amidst the confusion, fear, uncertainty and the constant nagging feeling of noob-ness, i am trying to keep my head lifted, and my spirits positive. things will turn out right. they always do.
many a times i wanted to blog about how i felt about the situation i'm in now, but many a times, i waved that notion away, because i wasn't sure how i could express myself in words apt enough to describe my exact emotions.
in any sense, i got up bright and early on my only off-day from school (friday) today, to head to the networking session held at SIM Grand Hall with several other potential employees/companies. it was an exclusively invitational-based event for performing students in universities such as UB, UOL and RMIT. met a few other UB-ians there too--johan, linda, amira, will, koey, lousia etc.
made a few other new friends from other universities while chatting up before the event and during the event itself.
i thought i dressed rather nicely, a huge difference from what i usuall wear to school. a nice chiffon blouse, long wide pants and heels. i probably towered over most of the recruit managers today, as well as 80% of the girls who were there. zzz. i ended up almost as tall as will and johan wtf.
i don't have a full body picture of myself, but this is prolly what i looked like from the top half.
mum said i looked like an executive level employee with my outfit today. it certainly is something different, even from my presentation outfits of pants, top and blazer. but sigh, the networking was prolly a failure because DENGDENGDENGDENG i can't network for nuts. =((((
could be due to a few tight nerves, or maybe because it is my first time in such an event with so many professionals around. -.-''''
i've got to send my resumes (again, even though they are supposed to have all the participants' resumes in a CD) to a few employees by this weekend soon. hopefully i'll receive highly positive replies. be positive, jielin! you can do it! nothing stands in your way of what you want.
been so exhausted recently. i think it must be a stress, and constant brain works. stress really makes you age. =X
talked to a few people/recruiters during the jobsfair at SIM and most of them commented that i was way too mature for my age, based on my outlook in life and actions i've taken in the past few years. strongly independent and i looked like i have a crisp idea in mind what i want in life, and how i plan to achieve it.
i don't want to look old/haggard. but i admit i FEEL old/haggard wtf.
i know what i want in life, but...somehow...maybe i'm just not sure how things will work out. maybe the fortune teller is right. but i just want to prove her wrong.
thursday morning this week, i was dressed and ready to fight the morning jam to head for my 9am class UGC112. then fatbear called and YAYYYY i had a ride to school thanks to him! weets!!! popped by to macs drive-in. had the $2.50 breakfast. yummms.
ai xin zao can. (:
i still detest UGC. but...i'll pull through it. i will.
i got this black top for 6bucks!!! it's got lace for the strap and the bustline and is basic black too! perfect for matching under any cardigan or blazer, with any bottoms!! hi xiaohuangggg! (((:
and i bought another more dressy work top. can go with jeans or pants also. pull on a cardigan/boyfriend blazer and i think it'll look nice. (:
ok those pictures were from a few days back...
today, by the time networking ended, my feet were hurting so bad i couldn't feel my toes wtf. i took a cab home. HAHA. expected.
met fatbear after his work for dinner. i washed up and changed into this black tube dress i got SUPER LONG AGO but never wore. =X it's velvety and really pretty. (: even mama says i look good in it. which is really assuring.
ok, it's work day again in a few hours. earn moolahs again.
i've got so many things to say...but i won't say them here.
let's continue to work hard ok!
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