non existent cleavage. or whatever it is. HAHAHAHAHHAHA.
ok. sorry, my blog is like m18 huh HAHAHAH. anyway my boobies also not as impressive as nehneh or pf or yan or mz lah. HAIYO.
more pictorial updates from like..ages. i don't know. LOL. just view for pleasure lah huh. (((:
to compensate for the text-heaviness recently. sorry man. lazy to upload pictures.
apparently, i've grown fatter and tireder and this was taken while we were preparing for the FINAL presentation WHEEWHEE.
weisi looks soooo tired too. HAHAHA. we were printing the research report.
com443 rendered me damn poor. HAIII.
so i attempted a very look happy face HAHAHA to cheer myself up that i busted my pockets paying for all the high-end advertising stuff. hello, i cannot see my eyes again. wtf.
and yes, wearing brighter colors is an attempt to cheer myself up too. and make myself look more juvenile wtf. HAHAHAHA.
zw saw me in school one day when i was wearing this and she said i looked like i was donning some kindergarten uniform OMFG??!?!
ws is pouting. awwww.
footwear differences. HAHAHA. when will i get my decent pair of slippers and not feel weird wearing them? hmmmmmmm.
another day. dinner with fatbear.
visibly tired out. i think i just woke up not long. HAHAHA.
dinner time!
our table was filled with dishes that were all spicy to the max. HAHAHA. siao one. and i was still having sore throat. but..haii, don't care lah.
red pepper fries. bloody good.
loves!!!!! damn nice as usual!
erms. taken on the final ppt day!!! AFTER the ordeal. WHEEEEEE.
constructed by yours truly! =D
for fatbear. my christmas island!!! HAHAHA.
happy lego time!
ok i've got tons more of pictures taken on ch's camera which i've just saved off facebook but i'm VERY lazy to upload right now, especially after the entire bulk i have today. zzzz. ANOTHERDAYOK???
a day at work. VE. and i realized i'm getting increasingly accident prone. i used up my house's supply of plasters. and i decided to get new ones. SIGH.
and my pink brolly wtf. i created history and set a new record in JIELIN'S BOOK OF WORLD RECORDS when i bought it.
and evaaaa. from fatbear! AHAHAHHA. more pictures about it later!
random pictures from today.
from thursday till today, i've kept my face SUPER clean. like no moisturizer, no concealer (damn eyerings! =( ), no nothing. damn sick of the clogged up pores and humid weather and constant perspiring. damn dulan. my skin needs to BREATHEEE.
so yea. you can see that i'm uber pale in my pictures. HAHAHA. ghastly! -gasp-
before steamboating at ed's place we went grocery shopping at sheng shiong, commonwealth area...
preparation for food---i did finished my share and this was taken when most of the stuff were completed. SO DO NOT THINK THAT ONLY THE GUYS ARE WORKING HARD. HAHAHAHAHAH.
monz and i damn accomplished also ok!
aye happy people leh. HAHAHA.
see!! OUR SPREAD. and each person only need to pay about $14!!!! considering only 4 of us. and this included icecream dessert (which i missed out because left earlier than expected). MY PADDLEPOP!!! -whines-
anyway i was sick lah. sigh. still sick. damn, my immune system is terribly broken down. =((((
damn alot of food lor!!!
see? never bluff you right! HAHAHA.
we couldn't even finish all these!!! =S
aye i wanted to drink, but i was super full by the end of the meal. no alcohol for me! damn, i'm so disciplined i hate myself HAHAHA. but i had a gulp of hoegarden koped from fatbear. FATBEAR YOU MUST STOP DRINKING! GOT BELLY LIAO!!!
ANDDDD, don't DRINK AND DRIVE HOR. i will worry one ok. -slaps-
monz my love. ((((:
i'm convinced she's found her happiness. and i'm glad.
fatbear and me. (me looking pale ARGHHHH)
damn hot! i was perspiring from the heat (steamboat at home is very humid too!!!) and was flipping my hair, annoyed.
group picture!!! GAHHHH FAT!!!!
ok this is evaaaaa (must drag the name cos' it's from wall-e that white thingy robot HAHAHAHAH) !!!!! it was resurrected after fatbear changed the usb cable wire with the supplier (after smartly showing me the website AND price BUT i pretended i did not see HAHAHA).
so it's working now!!! i'm charging it. it's actually this electronic photo frame thingy. slide show in an egg. HAHAHA. keeps changing pictures in the frame, and acts as an alarm clock too! quite cool! (((: i'm charging it now as i speak! ok i don't know why everytime i try to take picture of it it flashes my picture. i'm not that zilian ok. so i gave up taking pictures of it.
and the pics were uploaded by fatbear for me. (: how sweet.
psssttt! west coast plaza is gonna be the NEXT BIG THING LORRRRR. HAHAHAHA. super near me. with all the restaurants i need without even stepping into town. there's laundry service to send my stuff to wash. and tons of other shops! DAMN I'M SO EXCITED. imagine. the one-stop barely 5-10mins (depending on rate of pace) walk away!!!!
sometimes i still don't know many things about you, or about me.
and i wonder if it's all going in the right direction, with the right fit me like a glove. we fit together with such ease it's weird, but comforting at the same time.
tell me this is something good, something eternal and filled with happiness and bliss. convince me that this won't be like the rest.
because i gave you my heart, and it really scares means i'm left with nothing. nothing in my emotional range to protect. which makes me want to pull back. and cover myself up in the shield i'm so accustomed to. but i shouldn't be doing this. and then i experience a series of tension. tugging from all directions, with all conflicting emotions. even if all the assurance you offer, i don't know what's real and what's not, what's true and what's lies. words will just be words. as always.
time. not long. not short. and i already feel like i've stagnated. it's time i throw my gear into action. because i need to grow. this just isn't me.
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