on last friday, fatbear and i went to chinatown to get some stuff like cheap perfume and toiletries. i wanted to buy clothes, but didn't see anything i fancy. and i wasn't feeling very rich anyway. HAI. but i am not gonna take up more jobs anymore. it's too tiring and i need a break before i chiong for the work world.
tuition should be able to sustain me for now. and oh, i'm quitting VE by end of this month i think. i informed Pboss already. =S HAHAHA i bet LF will miss me. no one to suan him already. everytime we work machiam wanna kill each other. born enemies in past life lah.
cheery bedsheets. and a very chui face. HAI.
can see my hair so messy! chinatown is havoc man wtf. damn hot. made me perspire like no one's business. or maybe it's just the weather.
singapore has been really erratic recently. HOT cold HOT cold. SUNNY rainy SUNNY rainy. wtf. unpredictable. today was rainy and i found my pink brolly to use! wheee. but it was so coldddd. =X
with fatbear and bbpp and me.
we found my almost extinct perfume LOL. i wanted to try burberry but i just couldn't bear to change the scent.
i blinged my phone and camera!!! YA LAH i know that the star shape is abit odd BUT VERY DIFFICULT TO MAKE HOR. HAHAHHA. no template no nothing. i got the diamontes from taiwan. and yes, i only am using them now. -.-
i came home one day to see that my father dressing xiao huang in this. WTFWTFWTF. damn uglyyyyy. and my mama just told me that my papa talked to xiaohuang yesterday while watching tv. WTF HAHAHAHHAHA. shit my family is damn into xiaohuang like me. -.-
fatbear's gps on his phone. damn ma fan ok. but useless lah, if you really don't know how to drive. HAHA but he damn anal. cos' he didn't want to take the route the thingy suggested. and the thing kept saying "MAKE A U-TURN 300m from now". and it kept going on.
but fatbear just ignored it and moved in another direction. WTF. so i shut that thing down cos' it kept "MAKE A U-TURN"-ing me. wtf. noisy.
so anyway, SUNDAY: went cycling at ecp. BLOODY HOT DAY. -.-
morning fatbear made breakfast. yums. but so full. then had to accompany him and his aunt to go to car showrooms to see cars. -.- yawnnnnn. i saw my BMWs and mini volkswagen. HAI.
before cycling in the car. so hotttt. zzzz. im wearing fatbear's adidas tee anyway HAHA. okkkk. reminded me. you know how long i took to make my tanned self become fair? yesterday, just a few hours in the sun, my limbs are now brown wtf. SIANNNN.
lucky my face didn't have much difference because i lathered my sunblock moisturizer earlier. HAI. now i going to have uneven skin tone again -.-
aye ok, this is one decent picture. =S
my legs, looking surprisingly long and toned. (: happy. and i feel healthier now. my legs are toner after the cycling. weetsss.
damn tired after the ride. -.- superrrr unfit. HAI.
went to find the other two. HAHA. found them tanning. and feasting already. then they "shy", so looked for tuperware covers to "cover" up. 0.0 damn funny HAHA.
and monz wanted something more RA. -points to above-
the food.
group picture.
another group picture.
seee! i took for them nice right! the lighting and all. and ours, taken by them. HAI. lol. no comments. -.-
very clear, don't you think?
leaves. today on the bus, on my way to school, i saw the yellow-green leaves of the trees fall to the ground as the wind blew. pretty sight. except that we don't have the 4 seasons, and well, it kinda diminishes the beauty of such things.
more reflections, from the window this time.
side mirrors.
the sun was setting. headed to find some place to chill out.ended up in villa bali again. -.-
had an ice-cream before that! yumsss. solero!
at villa bali. drank erdinger. heaps. zzzzzzz. beer somehow has lesser kick than the usual hard liquor i drink. which is why i ended up drinking quite a lot. and i didn't end up dead drunk, but got seriously....too high. -.-
gassy though. burped a hell lot. and i hate the foam at the top of the beer. really sucks. i had to take several gulps to clear it. grrrr.
erdinger white and black. it was one for one on sunday night, so cheap. white tastes better than black in my opinion. i had two whites and 1 black. -.- REALLY too much. grrr. so guilty now. my poor liver. HAI.
and monz kept saying da1 the beer wtf. HELLO THE ENTIRE TALL GLASS YOU WANNA DA!?!??! siao. i didn't da, but i did drink too fast and too much. HAI. or not can survive longer and saner for the night. 0.0
chip studying his notes.
both of them.
damn lame. lol. but cute lah.
me and fatbear.
i think this was after 1 and half glass. went to pee. and afterwards, i went to the loo again to shit. -.- HAHAHAHA. shiok ok. group picture.
another one! yaaa, we have buddha-s looking over us!!! =D
monz was so gone she took this picture. both guys were covering their mouths with their hand signs and she didn't say. zzzzz. HAHAHAH. monz suck at picture taking man!
so i took this. HAHAHAHA. much better thank you.
i was so dizzy yesterday after reaching home, i crashed into the shoe cabinet inside our house. solid shits. scraped my wrist. gahhhhh. pain sia. took this picture today.
hiiii xiaohuang!!!! errrr. he is wearing socks. courtesy of my papa again WTH???! HAHAHA.
ok end of entry. so tired. don't worry, i'm not so depressed until i went to drink to vent my frustrations. but i'm most probably getting back my exams for ugc112 tomorrow. and i might end up depressed. SIGH.
wanted to go jog today to rid of the calories accumulated and make myself healthier. but it was so chilly and rainy and i was dressed in my jogging attire. THEN i fell asleep on the sofa. HAIIIII. so loser man. so sad. =(((( so i woke up. and went to bathe. -.-'''''
miss monz already. haiii. it's always so fun to go out together. (:
okok. end end of entry. byebye!!!
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