Monday, March 02, 2009


it's sweltering hot today.

as I trudged home from school,
I asked myself the same question I asked myself two years ago.

where does the line between confidence and arrogance/over-confidence lie?

do I have the right to be confident of what I have?
in this world where I discovered one will always be better than the other.
and sometimes even the best don't get what they want.

and maybe, I'm not as good as I think I am, afterall.

so...all these years in school...what were they?

it feels like one of those memories whereby you return home from kindergarten with a drawing of weirdly sized stickfigures, houses smaller than people, trees bigger than clouds, pink horses, green pigs and yellow skies. and your mum tells you it's beautiful.

I face my fears tomorrow. best of lucks jielin!

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