i've survived through COM443 exam #2 and i think i have less than 10 mistakes in total. erm, considering EACH question is about 3 marks-->total 150 marks, i think that's quite a huge bulk.
BUT!!!! i am going to cut myself some slack because, frankly, i started studying very late. i think around saturday then really sat down to concentrate. =(
in any sense, my stomach has been feeling queasy recently. let's hope another bout of stomach flu will not hit me. =((((((
currently, i'm in wcp macs trying to edit COM441 report part A to be handed up. so that tomorrow we can start on part C and hopefully finish E by thursday. why do i miss my bed so much?
in fact, i only slept 1 hr 20 mins from sunday to monday. zzzzz. how awesome. i should be glad i'm not hallucinating. but my eye rings are so terrible i can be a stand-in for any low budget vampire show mans. zzzz.
AND, the only reason why i'm blogging this is because i'm fairly pissed off by an oversized Mxxxx couple sitting behind me. YOU KNOW HOW DIRTY MACDONALD'S FLOOR IS OR NOT? SERIOUSLY LOR. got dried and oily looking fries, curry sauce, PLENTY OF GROSS LOOKING HAIR, tissues, and GOD KNOWS WHAT SHIT on the floor.
AND, i carefully balanced my battery between my seat and theirs, since the powerpoint was too far for me to place my power plug wire/battery pack by my side. =(
AND, people who know me should be aware of how careful i treat my laptop. I ABSOLUTELY-FUCKING-HATE people to dirty my laptop (complete with wires and pack). because my laptop is my darling. aiya, whatever.
ANYWAY, they sit sit sit, then the BIG BLOODY ASSES pushed the battery pack ONTO THE DISGUSTING GROUND. and now i can only stare in dismay at my poor battery pack lying innocently on the ground and i cannot save it. HAIIIII.
stupid fat asses.
later i must clean my wires and pack before keeping them mans. dulan lor.
WHY GOT SUCH PEOPLE ONE. sibei inconsiderate.
i mean, they want to be dirty is their problem ok. i'm damn clean one. zzzz. dulan.
ok enough complaining.
turks smsed me earlier in the evening to say she spotted a guy who looks like me at a bus stop. wtf. HAHA MALE. GUY. MAN. ehhhhh, but she said the guy got feminine features. okkkkayyy.
i feel slightly better. lol.
miss ya turks!
final 2 COM443 assignments given to us today. boo. no time no time. still got finals looming!
and i'm continuiung to have faith and believe and wish!!!!
i have to.
it's the only force that keeps me going.

i know this is wayyy too text heavy.
love ya all for reading up on my crappy life! =D
ps: in case you forgot how i look like, i have pictures of me! (ermmm, taken like weeks back wtf) i look like shit and super chui now, so may not be accurate representation huh.
pps: stupid monky is using photoshop to suck fats and enlarge/minimize boobs but he refuses to do any thing for me. THANKS HUH MONKY. -beheads-
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