lunch wasn't very yummy. but edible, as usual. dropped by fatbear's HEAVEN--SHENG SHIONG SUPERMARKET to get mini packs of cornflakes for my nibbling pleasures.
now, here i am sitting infront of the computer, ready to start telling you about DAY3 in taiwan. but yea, i reduced the pictures to be posted by like 70% because i was too lazy to wait for them to be uploaded and mostly are self-entertaining shots that have value HAHAH.
early in the morning, after a night of booze and play and lacking sufficient sleep, they brought us to this place selling local LINGZHI products. they conducted a mini health talk about the signs and symptoms of an unhealthy body...
dengdengdengdeng! i fall into most of the category wtf. HAHAHAHAH. but i didn't buy BECAUSE SO FUCKING EX =((((. but it was interesting nonetheless. and the tour guide plus the guy who owns the place kept asking us to drink the free cups of lingzhi on the table. i think i drank like 3 cups. zzzzz.
helped cured a little of my headache though.
continued onto our next destination. you can see that ed and monz are having a lot of fun HAHAHAHA. and behind them, you can see the singaporean couple i was talking about in the earlier entries. don't know why they look so stoned. must be the early morning. HAHAHAH. i realized we 3 couples are always the ones who rush down for breakfast with our luggage, then after gobbling, rush onto the tour bus to depart HAHAHAH.
toured around this national park. shit, i forgot the name. i think it's taroko. and the two boys decide to act a scene in a kung fun/matrix/whatever movie HAHAH.
hello love love monz! ehhh my tummy looks so big here!!! i was wearing 3 layers can!!! plus my super thick woolen gloves were stuck into my pocket, so i ended up with a fake tummy. wooooo. this is very dumplish-ish.
see that thing/mechanism at the top of the mountain? that thing is used by the yuan zhu ming people living up there to SLIDE all the way down to the bottom of the mountain. when they want to go back up, THEY HAVE TO CLIMB BACK UP SLOWLY BY FOOT. omfg. no wonder they have such power lungs.
some scenery and nature pictures.
ok! it's called TAROKO NATIONAL PARK! as you can see, the entire place is like made of rocks. zzz. NATURALLY. even all the paths were man-made. the roads too! they had to bomb away the rocks to make the passage ways for human and vehicle traffic! =S
all these debris came down from above because of the earthquake! omfg! so scary can.
it was really cold up here too. but better than day 2. you see, even this tunnel-like thing we were walking through is man-made, blown open using dynamites. 0.0 scary shits.
stopped at this little cafe tucked at some corner of the road for drinks and cake.
my lovelove monz HAHA. cute hor this picture.
lunch! after which i went to DANCE=shit HAHAH. cultured way of saying ok. SING=peepee.
visited this gem stone place.
look at this huge piece of jade!!! 0.0
real jade can permeate light.
cat's eye!
yes fatbear, hurry become rich ok. HAHAHA i want to be tai tai please! =D
with the rabbit! our zodiac!
fatbear and the pig HAHAHA. quite alike leh. =D
group picture again!
then it was a long long longggg bus ride to our WEN QUAN TREAT!!!! wheeee. even the hotel room's bathing facilities all are hot spring-based. this means when you turn on any tap in the toilet, the water that comes out all originate from the hot spring!!!
my slippers!
the hotel. the biggest in the area.
why hot spring is such a treat!!! honestly, my skin was SUPER smooth after enjoying the open-air hot spring for about half an hour (cannot dip too long!) and another 30mins or so in the room's bathtub. shiok leh..i miss it!! =(((
end of the day with a steaming bowl of maggi each. SHIOK!!! taiwan's maggi mee is like AWESOME SHITS. makes singapore's very lousy.
konked out early because the hot spring was simply too relaxing. =D
just did oxygen mask! then the black pearl mask from taiwan!!! wheee. MY SKIN SO SMOOTH NOWWWW. but still got pimples leh. kns. ok i'm off to eat dinner.
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