so ma fan.
anyway, the above picture was taken when it was my FIRST TIME AT BUKIT TIMAH PLAZA on friday. (erm correct? or is it bukit panjang plaza) AIYA ANYTHING. they all seem the same to me.
lunched there. and i think it's the first time i wore something so colorful. didn't take pictures though. show you guys next time i wear it.
HAHAH guess what? i saw two stupid niaos hopping around outside cafe cartel HAHAHAHA. omg. seriously damn niao. wtf.
okk back to today. uncle fatbear in his uncle wear of shorts and lousy tees. AYE he needs to change image!!! =(((( and i'll miss being driven around again. booo. public transport sucks!!!!
TOTALLY UNCLE OK. HAHAHAHA. big bag small bag from market. he shall be my best house hubby.
meanwhile i just camwhore lor.
HELLO! say hello to my mei tui HAHAHAH. ya right. just damn long never wear my pinkies le lah. and without stockings too! (:
pardon the really ugly socks. HAHAHA. eh i had to wear socks on thursday friday and sat for VE work ok!!! i don't have so many socks lor! zzzz. so bo bian.
yumsy. HAHAHAH found this on fatbear's study table. he needed it to check meaning of words he didn't know.
spring timetable. SIGH.
wrong sequencing of pictures again. aye.
ok i'm damn sian. back to work. ROAR.
no matter how i try, i really can't seem to be happy, until the answer is found.
please let it go the way i want it to.
i try so hard. i work so hard.
just for my dreams.
but yet, something which i used to think were important, suddenly wasn't that important anymore.
and things...which weren't important in the past, still isn't that important.
i start to question my direction. my goals. my life. my dreams. my wants. my visions.
the line between realism and fantasy.
must be erased. to become one.
my fantasies shall materialize.
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