as you can see, i did facial mask at home. then ate round one of LAO YU SHENG with my nuclear family. was fun. made a few "calls of wishes" HAHA.
today's reunion dinner at popo's was okay. i arrived alone without the fam cos' the rest were still on their way. the rest of my relatives were there already. the moment i stepped in, my popo asked me why i didn't bring my bf along? and do i even have a bf?
amidst all the yellings across the room, shoutings and conversations, i managed a weak smile and surveyed the room.
no wonder. even my younger cousins were present with their partners. =.= awesome shits. my sis was arriving with her beau too. SIGH.
it's incredible. that helplessness. gahhhhh.
excuse me, i believe i can be married off ok!!!! zzzz. i'm so undesirable meh wtf? =((( aiya whatever, must get good career first. hmpfff.
anyway fatbear wasn't free also. plus he fell sick and went to see the docs. at least he's better now.
extended fam's TUAN YUAN FAN got no steamboat. catering SUCKED BAHHHHH. nuclear fam's TUAN YUAN FAN on sunday!!! whee whee bom pee pee. also no steamboat. i'm uber sad.
my first saturday in a long while when i don't have to work. and i feel uber restless. but thankful for the break. byebye.
update soon.
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