anyway, pictorial updates. randomly, in no order of event whatsoever. just transferred from my phone to computer. i have pictures from my blackie t77 still. gahhhhhhhh. neverending.
picture i took when i was killing boredom. fatbear's aunt and himself were looking at cars (day we met with monz and chip at ECP) and discussing issues with the car salesman. being the lousy hokkien speaker, i managed to understand a little of their conversation, then slowl drifted off...and entertained myself. don't know why my legs looked so toned HAHAHA. -.-'''
looking at my sneakers, i realized that my pink sneakers are not so pink anymore. =.=
random day in school. rotting during break with pris. after ugc112 recitation i think. gee. my phone's camera is positively dying. the images turned out very faded. had to adjust the contrast for all in order to get a sharper picture. =((((
and yes, i have a lot of zilian pictures in this post. so if you aren't willing to hurl out your breakfast/lunch/dinner, DON'T GO ANY FURTHER.
my face is like becoming squarer wtf. =.- (orbakak eye cos' super tired now but i NEED to clear these pictures).
playing with my touchy during breaks keeps me from going crazy with boredom. apart from the times we chat nonstop about random stuff and tell stories HAHA. or maybe rushing for projects/ discussions/ studying for quizzes. -.-'''' school life is ending soon. hai.
oh! one day after school last week. went for another jog. stamina improved!!! happy. covered slightly past 6km this time. faster speed too. burned more calories. shall try to hit 6.5km this week.
gifts for bbpp and shitangel from me. HAHA. uber cutes! they are like superbly odd looking. =D
just woken up from bed. geee. damn chui. HAHA.
met monz last friday at vivo after my tuition for dinner. my bus was UBER late and took SUPER long. gahhhhhhhhh. and there were 4 aunties YELLING on my bus. they were having a conversation apparently. but i think the entire bus could hear what the content was. very not discreet. =.=
i had music blasting from my ipod into my ears, and i could still hear them. that is unbelievably serious, i say.
tried out this new place. the Japanese Gourmet Town (i think that's the name. kinda forgot. was too hungry so we hurried scanned the menu and placed our orders). the food is so-so. it's actually a combination of 3 japanese restaurants under "one roof". you can order from any of the 3, or from all 3, if you wish.
talked quite a bit with the girl. lol. sigh. i miss girly times. it actually feels odd just having heart to heart talks now. =(
saturday at work with LF. was really bored when the customer flow kinda eased out. and he was showing me the tactics his friend used to capture pictures of unsuspecting people in public. wtf. LF apparently doesn't know how to do it, but he was demonstrating how lah. i don't think the friend did it in such an obvious manner--sure got more skill one! =S
HAHA and did i mention? there was this instance last saturday when there were only 4 people in the shop. me, LF, a mother and a daughter (20plus year old). both of us were talking. suddenly, we smelt a really REALLY pungent fart.
WTF HAHAHAHAHA. i thought LF farted. he thought i farted. so we asked each other. turns out it wasn't any of us. OBVIOUSLY the only options left were the girl and her mother. LOLOL.
conclusion. i think the culprit was the girl. because the mom passed her house keys hastily and the daughter rushed off. presumbly home to shit? HAHAHAHA.
silent killer. really bad. both of us had to step out of the shop for fresh air. =XXXX
can you see that faint marking of a chop on my wrist? it's circular in shape. zzz. damn ugly can. stupid LF chopped that on me. ok lah. i admit i chopped him first. HAHAHA.
but his was nicer ok! it read "not applicable for blu-ray discs". HAHAHAHAHAH. mine is "videoezy clementi". WTF. HAHAHAAH. and his was rectangular in shape. looked like the angelina jolie words kinda tattoo!!! mine was...just circle. damn no taste can. stupid asshole.
we wanted to chop Hboss with the red star, but he was threatening our status of employee welfare if we did. HAHAHAHA. so we scared. and left him alone.
omgggg. i tell you, this is prolly the cutest picture of xiaohuang so far. HAHAHAH. nua-ing on the bed watching tv!!!! -grins-
got pose one!!! HAHAH. it's my parents room/bed actually.
today, had our informative speech presentation in com326 class. was alrights. did not present as well as i expected. i was nervous, and yet nonchalant at the same time (if it's even possible). stumbled a few times. choked on own saliva once. WTF. but it's alright. i'll give myself a break. =X
been feeling exhausted easily everyday. i wonder why. maybe i'm going to die from a disease. SIGH.
first time since semester started that i've worn a semi-formal attire for presentations. hmmmm. i decided to forgo heels for the day, and dug up flats my sis passed to me late last year because those shoes were hurting her feet.
black satin-like top with black cardigan. grey topshop jeans (way too loose now). satin blue flats.
home from school. visibly tired.
you see, even the auto focus is dying. zzzz. and after i took this picture, my phone HANGED and i had to remove my battery to restart it. seriously. i need a new phone. better phone.
feeling blue.
these shoes made my feet hurt slightly. really not used to wearing flats. sneakers dominate my life. even glenda (ESL lecturer) knows. HAHAHA that other day i bumped into her in the canteen and she commented that i look very different now with my long hair, and the next thing she did, she looked down to my feet to check out my sneakers. HAHAHAH.
she knows i'm obssessed over sneakers man. i wore almost a different pair to her classes everytime.
i've since toned down a lot. and i still DO lust of certain pairs. like the awesome gucci ones you see on my blog. or this hot pink nike high sneaks. =( or plain old basic black leather converses. STILL, i've curbed my desire to buy them. because i don't think i'll get to wear them a lot now. sigh.
met fatbear after this work today for dinner. supposed to eat around my area. but in the end i don't know how we ended up going to his place to take the car. he had to bring luggage over to his 2nd sis's place. and then we went to get dinner.
i was starved. and a starved jielin is a grumpy, lifeless girl. i was so quiet on my way to find food. i think even if a kazua crawled infront of me, i wouldn't have the energy to scream. -.-''''
fatbear's shirt made him look like a bus driver today. HAHAHA. too big and sloppy looking! =( don't like.
and i realized, i really hate inefficiency. i've gotten so used to doing things quickly, at the optimum level. i hate, absolutely hate, wasting time. every second is important to me. and although i've gotten over the anal-ness of losing sleep time because i had to "perfectize" things, i still make extra effort in ensuring that i give all my best, and only the best.
because that is me. either i do it all, or don't do it at all.
it usually does pay off. which i'm glad and grateful for.
my point here is very random and away from what i mentioned above. but the thing is...little issues like SLOW computer start up, SLOW bus rides, INACCURATE bus journey timings and the like really make me flare up! it's weird, but that's what i've come to realize. i don't know if it's normal or not...but these things really bother me. =X
ANYWAY, we ate at lornie road's The Roti Prata House. new paper voted it to have the most crispy prata! and i agree. it's really interesting to my taste buds and something i've never have had before! crunchy. not too oily. and not overly overwhelming. wide selection too.
pardon the lousy pictures. because i wasn't anticipating a food outing today and left t77 at home. =X you'll have to contend with bad images of food.
the crispy prata. we ordered kosong. and onion.
mee goreng (red) which is apparently a favourite there too. almost every table had an order of it.
my normal egg prata. very filling. the egg is very eggy. HAHA. good curry too. not watery or bland like most.
close up of the crispy prata! can see very crispy hor! like thin crust pizza! HAHA.
had mutton soup too. tasted nice. been years since i ate mutton (last time was at SAJC's cafe). it's too heaty for me now. =( hai. stupid pimples outbreak.
complimentary bread to go with the soup.
and obligatory teh tarik. yums.
then....we drove over to....
rochor tau hauy store again. to have the dosage of beancurd. wheeeee. i had my tau huay zhui (soya bean drink) for some calcium and skin pampering. lol. it's a weekday and it's still unbelievably crowded. =.=
the prata house was ALSO packed to the seams. people were standing around waiting for tables. damn scary ok.
shows that good food really attracts people. and this is why they make money.
ok. end of entry. time to sleep. HAI. i might go visit my skin doctor again. my pimples are really pissing me off. can't delay the treatment anymore (even if i'm super broke still must save my face/skin first =((((( ).
money rain please.
and i really wonder who reads this blog.
it's really purely an outlet for my own ramblings. very much like a diary. only' that i try to keep names initialized. and sometimes i just don't mention names when the issue is too....controversial. in any sense, read and see pictures with a pinch of salt (unless i sound very solemn and serious).
if not, i might have to consider closing down my blog in the period of job search.
who knows, people might be googling my name to find out the background behind the name TJL. zzzz. not that i have anything to hide. but....i think my blog and writings here, may give the impression that i'm not to be taken seriously.
not the way to go!
=S i'll take a step at a time. nights.
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