yesterday was purely PR day.
in short, nehneh came over to camp and finish up part C and E of RACE report.
very bad.
she fell asleep half way and i slogged it out before conking out 1 hour plus later.
concussed for an hour.
woke up at 7am. continued the shit work.
really beyond help some parts.
forget it.
emailed hema to ask her help print and hand in.
too dead to even step out of house.
let alone go for class. decided to skip PR class.
sent nehneh downstairs to take cab home.
concussed another hour.
woke up bathed and got ready for work at VE.
stoned there till 7pm. LF and ER came over. ER is a new girl over at clementi. Hboss dropped by too.
because i was alone for the first half of the shift, i decided to watch films to pass time. since i had nothing to do and i couldn't use my laptop anyway.
played Singapore Dreaming.
then was Blair Witch Project.
both very different genres.
both impacted me quite a bit.
Singapore Dreaming taught me about life. and money. and dreams. and sacrifice.
Blair Witch Project was just..nerve wrecking. not that it was scary or terrifying. but it ripped me apart watching the psychological breakdown as physical fatigue hits the 3 students. then fear, hallucinations, mental breakdowns.
it was a war, ripping them from within.
i cannot imagine myself in their situations.
imagine walking for more than half a day in a certain direction, THEN arriving back at the same spot where you left off.
hearing children crying in the middle of the night in the woods.
waking up to find buddled up sticks and cloth blood soaked at the door of your tent.
piles of rocks surrounding your tent in the morning when they weren't there the day before.
sticky gooey stuff covering your backpacks.
mysterious attacks on your tent at night.
and i thought it was all REAL. the story. the disappearances.
so i tried asking friends if they had watched it.
finally monky googles and youtubes it for me. and...i find out that everything is fake. =(
but, it is indeed a historical breakthrough film. tsk!
ok. more VE tomorrow. opening AND closing. how awesome.
gotta get some school work done too.
more projs projs projs.
but i need money too.
funds are running low. no time to work more because of school.
thank you LL and superclover for everything.
i still need all the good luck-s till i find my answer.
please continue to bless me.
salvation must come to me.
sleep is catching up with me.
so tired...
somehow i am amazed i can survive 3/4 of the day without dying.
how come my body is so strong?

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