in any sense, first day of school consisted of one module--one class--PSY333 (organizational behavior) which lasted from 1145am to 115pm and i wasn't late! improvement! HAHA.
there was nothing to do after school but bum around. no one to go out with. no one to talk to. pretty sad i say. =( i think UGC112 is going to be worse. GAHHH.
nehneh bought the text, and cheapo me decided to photocopy instead, saving only $10 or so. BUT SAVINGS IS STILL SAVINGS! knn i pay for everything myself ok!! damn broke =(((. plus i don't think i'll be getting my pay anytime soon. sighhh. still got other text to get. =((((
and i have test next week already. GAHHHHHHH. hates.
and the most exciting thing that happened today was that as i was bumming around clementi central, waiting for the photocop uncle to get back from lunch before i can send my book for printing, i walked around in the bloody hot sun and decided to take a look around the pasar malam. no crowd. no need to squeeze. i like!
and the most most exciting thing today was i got really cheap steals there. HAHAHAHA. ok i'm damn cheapo but can buy clothes for so cheap, PLUS CAN FIT ME OK OMG I'M SO TEMPTED TO GO BACK AND GET SAME DESIGN DIFFERENT COLOR WTF.
and i found a piece i've wanted to get for damn long. and like 1/3 the price. -beams.
ok back to taiwan trip. DAY 2.
early morning, damn sleepy. because the day before was countdown. reached hotel only 3plus am. i didn't even bathe. washed my face and KOed on the bed. woke up at 5plus to bathe. left hotel around 7. came to the zi you guang chang.
it's this place where apparently you can hold demonstrations and "gatherings" for liberal reasons or whats not. no, you won't get arrested like in singapore.
the weather was good. albeit a little cold which caused me many episodes of shivering. took a tour group picture together with the tour guide--lao li.
monz became fang da tong for the day HAHAHAHHA. so irritating. she bought the geeky black specs and claims she's fang da tong and sings non stop HAHAHA. but damn cute lah. only monz can get away with that. LOL.
look! so many people gathered. tskkk. must be damn unhappy about some issues man.
i like this picture. the sun's rays have been positioned very nicely. i tried to create symmetry. but of course, i cannot do much with digital cams. not like dslr. but i'm still happy. and that dark colored thing on the top left corner of the picture was my glove. fucking cold i had to wear gloves to keep my fingers warm. made me had fat fingers which entered the picture though.
fatbear took shots of me. and i look so emo standing alone in this place wtf. machiam kenna dumped.
wheee. hi hi!! i look thin because i'm so small compared to the large building behind me! HAHAH. oh ya! winter really makes you pile on clothes just so you won't feel cold. i was damn kiasu cos' i know the next few days' itinerary would include places which are near the pacific ocean coast--hence i threw on many layers of clothings. i think i looked like a dumpling in many pictures.
but i'm not saying i'm very skinny to begin with lah. the layering just made me...dumpling-er.
but i guess most pictures turned out fine because of the different colors and shapes on my clothes. note to all: wear clothes with designs (eg. stripes, checks, shapes) and full of bright colors and your pictures will turn out really gorgeous.
next stop: YEH LIU!
FUCKING COLD I SWEAR. the wind was blowing so hard i couldn't walk in a straight line and i was shivering like god knows what. my teeth were clattering so violently they were making music by themselves. i had to hide behind fatbear to avoid the winds--which weren't of much help most of the time-because the winds came from all directions wtf.
ignore my spastic face. i think i had major facial cramps or something. you can see in this picture that fatbear STOLE MY SCARF!! HAHAHAHAH. i had to borrow from monz her scarf mans!! because fatbear wore the purple one for some time and realised it was abit too gay HAHAHA. then he made me exchange.
monz's back view. really majestic. such sceneries remind me of the power of nature, and how we've taken mother nature for granted, ignoring the beauty of their works.
can you see how our hair is flying!!! and the others are damn cold also. except this..erm..plump guy who walked like nothing mattered and the winds were like breezes to him HAHAHA. amazed. which reminds me of this erm..other girl who wore short sleeved t-shirts for almost all the days of the tour and did not even make a single shiver!
power sia!!! no need jackets one ok!! how they do it!!!
omg i took a picture with fang da tong HAHAHAHA. ok, although i only have one eye inside wtf. lousy aiming.
the guy statue is actually this man who saved people who were drowning in the sea at yeh liu on one occasion (some accident i think). unfortunately, he drowned while attempting to save more people. witnessing his courageous act, people errected a statue for him to commemorate his bravery and guts.
if you look closely enough, you can see really beautiful rays of sunlight passing through the clouds and shining down onto the surface of the sea. it looks almost godly. the sea was a shimmery silver. (: pretty aye.
hello hello!! you can see the rest of our tour group behind in a line.
with those naturally formed geographical landmarks over the years. my father and mummy went to yeh liu about 10 years ago too. infact they toured taiwan during their younger days. HAHA. and they kept asking me how the place has changed wtf.
cold sia. can see from my scrunched up face.
another angle! woots i look like i'm flyingg HAHA. but it's nice i think, this picture. my mum says i look like some korean tourist wtf. but i love the pretty it looks photoshopped in HA.
the rock that looks like a whale.
our tour guide took this for us! group shot! cold mannn.
ok fatbear really looks cute here HAHAHAHA. like small boy stuck in life buoy. must be good photograhper HAHAHA.
kns my picture too cluttered =(.
can you see the rays??!!
next, walked to the market which specializes in selling cuttlefish etc.
then back to the bus and to jiu fen to walk.
crowded like no one's business. because it was the new year break. had 4 days holidays. all tw people are out having holidays!!! roarrrr. the passage way only had room for two rows of people. one direction one row wtf.
you can literally be squeezed outwards/inwards without making any attempt to walk.
bought the mochi-s here. then ate a bit.
ate at this small corner. filled with many people, like eagles eyeing seats to be vacated so they could swoop down to occupy them. NO CHOPPING OF SEATS LIKE IN SINGAPORE OK! HAHAHA.
the infamous ru rou fan! with my favourite hard boil eggs WOOOOO!!! -drooling.
a steaming bowl of soup and some balls.
just to show how bundled up i was.
dessert to end off the meal. had beef noodles too. nice!!! didn't take a picture. don't know why sia. =.= saw cute malt candies.
this is for ABBY CHAN. for the good old days HAHAHAHA.
took the bus back down to the carpark where our tour bus was parked. because the roads were too narrow and dangerous for our tour bus to go all the way up the slopes.
next destination was a temple.
did some praying and wanted to take photos but i was damn tired and the smoke was getting to me. managed one UNshaky picture.
waiting for the bus. ate another thing.
some popiah-like skin, wrapping very fine, grounded peanuts and ice cream OMG. IT'S DAMN NICE. even though i was really cold, i ate it and LOVED IT. the peanuts were very crisp and smelt wonderfully fragrant.
and our tour guide gave us two huge oranges each. wtf. but i hate oranges. irony--we had oranges for almost every meal provided by the agency. arghhhh.
eating timeeee. dinnerrr.
bamboo rice!! yumss. like luo mee fan.
HAHAHA ed looks really hungry in almost all the pictures i have of him eating.
next stop! AH MEI VILLAGE.
their performances.
there was this guy who looked like he was of mixed parentage. damn shuai!!! and got 8 pecs ok!!! -drools. their wedding ritual.
this old lady comes out holding some leaves and dunno what to slap their butts. supposedly is blessings or something.
see that chair ?? the groom straps the chair onto his back. and he has to carry the bride all the way down the mountain or at least along the mountainous terrain on the day of the wedding.
because mountain terrain too rough and dangerous so cannot have like carriages or what lah. so must more primitive. and also goes to show the strength of your hubby-to-be HAHAHA. FATBEAR YOU CAN CARRY OR NOT! tskkk.
ok going back to the hotel. end of day 2. start of our OWN acitivites at night. =D hotel room.
the lazypig.
all bundled up in new clothes and ready to head out.
walked a mini night market for food sourcing. bought stuff from their supermarket also. for supper back at hotel room!!!
this guan zai ban thingy is quite yummy!!! (((: have many flavors to choose from too!
basically it's like french toast with lesser butter and the salty taste. filled with stuffings and flavors of your choice! very generous servings. served piping hot.
long queues yet again. some flavors were sold out by the time it came to us. rahhhh.
walked back with many many many different kinds of food and two large cans of beer wtf.
not the normal sized pints ok. it's the uber large ones.
played card games dai dee. drank and laughed throughout the night. finished supper session quite late. KOed in our rooms and had to wake up a few hours later for morning call and to pack and leave the hotel. gahhhh. that's day3. update soon.
enjoyed my day 2 thoroughly. (((: got high on alcohol. not drunk though. really fun!!! it's like tour without restrictions. plus with my best buddy, her bf, and my fatbear! loves.
ok. day2 is done. look out for day 3 SOON. i hope. i think. i'm trying.
com326 with MCNEIL hates. then UGC112 with 3/4 of the class i don't know. and 1/4 remaining of the class whom i know, but don't really care for. GAHHH. hates. should not have missed 112 with the rest back in that semester. =(
nevermind. everything happens for a reason. i'm about to find out mine.
i feel like scouting the pasar malam tomorrow again wtf. damn broke mans. MONEY MONEY MONEY COME TO ME, TEO JIELIN IS CALLING YOUUUU!!!
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